Once a year, a powerful time vortex presents itself for us to attain enlightenment with ease. This is the day/night of Mahasivratri. For a yogi/ni, Mahasivratri is the “Day/Night of Yoga”, the time to transcend, transform, evolve and attain liberation. Mahasivratri has been observed as the single most important vortex of time by the yogis and householders in India for thousands of years. Based on the planetary alignment with earth and the lunar cycle, this vortex of time holds the objectives of yoga as in being the Spirit having the human experience; as in being ‘liberated’ from the limits of the mind and as in having the grace of Source in our daily realities. This year of 2012, Mahasivratri falls on Feb 20th.
In practical realities, Mahasivratri offers-

Om Namah Sivaya…i marked it on my calendar :slight_smile:

gratitude divine maheswari! we are the ancient oneness of intent awakening humanity to realize each other as embodiment of the source. may we liberate ourselves and bless humanity in the joys of our being that alights!
aum namah sivaya