I just wanted to share an insight I had last night.
I was doing my samyama practice last night when I realised that ‘love’ felt the same as the stillness I released it into. This got me thinking that ‘Love’ is actually the act of giving someone your full awareness. This is probably why in some cultures they say ‘I see you’ instead of ‘I love you’?
So in other words Love is seeing the universal self in another?
As good of a description as any
Is this what Yogani means when he talks about ‘outpouring divine love’? Does he basically mean more consistent pure awareness?
Dear Drystone,
Excellent observation! Yes, Love (same as deep listening) is giving someone your complete Awareness. Outpouring Divine Love is more an active outpour instead of just Stillness, it is Stillness in action.
Beautiful. Reminds me of some quotes by the French philosopher/mystic, Simone Weil.
“Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity.”
“The capacity to pay attention to an afflicted person is something very rare, very difficult; it is nearly a miracle. It is a miracle. Nearly all those who believe they have this capacity do not. Warmth, movements of the heart, and pity are not sufficient.”
Last summer I met a stranger in the middle of the woods, and we walked for a few hours together talking about tantra, buddhism, enlightenment, etc. We both had our depression and personal traumas, but there was a palpable field of what I would describe as deep peace and love that enveloped us. At one point they said, “It’s just nice to be seen.” And that was that.
I was listening to this precise reading of Simone Weil done by Samaneri Jayasaya some weeks ago. Absolutely beautiful. Linked below if you love her works as well.
It’s one of my favorites.
Drystone, Thanks for sharing this insight. It resonates with me. In a recent difficult conversation with my wife I was able to give my full attention/stillness/awareness/nonreactivity to the conversation despite some unpleasant content. That was as close as I think one can get to truly loving another individual.
Absolutely wonderful ,
Thanks Sey