
Hello dear AYPers, old and new :slight_smile:
I would like to share a discovery that might help oversensitive practitioners: magnesium.
I wish somebody told me about it when I was dealing with overload, so I’m posting about it as it might help some of you.
Magnesium has a well researched role in neuronal activity. It’s involved in the release of neurotransmitters, synaptic plasticity and it helps protect nerve cells from damage caused by oxidative stress. The most obvious effect, after I started taking it, is that it’s a natural relaxant, reducing the excitability of nerve cells. It also helps sleep. So if you’re experiencing burnout, check out the levels of magnesium in your diet.
I find that it’s not easy to get the full recommended daily dose out of food alone, although I eat leafy greens, almonds and other magnesium rich foods. A few weeks ago, I have started taking chelated magnesium to cover about a third of RDA and I can certainly tell the difference.
Enjoy your practice and all the best :pray:

Thank you BR! So glad you are finding relief after many years. Did you know you were low on magnesium? Have you done a blood panel?

Hello Dogboy
Long time no speak. I hope life has been treating you kindly.
The long term relief was really to be found in self-pacing, i.e. finding the level of practice that suits my sensitivity level. Once we accept that and stop pushing, we don’t get into overload. I feel lucky for being sensitive - that means a little practice goes a long way. 15 minutes a day with a gentle form of meditation is all I need.
I think magnesium might possibly be an item on the grounding list, together with walking, a heavier diet etc.

My GP never mentioned a magnesium deficiency. They did find me low on iron a few years ago, but never prescribed a magnesium supplement.
The idea came during a discussion with a bunch of friends of various ages. One, in her 20s, said that she was taking magnesium, got better sleep and felt more energetic and relaxed throughout the day. Another one, about my age (who is also taking it) put 2 and to 2 together and gave me this argument: if you are sleeping so well after a bath with Dead See salts (which is something I noticed many times), that could well be because of the magnesium you are absorbing through the skin. I though that made a lot of sense, so I started researching it and eventually gave it a try. And it was a great idea.

Wow! Congratulations! :sunglasses: Yes I am well, and possibly in the best shape of my life. I too need little practice to find sensation, fortunately this body can take a lot without overload. Now in my sixties I’m channeling everything toward ishta in hopes of liberation. I recently retired and get outside a lot, grounding is an ongoing intention.
Isn’t it wonderful when we are open and silent enough, if our desires play out in our practices, if we have radiance, if we inquire, the answers come for us just in time. :pray:

‘When a man has found his path, heaven is gentle’ says Kung Fu’s Grasshopper. :slight_smile:
It’s nice you have time to do al these things. I’m busier than ever, in a good way. Maybe one day I’ll have more time to spend here too. Checking in every now and then, so as not to lose touch. Is good to see new names in the forum, keeping the discussion going.
All the best :pray: