Hi everyone
For over a year now I am stable in Khechari stage 2 and I’m still doing milking every morning and use Khechari during my practice automatically, sometimes also during the day when doing walks for example.
By this it seemed to me like I very consistently went from Stage 1 to Stage 2 in about one year. I never felt attracted to cutting though.
Now after being stable in stage 2 for a year I feel like the progress isn’t really proceeding anymore from what I am doing.
When and how did you enter stage 3 and can you share experience or advice?
I’ve been at stage two for four years, and decided that was enough for me. The intensity fluctuates like every practice, strong to weak to strong again, depending how things are aligning internally that moment, that day. I love that it’s a secret action that few know I can do; amaroli is another. Doing ketchari only for the notion of progress might be missing something.
Hi dogboy, thanks for your reply!
I agree that doing ketchari only for the notion of progress. And yes stage two is lovely in itself and I’m very content with it.
I was mainly wondering that going from stage 1 to 2 was like a steady progress while now at stage 2 it feels (at least physically) stagnating.
Yes, its very funny.
Hi. I am just getting into learning Kriya Supreme Fire, can anyone tell me about their experience with Khechari as well as link me to any resources on how to do it properly? Thank you!
Hi LightandLove,
While the beginning stage of kechari mudra was something I chose to explore, the practice has taken a life of its own, and further stages came as a result of “increased conductivity.” There have been a lot of fluctuations in the practice, as Dogboy describes, but the mudra does progress in time, so just have patience and keep practicing, without forcing it.
Hi TaiPi,
Kechari Mudra is more of an accelerating practice once ecstatic conductivity rises in the nervous system. For steady true progress, meditation is the main practice, followed in the AYP system by spinal breathing pranayama. Without ecstatic conductivity, doing kechari is like flipping a switch to turn on the light when there is no electricity in the system, so little will happen.
Here is a link to the first lesson on kechari mudra, if you want to read more:
Lesson 108 - Kechari Mudra - A Giant Leap for Humankind
Thank you Blanche!
By stage 2, I assume you mean that the tongue is behind the uvula, and that you can comfortably keep it there.
It is natural to stay at this stage for a long time, years, many years. During it, the sweet, rich taste is consistently enjoyed, and becomes a part of your natural being. We notice when and how it becomes very present, and when it is not. We become comfortable with our tongue in this way within out practice. At various times, you test the waters, and then when right, and sometimes with an energetic push from within, the tongue moves all the way up in a few days or weeks. It strengthens what already is, what you already developed over those years. The frenulum seems to suddenly be a non-issue, like it got consumed just the right amount, somehow.