Last Kriya

Dear Yogani (and humble members of the forum)
recently i read about a practice called “last kriya”, a pranayama technique where one is enabled to leave his body through the third eye in order to cease this life.
I am concered with the possibility that whilst practicing bhastrika pranayama i would accidently execute this technique and cease my life.
Would this be possible? I would appreciate any insights in this matter.

Hi Alexander
Welcome to the AYP forum.
I’m not familiar with the “last kriya” technique, but leaving your body is not something that will happen just like that, by some involuntary accident during your sitting practices. Only the very, very advanced accomplish it.
Our life is strong in us. It takes a serious disease, a very bad accident or the frailty of old age to extinguish it. Even if you get bastrika wrong, you might end up with some bad overload, but you are not going to die.
If, for any reason, you don’t have a good feeling about bastrika, you can focus on other practices. There are plenty of them in the AYP book. I assume you are practicing AYP, since you have posted in the “AYP Pranayama, Mudras and Bandhas” forum.
I hope your practice is bearing fruit. Enjoy! :pray:

Hi Sarasvati and all…
I thought it might be helpful to share a quote from a correspondence that I had with yogani in the AYP Plus forums because it is related to your question (I do have yoganis permission to share it).
The topic was quite similar but referring to YMK respectively lesson92

Hi yo_gi:
Some people believe that practices and going out through the third eye are an escape from mundane life, and that statement in Lesson 92 is to discourage the false belief. Not to worry, we will always come back, though some practitioners may get overly attached and try to “stay out” in the bliss realm. It is not real, only escapism. Practices are for enriching life on earth, not escaping life on earth. Our time to move on will come, when we have completed our work of purification and opening here. We will leave when we love everything about this life. That is true transcendence, and unity.
This does not mean we should avoid ecstatic experiences or natural beyond-the-body experiences. It just means clinging to them will not be productive. There is a time for everything, and we can’t force the situation. We can just keep practicing and let it happen without too many expectations about what the outcome is supposed to be.
Balance of pranas is a sign of purifying sushumna, and this does expand our view. That too will occur naturally with practices, and letting expectations about it go will help the process. It is all about practicing, going out and living fully in the world, and finding that we can let go in rising stillness – in the world but not of the world. With this, we find we are in the best position to give back for the benefit of all. That is the full circle of enlightenment. It is not about getting out of here. Just the opposite. It is about bringing the divine in here.
All the best!
The guru is in you. :pray:

Hope that helped… :slight_smile:

Yes i am practicing since Dec. 2017.
I bought the two Volumes of Advanced Yoga Practices.
Until now i hesitated to bother anybody here with my feelings and thoughts and kept them to myself.
But thank you so much for this claritication. My mind no longer could be concerned about this then.
Blessinsg to you all.

You are very welcome, Alexander.
Don’t hesitate to ask questions about your AYP practice. This is what this forum is for.
All the best :pray: