Michigan Retreat May 2017

Hi everyone!
Every spring, we hold a weekend retreat in Michigan where the AYP practices form the central pillar for group activities in inquiry and healing.
Here are the details for this year’s retreat:
Inquiry during this intensive will center around Defining and Refining Life’s Purpose. We will explore the meaning of purpose or dharma in the context of a stable DM practice.
Where: Colombiere Conference & Retreat Center (www.colombiere.com). Nestled on 420 rolling acres of mature pines and hardwoods in Clarkston, Michigan.
Arrival: 10:30 AM on Friday, May 19, 2017
Departure: 2:00 PM on Sunday, May 21, 2017
Cost: $275 (includes private room and meals)
Prerequisite: Must have a stable DM practice for at least one month prior to retreat
Please send me a PM if interested. :slight_smile:
:heart: :pray:

I won’t be able to make it due to returning from France at that time, but I highly encourage anyone else who is interested to check out this retreat. I’ve attended 3 times, and each time has been highly rewarding. It’s a special place, and Kami is a super-special person. Take advantage.
Thank you, Kami, for continuing to carry the torch and light the way. [OM]

Great news! Hopefully I can make it. Fingers crossed.Looking forward to meeting you in person, sis. :heart:

Thank you, Kami for hosting such lovely retreat. It was a pleasure to meet you after all these years. The gorgeous and peaceful property was icing on the cake.
Your presence and knowledge is a gift. David’s stillness spoke throughout the weekend. It brought me to tears many times
David and you nicely complement each other like I mentioned in the retreat.
Eileen’s Asana and angelic touch. :heart: :pray:
The love and openness of heal your heart ladies and gentleman was touching.[OM] Everyone taught me something. Each person reflected the nine Samyama sutras.
I haven’t cried and laughed so much, three days in a row. The Unity of the group was felt strongly- Silence and Ecstatic bliss was palpable.
The light in me bows to the light in you. :heart:
And ofcourse Yogani the legend. :sunglasses: Your Love and Humility bring tears of joy every time I think of you. I can never thank you enough. :heart: :pray:

Wonderful to read, Sunyata. Wish I could have been there. Next time. :stuck_out_tongue:


:pray: :heart:

:heart: :pray:

Thank you dear Sunyata, for gracing us with your sweetness and openness. It was an honor to meet you.
Yogani, your loving presence is always there in all of our gatherings. Thank you. :pray:
Here is a link to pictures from the retreat:
Bodhi, we missed you!

Are there plans in the works for 2019? I want to put it on my calendar!
I can’t believe I’ve missed it all these years.

Are you still hosting these weekend retreats?
Thank you in advance!