Hi everyone!
We have finalized the dates for this retreat: the weekend of May 1 - 3, 2015. We will follow the regular AYP weekend retreat schedule, meeting late morning on Friday and ending after lunch on Sunday.
Here are more details:
Where: Clarkston, Michigan at the Colombiere Retreat Center - www.colombiere.com
When: May 1 - 3, 2015
Price: $250 for single or shared (double) rooms, all meals included
Leaders: Kami and Parallax
The retreat incorporates a balanced mix of asanas, sitting practices, grounding, discussion, learning sessions and bonding. Last year’s retreat was an amazing experience lead to major openings for me: Michigan Retreat 2014.
Please respond here or via PM to Kami or Parallax if you would like to attend.
Looking forward to seeing everyone there!!
sounds great
So 2 people can stay in a room for $250…meaning the retreat could potentially be $125 a person if you stay with another person in a room?
Just wanted to give a brief summary…
First and foremost, Matt and Kavitha really run a great show. Together, they make a terrific team. Matt’s humor keeps things light, and Kavitha’s inquiry keeps things deep. The best of both worlds. After 3 years of seeing them in action, I am more than satisfied and will be coming back for more.
I, along with my fine comrade Matthew from Tampa, arrived late Friday night. Without the help of Chas orchestrating our discount flights, we would have missed our chance entirely. But his vigilance and time-sensitive guidance payed off. Even though we missed the practice sessions on Friday, we got a good night’s sleep and rolled smoothly into Saturday morning. The sessions on Saturday were full of bliss and purification, and the Q&A opened up the floor for fertile discussion.
In the middle of the day, we applied Byron Katie’s formula of self-inquiry to situations in our life that were vexing us. I used her method to deconstruct my dissatisfaction with certain Advaita teachers (like Adyashanti, Eckhart Tolle, Mooji, etc.). The results were clarifying. I realized I need to worry less about them and focus more on my own practice and teaching platform. Alas, the greatest enemy is within.
Saturday night we had a bonfire, and thanks to Kathy, I was able to play her guitar and do some sing-alongs with the group. We also told stories and made a bunch of jokes at each other’s expense. True humility, gut-busting laughter, and authentic cheer.
On Sunday, after the final practice round, my perception had further refined into pristine, holographic mode…seeing everyone and everything as a reflection of myself, and seeing the perfection of our innocence, our efforts, and our evolving character. (Actually, I remember making a recent forum post in which I was contending with Jim & His Karma that the world is not perfect, but now I see his view as equally valid: the world is perfect…precisely because we are abiding by cause and effect across a boundless field of stillness).
Anyway, there is much gratitude and inspiration to pay it forward by doing a retreat in Florida.
Thank you to all who attended, and once again, to Kavitha and Matt for putting on a top-notch performance. [OM]
Cody, thank you so much for the kind words, the whole weekend was a beautiful play of stillness in action made possible by the wonderful sharing of everyone who attended.
I can’t say enough about Kavitha…she is an amazing leader, able to blend her experiences, knowledge and, most of all, Presence with an eloquent and engaging teaching style. To see the impact that she is having on the lives of the people in her Heal Your Heart program is humbling. Thank you Kavitha for allowing me the opportunity to participate, your presence is a blessing way beyond anything that I deserve
Cody, Chas, Bobby and Matthew…thank you guys for making the trip from so far away. Your inner silence, laughter, music and healing presence help to make the retreat what it is. I feel very grateful to call you my friends and love you very much [OM]
I was also so proud and inspired by everyone who participated from Kavitha’s HYH program. Their willingness to share so openly, to allow themselves to be vulnerable, to dive deep into practices and to soak up everything that was being discussed was absolutely beautiful.
It was an amazing experience for me; so much silence, so many connections, so many openings…words don’t do it justice.
And thank you Yogani for all of the support and guidance, seen and unseen. There is nothing I could possibly do to repay you for all that has been given. [OM]
Sounds great, if you were a bit nearer I would have been there
Thank you, Bodhi and Parallax for sharing and the superlatives.
This retreat was lovely! Everyone came with an open mind and eagerness to participate fully. It was humbling to see the level of engagement, particularly of the HYH folks. Many in this group have become long-term practitioners, and they dove into inquiry. I had introduced Nondual yoga in the group sessions a few weeks ago and we had another session on Saturday. It was very deep and the stillness was palpable. These folks came to HYH to fulfill their curiosity about yoga, to decrease stress or to help with their health conditions. Now some are talking about liberation and freedom from suffering! This whole process has been humbling and a catalyst for my evolution.
Parallax is the kind of partner everyone wants, and few are fortunate to have. It is beautiful to have a connection so deep that we fall in sync spontaneously. It is an honor and privilege to work with him.
Chas, Bodhi, Matthew, Bobby, Anne, Rohini and her friend came from out of town - thank you for sharing your radiant presence, the memorable music by the campfire under the clear starlit sky (and the full moon), the stimulating discussions… Thank you for everything.
Interesting fact about these MI retreats - they have always coincided with the full moon (never planned that way intentionally!).
None of this would be possible without our beloved Yogani. It isn’t hard for me to feel his guiding presence at any point, but he is undeniably there at these retreats. Thank you.
“…seeing everyone and everything as a reflection of myself, and seeing the perfection of our innocence, our efforts, and our evolving character.”
Wow, to die for sweet Bohdi Tree.