Kundalini struggles with physical activity and head pressure

Hi all,

I’m honestly not quite sure if there is a solution for this, but I’ve had a head pressure issue regarding kundalini for years now. To summarize my situation, I had a very explosive kundalini awakening out of the blue through meditation (not drug induced) almost 7 years ago, and I’ve been dealing with a whole range of symptoms/signs since. The most notable one being increased head pressure (to the point where it would affect my thoughts, energy levels, and emotions) from physical activity that lasted longer than 20-30 mins. The longer and harder I was physically active, the more time it would take to recover energetically and what I mentioned earlier. I don’t lift weights or do anything extreme anymore, after experiencing just how much negative impact it was having on my energy body with an active kundalini, but even things like swimming, volleyball, tennis, cycling, hiking, etc. can be too much. Especially when I’m alone and the energy rushes to my head after playing sports for 1-2 hours, somehow my emotions, thoughts, and energy levels get noticeably worse, until a day or two passes and I return to my normal mental state.

I had hoped it would work itself out after waiting patiently, but even after 7 years, despite a lot of healing and purging going on, this head pressure thing is still preventing me from being physically active more times a week. I only play sports once a week on a Friday evening because I need at least a day or two to recover on the weekend. Weekdays are impossible since I have work the next day, and I’d be too mentally anxious and frazzled (and energetically exhausted) to focus. To the point where I’m too energetically drained to do anything else but lay in bed and watch TV. One other thing is that physical activity always makes me too energetically charged, so much so that I am unable to fall asleep until 2-5 am that night, if at all. Not a fun situation when you gotta be up early the next day for work. Luckily, I only need to be in the office twice a week, but I’ve tried so many things and I’m still struggling with this.

I read online recently that exercise and physical activity can potentially increase the flow of prana, so somehow that may be what’s happening to me, albeit kundalini is the one exacerbating the issue. I’d love to be able to play sports more than once a week but it feels like kundalini is demanding me to self-isolate and reduce physical activity as much possible, to the detriment of my own mental health (not being able to meet new people and not getting enough exercise on a weekly basis). I ground myself in other ways like eating meat, watching TV, masturbating (pls don’t use this as a reason to advocate/market SR), holding down an office job, etc. I do psychic protection as well (my own version that I’ve found works for me).

It feels like kundalini wants to go up and explode out of my head chakra, but nothing significant has happened yet, other than the kundalini activation itself and feeling kundalini’s presence within. Genevieve Paulson mentions in her book that in extreme cases, when the blockages are so severe, kundalini goes straight to work bypassing any bliss or mystical experiences. Which is evidently my situation, even after 7 years of waiting. I’ve basically been in a dark night of the soul all this time. Note: I don’t meditate or do any yoga at this point. I did gentle yoga on and off over the years but recently any meditation or yoga excites kundalini a little too much, which increases my fear and anxious thoughts, plus insomnia. So I’ve chosen to let kundalini do its thing and heal me over time. I’ve also been doing my best to surrender and let go of internal resistance, though it’s easier said than done. I’m not in any rush.

However, the head pressure thing is very difficult to manage and I’m considering getting medications to deal with it if I want to be able to play sports and be a little more physically active on weekdays. Generally, walking for short periods outside is fine and it’s all I can manage right now, besides playing on a Friday evening. I’m not sure if anyone else experienced something similar and found a long-term solution after years of agony and struggling? I generally know if something will excite kundalini or not, so I will gratefully take any advice you guys can offer, but with a grain of salt, having tried different things over the years. Kundalini may just need more time to deal with my completely unprepared and spontaneous awakening. In the meantime, the little me (i.e. ego) has to struggle immensely dealing with all these of symptoms. I live in Canada, and haven’t really found anyone who is able to help me out yet. I am generally somewhat distrusting of people when it comes to kundalini matters because most people don’t realize that symptoms can present themselves in any manner of ways, depending entirely from person to person.

I really want to be able to enjoy sports on a more consistent weekly basis and while I’m doing my best to surrender, I’m having a hard time, after going through so much over the past 7 years. Are there healers out there who can help, or is surrendering to kundalini and riding it out (no matter how long it takes) my only option?

Anyways, any insight would be much appreciated :slight_smile:


Hi Radagast,
Thank you for sharing your story. Your symptoms are unusual, and especially the strong reaction to even low-intensity exercise. You may want to get a complete medical checkup to see if there are any medical conditions present.
Best wishes!


Hi Radagast,

I would agree with Blanche, that it would be good to get checked out by a physical doctor.

In terms of kundalini, and how to proceed, it is difficult to say without knowing more about your situation:

  1. What triggered your kundalini awakening? Were you engaged in spiritual practices in addition to meditation at the time? And what kind of meditation were you doing?
  2. What spiritual practices have you been doing over the last 7 years? Have they included pranayama?
  3. What is the psychic protection that you do?
  4. Are you getting symptoms at the crown of your head, and if so, what are they?

Will do, but the last time I did a checkup, there was nothing out of the ordinary. My guess is that my spontaneous and quite accidental release of kundalini opened up gateway that’s I wasn’t prepared to handle. Most of the time, kundalini is just humming in the background, but after physical activity, kundalini gets over-excited, to the point where I’ve had to stop doing physical activity as much as possible. But clearly something is not working properly, despite my best efforts to surrender and wait it out.

I will do another medical checkup. Just not sure what to tell them about this peculiar symptom. Guess I’ll just mention that I’m having issues with moderate to severe head pressure after physical activity and not mentioning kundalini.

I read online recently that physical activity can increase the flow of prana in the body, so coupled with an active kundalini, it could be causing some intense imbalances.

  1. I was 19 years old at the time, and was doing NoFap for about a month and a half, and meditating daily. Also doing yoga regularly and basically inviting spirituality into my life. Being very aware of my thoughts and undergoing a cathartic emotional/traumatic release at the time. I struggled with porn my entire life and when I was 19, I developed a sudden desire to change my life. Which subsequently led to significant lifestyle changes and emotional processing at the time. I would say I had a spiritual awakening first, followed by kundalini awakening. All of this happened in the span of less than 2 months. Literally no preparation for kundalini whatsoever. I was reading lots of spiritual books back then too.

I wasn’t doing any form of meditation in particular. Just sitting in stillness for 30-60 mins and letting everything get processed.

  1. I stopped all spiritual activities for the last 7 years. I’ve tried now and again to meditate or even do yoga, but they tend to exacerbate things (increased fear, emotional purging, insomnia, etc). No pranayama either. Basically just doing my best to surrender to kundalini and focus on my normal earthly life as much as possible. But due to my struggle with physical activity, I’ve basically become a recluse from society, besides work (I work a hybrid office job) and playing volleyball once a week on Friday evenings.

  2. Just a simple white light protection. I just visualize a layer of white light surrounding my entire physical body. I’ve noticed that it helps a lot in keeping my energy/emotions from affecting others and vice versa. I become very sensitive to external influences after kundalini activated and always had a difficult time processing my emotions and feelings after coming home from exposed to people during the day. So I’ve kept at it because it’s been helping me over the past few months. Nothing crazy, just white light surrounding my physical body and I do it as many times throughout the day as needed.

  3. Hmm, hard to say as the symptoms range from mild to severe, and always get more intense after doing physical activity. Basically, the longer I’m physically active, the more intense the emotions and thoughts the next day and the head pressure gets more intense for a day afterwards. When I tried lifting weights a few years ago, the head pressure would stick around for at least 2 days. So I’d basically just be recovering emotionally, mentally, and physically. But other symptoms at the crown, from the top of my head, I would say: brain fog, unable to read consistently (I can do it, but it’s difficult to stay focused sometimes), thoughts and emotions all over the place sometimes (though with white light protection, it’s gotten a little easier to handle), having experienced extreme fear and panic over the years, and just too much energy in the head sometimes. So I try to ground myself as much as possible, but unable to really exercise anymore.


Hello Radagast,
I’ve been an AYP practitioner for 2 years and have been doing meditation for over 3 years.

While I certainly haven’t experienced all of the things that you talk about, I have experienced some of them. I used to sometimes exercise (weight-lifting) later in the day or in the evening and I noticed that it was harder to sleep after it. I’ve also noticed similar insomnia issues when socializing until too late at night (this part seems different than your case). Some practical things that have helped me navigate this situation:

  • If I do physical exercise, I do it in the morning. For example, before lunch.
  • I try not to stay out socializing until too late in the evening (this may not apply to you)

Anyways, I don’t know if this helps :man_shrugging: but I wish you all the best with your situation. I can only say that it is usually the higher intensity exercise that causes issues (for me and probably for others). Also, I agree that there can be a lot of disinformation regarding Kundalini issues (especially on the Internet). Luckily, we do have some members in this community that really are knowledgeable in these matters.


Hi Radagast,

It does sound as if you have experienced a premature crown opening. This can lead to difficult symptoms that can go on for years. In your case, if it was triggered by simple meditation, then it is likely that you are extremely sensitive to spiritual practices. The noFap probably did not help either, as retaining semen for long periods of time can make kundalini symptoms worse, and sometimes lead to premature awakenings.

As Selfpaste mentioned, there are two different kinds of physical activity when it comes to managing painful kundalini symptoms. Strong physical activity will often make things worse, whereas light physical activity such as walking, swimming ect. usually helps to make things better. Then there are things in the middle like cycling, that are not light, or strong, and how they affect people can depend on the individual. In extreme cases, when things are really out of control, even light activity can be too much.

I would suggest dropping the psychic protection practice. Visualising white light surrounding your physical body is likely to make things worse rather than better, especially if you are doing it often.

You may find these lessons helpful:


Usually, kundalini symptoms increase with spiritual practices, especially when the amount and the intensity of the spiritual practices vary a lot (the yo-yo schedule) - e.g. three-hour daily practices for two months followed by barely any practices for two weeks, then back to three-hour daily practices. Kundalini symptoms tend to diminish with gentle physical activity such a walking or gardening.

It is a good idea to mention to your doctor the head pressure that you experience after physical activity. It can be an increase in intracranial blood pressure related to other possible conditions. If that is the case and it gets treated, your spiritual journey will benefit.

Best wishes!


Thanks Tristan. I’m getting a little desperate because I’ve spent all these years struggling on my own trying to figure things out. There’s clearly something wrong, especially after 7 years with no major improvements in my kundalini state. I can do very light physical activity, but it’s killing me to not be able to go out and live my life the way I want because I’m stuck either working or recuperating from whatever kundalini is throwing my way at each phase. Being young is why it makes it even harder to live like a recluse/hermit, and the path that I choose for myself won’t be one of an ascetic or hermit solely focused on enlightenment/liberation. I want to be interactive with the modern world.

I believe when my kundalini activated, I may have unconsciously prevented the energy from reaching out through the crown and out of the head. And instead, unconsciously restricting kundalini from correctly piercing through the chakras and nadis (I don’t really know much about the internal energy system). I distinctly remember the event 7 years ago. While deep in meditation, I saw the Nun from the horror movie Conjuring (I didn’t know what was happening at the time) and experienced deep fear with the arising of kundalini. I remember being paralyzed for a few minutes from the energy and desperately praying to God for help.

Anyways, it wasn’t a smooth awakening journey, to say the least haha. Nothing I can do about that now. Interesting, the white light protection practice was recommended to me from the kundalini subreddit. And it seems to be helping a lot, I only just recently started doing it (last few months), so just to clarify, the psychic protection is a very recent thing I started. I was having all this head pressure issue from the beginning, way before I started doing any psychic protection.

Is there no possibility for me to someday go back to the physical activity I was so heavily invested in prior to my awakening? I’m only 25 years old, and I was very physically active before kundalini erupted. I tried experimenting with different forms of exercise and sports over the last few years and getting into head pressure imbalances afterwards, which would always take a day or two to fully recover from.

It seems that I need outside help because I can’t figure this out on my own, but I’m not sure who to go to. Do you know anyone in Ontario, CA that may be able to look at my energy and perhaps provide some healing and relief? I made so many sacrifices in my life to accommodate kundalini’s demands over the years and I am somewhat ashamed to say that I handled my awakening very poorly. Mainly because I didn’t have any guidance and I was being stubborn to undergo the journey by self like an idiot, so I made mistakes. I’m okay with whatever happened in the past, but I want to start turning my life around, even if it’s one step at a time. But I obviously can’t do it alone.

Anyways, thanks for the links you shared. They were actually quite helpful, especially the one on the Drama of a Premature Crown Opening. Very relatable to what I experienced, except I didn’t have any siddhis or third eye mystical experiences. The only opening I experienced was 7 years ago when my vision of the world suddenly changed one day. Where previously, the world through my eyes looked dull (like the “Standard” setting on a TV screen), my eyes now see the world in a “Vivid” setting (brighter, more “transparent” and colourful). Kind of difficult to explain but it’s been like that for 7 years, so it’s just my natural state now.

I’ve read that kundalini can activate spontaneously sometimes because of past life practices but to have it awaken in a 19 year old kid who still had a LOT of healing and trauma to work on was a dumbass move on God’s part, LOL, even if for whatever reason, my soul/Higher self asked for it at the time of the activation.

Thanks again.


Hmm, actually, the socializing in the evening thing I might be able to relate to. I’ve noticed that after playing volleyball on Fridays from 6-8pm or 8-10pm, I have a really hard time when I get home. My emotions get really intense and the loneliness becomes tenfold. I guess I’m still holding on to wanting to be normal and fit in with society, but kundalini is trying to take me wherever it’s taking me.

Unfortunately though, doing any physical activity before 3-4pm actually exacerbates things for me. I’ve noticed this many times. I even tried going for walks first thing in the morning after doing some light stretching last year, only to notice that the head pressure got really intense afterwards. Even if it was just a 10-15 min walk across the block. I’d have to spend the rest of that day with a foggy mind and my emotions and thoughts somewhat out of control. If I go for the same walk in the evening, it’s completely okay (as long as the walk isn’t super long) and I don’t notice significant downfalls in my mental and emotional state. It’s a very strange thing, but I’ve had to cut down on any intentional physical movements/exercise before 3-4pm, besides just walking around the house or the office.

I’m kind of tired of dealing with these severe imbalances after so many years.


Is there a possibility that kundalini reveals underlying medical conditions for one to deal with through modern medical healthcare? This head pressure thing only started AFTER kundalini activated, and before that, I was engaged in lots and lots of physical activity throughout my life. It took a long time to stop being adamant on continuing my old way of doing things, regarding physical activity. I ended up gaining weight over the years and that too took a toll on my mental health.

Also, yes, I do not do any spiritual practices. I’ve dropped all meditation and yoga because it was amplifying kundalini and the fear quickly increased. I tried Tai Chi classes and some online Qigong videos from Youtube in the past too, but those also were causing energetic imbalances, so I had to stop.

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Hi Radagast,

Yes, certainly there could come a time when you are able to return to the level of physical activity that you were doing before your kundalini awakening. When that time is, will depend a lot on how well you are able to self-pace your practices and engage in grounding activity. This would include avoiding altogether any physical activity that makes your symptoms worse. If you want a fire to go out, but you keep throwing logs onto the fire, it isn’t going to go out. In fact, all you have to do is to stop throwing the logs on, and it will go out eventually on its own. It could take a few months, or a few years. The time it takes will depend on your unique matrix of obstructions.

And I would not go blaming yourself for not letting the energy move through your crown chakra during your initial awakening. It does not work like that.

And the reason I recommended you to stop the white light visualisation is that visualisations like that usually increase the flows of prana in the body, making any kundalini symptoms worse over the long term. You may have been recommended the practice in order to try to protect you from lower entities. That is only useful if you are being attacked by lower entities, and so far you have not reported that. So, if you are not being attacked, then dropping it would be wise. Even if you are being attacked, there are better ways of managing that than using a practice that can make kundalini symptoms worse.

Don’t lose hope. Remember that you are in control of your life and you can choose not to do the things that make your situation worse.


Gotcha, thanks Tristan. I try not to blame myself as I am aware that these thoughts and mindsets are just kundalini cleansing through all the loops and feedbacks that I’ve carried, through lifetimes. But I ended up believing a lot of it over the years and mentally sabotaging myself in so many ways. Again, I don’t blame myself anymore but I went through some very dark places in my mind over the years. Anyways, the darkness doesn’t scare me as much anymore (I’m aware kundalini works primarily on the lower chakras first in the beginning).

Hmm, interesting insight about the white light protection. I still struggle with porn and when physical activity makes things too intense, I often feel a strong need to masturbate and porn helps in some strange way to ground myself. It’s been a wild journey because I came from a background of a previous porn addiction and fell back into all those bad habits and my former self.

At the same time, I’m very sensitive to external influences like being around people and feeling too energetically drained afterwards, hence why I felt that WLP was helping me. I’ll try easing down (maybe stopping altogether for some time) on the white light protection and see where that gets me.

Thanks again!