I haven’t posted recently, and for a while I wasn’t doing too much with AYP, but for the last number of months I have been doing more. It has been getting pretty intense, I guess that is the bhakti is quite intense.
I am in the first part of stage 2 kechari, that is my tongue will go back to the very back of the roof of my mouth, but I haven’t been able yet to move it up above the soft palate.
Along with AYP I do some breathing and stretching exercises, etc. Basically some “automatic yoga” mudras and bandas.
I have been long working on trying to release tension in my head and neck, shoulders and arms. I also have tension around my pelvis, especially on the left. I’ve been working away at this. I do SBP and DM, usually once a day at night, and along with those I’m relaxing my muscles as I go. This relaxing is something I learned long ago when I learned the corpse pose. So I find that really works well with SBP especially, because I can feel more muscles over time, and relax them. The tense muscles in the areas I mentioned, and especially along the spine, have been relaxing gradually over time, with practice. I notice it happen.
However I’m also doing some of my own yoga type meditation/exercises, alongside the AYP stuff. I started doing these about 20 years ago, before I found AYP. They seem to complement it, but maybe I’m just doing things the hard way – I’m not sure.
My methods are a combination of using the muscles in the centre of the head, behind the brow, along with eyes raised and breath intake, and jaw and tongue movements, along with head/neck movements, and I “pull” the energy/muscle towards the centre of my head, briefly. Once I have pulled it, I can feel the tightest muscles in my head get stretched. Then, I move my neck/head to stretch those muscles further, and frequently they release and the tension is dissolved. Then I breathe some more, to integrate those nerves and muscles that were tight.
Often, when I release muscles in my head/neck this way, corresponding muscles elsewhere also release. It’s like the muscles in my head are linked to neck, shoulders, pelvis, etc through the nervous system – like there are strands of nerves or chains. This might be similar to what is described as meridians, not sure.
So, I just wanted to share what’s been going on with me. This process of using my own methods along with AYP seems to be going well for me, though sometimes it is uncomfortable. I have less tense muscles than 5 months ago, and feel lighter and stronger when I move about. I also have less trouble with headaches.
I’m wondering, is this part of the normal/expected process in AYP milestones? It seems like spine is getting balanced, with 4 (heart) at centre, and the ends of the spine now getting balanced out. When I release tension in the head, it releases corresponding tensions along the spine. This i fairly symmetrical, vertically.
I know this writing is a bit long, so hopefully it’s interesting enough for some response. Thanks for reading.
Welcome back, Godslave!
This topic is very salient for me. In 2013 (the year I started AYP incidentally) my cervical spine began to progressively seize, along with intense pain in my thoracic spine. I was prescribed two drugs and eight weeks (16 sessions) of PT, along with my weekly asana class. Thankfully I am completely healed. The PT neck and shoulder rolls, to this day, are part of my practice; with conductivity, weekly practice became daily. There are still snap, crackle, and pops eleven years out, but it sure is satisfying , and subtly arousing.
I can speak confidently of self healing, both before and after my yoga life. I am finding attention has influence, and that touching the body, with loving intention, is a powerful way towards momentary healing. If in discomfort, with gentle attention on the white noise and the spot, I am better for the effort.
It sounds as if most things are well, Godslave you have a program that is working for you, you are thankful and in good health, you are not overloading. Bravo! When one finds silence and openness within, they are in the best place to heal.
Thanks, dogboy! It’s good to be remembered here
It’s good to hear of your experience. I’m sorry, it sounds difficult. I’m glad it seems to be going in the right direction
Dear Godslave,
I would advice to not distract from the simple AYP procedure by dividing your attention to other aspects of “relaxing”. When doing SBP, do SBP. When doing DM, do DM as per instructions.
If the stretching to release tension as you have described above is beneficial for you, I would suggest you do them separate from AYP practices. You could perhaps start by doing them as a means of centering and relaxing before starting SBP.
Please disregard if I have misunderstood your routine.