Mu buddy shuts himself to sleep

Hello everyone,
The issue is that I have a friend who gets all sleepy when I have a strong presence. The first time it happened was more than a year ago when we went to a place that has a strong natural vibration. It is a spring that supposedly a saint created by hitting the mountain rocks with a stick. And well the place has a presence of its own and high energy. Then was the first time he reacted in this manner towards energy and silence.
Nowadays, when I am in an elevated state he reacts the same way, it also happens when we go and play some music, while listening to me he almost falls asleep (perhaps I’m just boring?).
I suppose that either something in him avoids situations of opening taking into consideration that at 22 yrs old he has lost both hos parents and has to manage on its own, and with all this situation he never cried or felt down. Perhaps its something similar as to how we tend to shortly fall asleep during certain stages in our practices.
Maybe there’s something I can do, or stop from happening.

Maybe it is ok to let it happen. It sounds if he feels safe in your companionship and maybe it is helping him to processing his circumstances. Let it be, sit with him and be still. :pray:

It seems your friend may be particularly sensitive to energy, and if they do not have a spiritual practice, this is their body’s reaction to your radiation. Or it could be something else entirely not related. I like Charliedog’s advice to just be with them in silence when they are like this, perhaps in a setting that encourages grounding (lesson 69; outside activities).

Zamolxes, Reading your other post it sounds like you have two friends who struggle in the emotional realm. I get a sense you are very sensitive to emotional states in others. It is great you care so much about your friends mental health. I would give some thought to creating clear boundaries around emotional health. Being a friend who is caring is great, feeling responsible for their emotional well being can border on codependent. If you choose to pursue a career in therapy it will be even more important to have these boundaries well established.

Thank you everyone, In this case I won’t worry too much since he seems to be just fine. We share our worries together and then laugh it off with some meaningless stuff. I’m sure he is slowly figuring things out at his pace, learning his lessons and working with his inner obstructions in his own way. I was rather curious of the effect inner silence radiating out of yoga practitioners has on other people.
From my meetings I have found ou that most are unaware, especially those who live in their own world. For adults over 40 years it seems to draw out the inconviniences they swallowed up throughout their lives, for example I have an aunt who after hearing of my spiritual life was very worried of my future and even afraid that one day I would become ascetic. Then followed minutes of opinions and convictions that she had, and it sounded more like deep down she wanted to free herself from them. Then I have another friend who opens up a lot, not being able to talk of his inner aspirations with everyone, with me he seems to become someone else.
All in all, most of the time there’s no effect. When I started practices I dreamed of being a presence that relaxes people, but with time I forgot about it, and even learnt that sometimes it could do bad to sink someone in my presence, since they may get absorbed into some kind of inner conviction, which are mostly negative for everyone in my country.

from what I’ve read, your friend doesn’t cry? I believe crying is healthy and should not be avoided.

Hey Gustavo, glad to see you here! Your name reminds me of that guy from breaking bad hah.
Yes you are right, he doesn’t cry, didn’t when his father died, neither when he found his mom dead in the kitchen. He instead laughed. One time he went to a funeral, and he had a laughing fit, couldn’t stop at all. But that is just another way he releases his emotions. As for his journey, he is drawn towards christianity, and he began to study the bible amd going to church lately, and it seems he is making progress, showing some signs of inner purification caused by his desire to be a good man. He is taking some turtle steps right know, slow and steady, one step into what has been shown to him, to the next one that he shall find in his path of betterment.
Thank you for your concern Gus :heart: