Hello, so I do actually have an incubus lover that Ive had for 7 or 8 months now. At first, everything was going great but I think my body went through a spontaneous spiritual awakening and Kundalini Awakening because now my energy levels are out of control. I’m constantly tingling and getting chills and I just feel so much energy around me now and sometimes it’s very overwhelming. I’ve also realized that sometimes when my Incubus drops by my body gets this way too. Could this be because he carries so much energy. I’m trying meditations it’s still happening. Any suggestions? I’m just very lost and confused on what to do.
What is an incubus lover?
A normal Incubus but our encounter turned into more of a relationship
Sounds like a “friends with benefits”, but “incubus” suggests supernatural?
In any regard, if your “energy is out of control”, this requires you to cut back on practice and ground. https://www.aypsite.com/plus/69.html
Sounds like you’re stimulating kundalini energy without having first established a sound meditation practice. This is risky!
The second issue is self-pacing. You will have to make an effort to control the length of this sexual activity. Do you feel you are in control of the duration of these sexual experiences? You will have to get them under control, otherwise the energy build-up can get a lot more unpleasant than what you are describing.
The lesson Dogboy has pointed you to is useful. Start with that and do as much grounding as you can. Also you would benefit from reading more of the lessons on this website to really understand what is happening to you - how to balance mediation with energy cultivation, tantric practices etc.
What kind of meditation have you started to practice? Make sure you don’t stimulate the energy further. Grounding should definitely be the priority for now.
One other point: I know this is not easy to achieve in a short time, but a human lover would be safer. Another human being would ground you, while the supernatural entity just revs your kundalini with no opportunity to ground the energy.
I hope you will get the sex under control before the energy gets completely out of hand. Please be careful. Good luck!
In my opinion, having a relationship with an entity is a risky and potentially dangerous path. In Lesson 421 and its additions Yogani addressed this problem:
“Lesson 421 - Spirits and Spirit Guides
The influence we may notice from a spirit or entity is always a function of our own receptivity, including the attention and energy we give to it. The more attention we give to such phenomena, the more we will notice them. So, if we notice such things, it is good to regard them without much intention and let them go in stillness. That way, whatever they are will have a positive (samyama) effect.
As we continue with practices, we may notice more positive spirits and less negative ones. As our sense of self becomes more based in stillness, we go beyond the negative ones, and finally beyond the positive ones too. It is fine to notice these things as part of the scenery going by. Then let them go. As we say, favor the practice, and your life, over the scenery. Entering into a relationship with a spirit or entity, positive or negative, is a side track, and not recommended.”
Entering into a relationship with a negative entity is downright dangerous.
It can lead to possession carrying with it psychological disorders. I would strongly recommend you do not allow the entity to make use of your energy in this way.
Hi Xtina1990 and all,
You have received good advice already. I would agree with others here, that entering into relationships with spirits is a potential distraction and can be dangerous. It is impossible to know what their true motivations are. Simply ignoring them is the best advice.
Here are some lessons and lesson additions which address dealing with spirits:
Lesson 421 - Spirits and Spirit Guides
Lesson 203 - Reflections on Some Dramatic Experiences
Addition 421.2 - Moving Beyond Those Not-So-Kind Guides
Addition 421.3 - Entity Attack or Excessive Kundalini?
Addition 421.4 - “Spirit Guides” are Driving Me Crazy!
Addition 421.5 - Struggling with an Entity after Ayahuasca?