Hi there friends,
Does anyone know a detailed description of what happens when kundalini PERMANENTLY resides in shahasrara?
Please note that I’m not asking about TEMPORARY kundalini ascent to crown chakra experienced in kundalini awakening.
I can’t find detailed info about this topic. Book references are best but Webpages, papers, etc. are OK too. Please let me know. Thanks.
Hi Yogalearn,
I wrote a short piece on this subject on Quora a couple of months ago. It is here
There is also a lesson on the crown chakra by Yogani here. This also deals with the subject of how to go about opening the crown chakra.
Dear Christi,
Thank you very much. I’ll read both right away. Thanks.
Dear Christi
This is awesome details you have described in the video. Have you ever swiped the Amrit beads with your finger and tasted it?
Hi Zero,
I am assuming you are referring to this video?
I believe the drops of amrita themselves are etheric in nature, so they cannot actually be touched, but the oil residue can be. It has a very bitter taste.
The amrita that drips down inside the nasal pharynx, into the throat has a taste that can start out bitter, but then gradually become sweeter over time (weeks/ months/ years). It is described in the texts as a “sweetness that is not like honey or sugar”.
I have experienced it flowing forth from the heart chakra as well.
I once had this beautiful spiritual experience where a tear-like drop of amrita originating from the heart, grew larger and as it was about to break, Jesus bend over me, scooped it in his hands and drank it.
I evaporated into ecstatic bliss.
It doesn’t reside permanently in the crown.
The crown is a gateway, and you have from below up towards the top of the head, and from above it down into the head.
This is my experience.
Most references are the first, and that is very rich kingdom with unending experience. As the shakti-sound flows down into it, it forms a dripline like a circle which the front and rear bindu points are on. This dripline is the moon energies (nectars) and the first place where the shakti gains an essence of physicality. The Shushumna in its golden aspect originates here
From above the head, this is where the chakras and vajra nadi originates from and reflect down into the body instantly like a moon. The images of the 1008 petals is from this point. Within each petal are elemental seeds which instantly blossom into elemental qualities in the nadis of the body and particularly as a mandala in the heart first. It is an essence of bliss- energy, not just the pleasant underlying happiness bliss, but intense bliss, like the sun. As such it is very imperceptibly thin and bright in the core of the body. This is creative force of creation beyond limit.
Traveling up as para-kundalini brings cosmic consciousness. This is what following into the white star in the kriya lineage is, or chinta. That opens into the gateway beyond all of this. Coming back from that, you never leave it. There is no where to leave it. The subtle body that instantly forms on the descent then becomes the action of cultivation, taking whatever form in the interplay through the worlds and in your heart.
Above the head can be entered through the formless depth of the heart, and that is how you maintain a continuum from beyond form into form. So in summary, while you can anchor your awareness strongly in the crown center, your kundalini cannot reside there permanently. It transcends itself and you either die because there is no pranic support in the body, or experience para-kundalini into kundalini into your identity and then chop wood and carry water. It moves either down (which also moves up) or up (which also moves down). It is not the nature of it to stay in the crown for long, of that manifestation of stillness because shakti is its other side and will go one way or the other.
Hi Virochana,
You may find this lesson on opening the crown chakra useful:
And this one:
And this lesson on the end game of yoga:
Christi - Seriously?
My reply was for Yogalearn, and is from direct (starting 4 decades ago), permanent, ongoing beauty as to his question, and sharing it is the possibility to invoke from another angle.
As to the last link you shared, that is also my experience (how can it be any different) - yet that does not create the continuum to the same degree as the yogis who transverse and remain awake within the depths of self definition through universal oneness. There are some gems in what I wrote that might be of benefit for some. I appreciate your service and kindness to others, and as yogis remind each other of, there’s more in that which has no more to say.
Hi Virochana,
We can all benefit from the things that others have shared. We can take what is useful and leave what is not. And others can benefit from what we share, taking the wheat and leaving the chaff.
At some stage on the path we realize that we didn’t start anything four decades ago. Or, end anything four decades ago. How could we have done? And that is also part of the ongoing experience of the crown, and of the heart centre. We begin to see clearly that time, and the person who travels along it, both exist only in the mind. They are both a part of the dream too.
At a certain point we have to take a leap to the further shore, and see the world from there. Then nothing will upset us. How could it?
When Kundalini permanently resides at the very top of Sahasrara (called Bindu in some traditions), there is a permanent state of Oneness.
It is good to remember that each of us is unique, so whatever particular experience we hear about from others about their Kundalini ascent, it is more likely that we will have a different one. It is interesting to learn about others’ experiences, and it is good to hold lightly on them, as attachment to any particular experience could be a hindrance on the path. It is also good to keep in mind that the ascent of Kundalini to the crown is not the end of the spiritual development. This is the case here, and I do not mean that I have any ultimate statement on this topic.
There might be fireworks opening the crown, or it might be a simple overflow of energy from Ajna with an intense and pleasant rising of the crown (it feels like a royal crown probably feels) and then opening the petals of the lotus on top of the head. For a while, there are times when the lotus closes somewhat, like a flower during the night, and then opens up especially during spiritual practices and spiritual situations.
When Kundalini or the Divine-Within gets to the very top of Sahasrara above the head, there is the experience of Oneness. It may come with an incredible light. We might start hearing choirs of angels. It can be a state of rapture. There may be other experiences. At the beginning, it is hard to function in everyday life in this state, so maybe that is the reason Kundalini drops back to the upper Ajna. And after a while, it goes up again! Up and down it goes, and with each trip it becomes a more familiar and better integrated state. In time, the state of Oneness expands and becomes part of normal daily life, so Kundalini can inhabit the top of Sahasrara for longer and longer periods. It is a state of Samadhi in regular activity, in sleep, in meditation. Eventually, Sahasrara and its top, the Bindu, becomes part of Kundalini residence.
Kundalini is not the same as prana (energy). Kundalini is the God inside each of us. It is the Divine Power. As Kundalini ascents, it is like God reclaims its natural residence in the palace of our being. When it goes up, it does not mean that the lower levels of the palace (or lower chakras and nadis) are vacated. It is more like the inner palace is filled to the brim with Divine Presence. And then it overflows in the entire world. We are filled with Divinity, our being becomes transparent to the Divinity, and it radiates in the entire world. Yogani says that we become a light in the world. It is not some aloof passive state, but an active participation in this world as we surrender to our destiny, surrender to our dharma, to our life purpose.
As about Kundalini residing permanently at the crown, it seems that it can do that, and it can also choose to eventually take main residence in any other place in the subtle body. And this is another topic for another day.
The guru is in each and every one of us.