Kechari during sitting practices

I’ve practicing Kechari 2 now for a week. Just getting comfortable with the feeling and started combining it with SB. It was all pretty pleasurable. My question is should I use Kechari also during DM or only during SB?
Tnx guys

Hi George,
Yes, you can use kechari mudra during both pranayama and meditation, and samayma as well, of you want to. You can also use it during the day, outside of practice times. These things are discussed in lesson 108.

Thank you Christi!

Welcome George :slight_smile:
I use K 2 only in DM and Samyama. I can also only do it comfortably sitting up. If I am lying down it causes air to enter the cavity and dry it out. Same with breathing, the air passes through and is a distraction. For me K 2 amplifies the white noise, and acts as a thickener.

Tnx Dogboy.
I noticed my DM is getting pretty silent now. I feel great but am a little nervous that I go to fast.
During some short experiments I have reached Kechari 4 I think. I stay away there for a while I think.
Just integrate stage 2 in my daily routine first.