
So…how the all loves me and how I love the all is the same twisted pattern. It’s a chicken or the egg thing, I don’t remember what came first.
So love starts with anger and then a hiding, an alone feeling. I can recognize this as love and receive it, but I’d like to straighten it out. I don’t want to give that out anymore.
I don’t know how to straighten it out. If I start messing around and try to fix stuff, it gets messy.
It seems like my best course is my Ishta and Samyama. I’m sure there are other ways.

:slight_smile: :sunglasses: thank you for sharing!

Amen, and Hallelujah. :pray:

ah, the “anger… hiding… alone feeling” - longing - sounds an awful lot like “The Devotional Poems of Mirabai,” which in turn echoes “Jayadeva’s Gitagovinda.” Some schools including, I think, ISKCON, say that this state of separation or longing is the ultimate. I disagree, but to each their own.
You said you don’t know how to “straighten it out” or “fix” it. I’m not sure anything needs to be “fixed” but if it does, I totally agree w/ you that the best course is through your Ishta, and I’d hold 'em to it! Hence Radha’s anger at His seeming fickleness. Fortunately this classic story ends w/ perfect Union and ecstasy. :heart: :pray:

I’m not sure anything needs to be “fixed” but if it does, I totally agree w/ you that the best course is through your Ishta, and I’d hold 'em to it! Hence Radha’s anger at His seeming fickleness. Fortunately this classic story ends w/ perfect Union and ecstasy. :heart: :pray:
[/quote]Nice metaphor :heart:

Oh Radharani,
I just love you and your advice.

My Ishta is finally sending a small amount of light into my heart( not too much). A little bit and a little bit.
Yes, I’m holding him to it. It’s hard to stay mad at him with the light and all.

:pray: Lalow


I love you too. :heart:

what a love fest over here! :heart: :heart: :heart:

:heart: :heart: