Short background my kundalini had risen once again after 6 years of the main awakening process chakra by chakra in few days it reach the crown chakra and at night I was having spontaneous kechari mudra for the whole night while sleeping when I wake up it was over then after few days I noticed an incredible boost in the health happiness and joy for everything in life and after 2 months of this happiness and joy everything disappear my intuition disappear I cannot feel my kundalini working energetically in my body I feeling numb depressed all my knowledge about spirituality is gone I feel like a normal person again is that mean my kundalini stop all the work or went dormant, or even it can leave my body by the top of the head after kechari ?
Please guys help me i really don’t know what to do i am so lost my intuition is gone, someone know what is going on ?
Welcome magnotd
A few questions:
What is your meditation practice, how often and how long?
It is obvious you have a strong attraction to your experiences, perhaps too strong for your own good? Experiences come and go along the way, and it does you no good to mourn it like a lost lover.
Why are you depressed because you are normal person? “Normal” doesn’t come easy for many (I have an autistic daughter)
Did you really lose your intuition? Are those but mind thoughts?
Chasing after experiences is a waste of your spiritual capital, it is best to settle into a safe and joyful practice, using the body memory of your experiences as Bhakti to keeping a daily discipline. You don’t lure a wild bird to land on the palm of your hand if you are anxious. It is best to be patient, calm, observant, quiet, loving, relaxed to succeed. You always allow it to leave, the goal should not be to claim it.
Thank you Dogboy for your reply, sorry for my bad English is not my native language
My main practice are mantras chanting for about 30 mins daily.
I understand your point
Yes I am very attracted to experiences because so far those experiences could tell me where I am in the journey. But now that they are gone I don’t know what to do, I feel lost and everything I earned in those years in the journey is gone
I am depressed because I cannot feel that bhakti for god like I used to have.
My intuition I could feel on my skin that my mantras and all the rest that I was doing in my life I was the right path, but now I can’t feel that anymore
Hi Magnotd,
Welcome to the forums!
First off, experiences are not an indication of where we are on the spiritual path. Experiences come and go and can be anything. The most useful question that we can ask ourselves after any experience is this: “What was I able to let go of?”.
In terms of kundalini, the energies in the body can rise, they can also fall. At times they can feel strong and even overwhelming, and at other times they can feel very calm. And kundalini can also become dormant, despite what anyone else may tell you.
The most important thing is to have an effective daily practice that is going to lead you gradually towards liberation. This means a practice which cultivates peace, serenity, equanimity, joy, compassion and love. These are the most important qualities to cultivate on the path and also the most difficult.
My suggestion would be to begin at lesson 10 and follow the lessons through from there, building up a long term stable practice. That way you will cultivate the equanimity needed to be able to navigate the highs and lows of ecstasy that come at different stages of the path. The spiritual journey is a long one and it is very important to build stable foundations from the beginning.
I did an analysis and actually my kundalini become dormant do you have any tips on what i should do to return to normal or wake her up ?
Thank you so much!
Hi Magnotd,
Do you have a daily spiritual practice, and if you do, what is it?
Hi Christi at the moment i am not practicing anything. Do you have any suggestion ?
Hi Magnotd,
I would suggest you follow the AYP lessons through, building up a daily practice that includes meditation, spinal breathing pranayama and the mudras and bandhas. Gradually, you can also include asana, more advanced pranayamas and samyama as well if you wish to.
The lessons start here and there is a summary of the main practices used in AYP here.
We run regular online retreats with one coming up this Saturday, led by Blanche. They are listed here