Kechari and frenum discomfort

Two days ago I was able to enter stage 2 kechari for the first time! I’m so curious and excited to explore the new space but it doesn’t feel comfortable at all, mostly because of the frenum. I haven’t needed to snip yet, but now that I can get up there the frenum is definitely bothering me. I was able to enter (with finger help) for short intervals throughout the day, but by the evening I was so sore I couldn’t anymore and only managed it once today. When I look under my tongue, I see what looks like several little nicks across the length of the tissue and a spot of something white.

  1. Am I overdoing it or is this to be expected? (I’m backing off until the soreness goes down, but it’s so hard to be patient now… :pray: )
  2. Will regular kechari practice loosen things up enough for it to feel more comfortable up there, or does this mean I’ve reached my limit and will probably need to snip after all? Snipping seems like a better option than tearing it.


  1. “Am I overdoing?” I don’t thinks so. Backing off when sore is correct. Resume when there is desire without discomfort. Your tinkering is how you got to where you are, so be the patient patient; Ketchari 2 is a fun little accessory, and can be ecstatic. It is a novelty in your overall practice.
    I believe the white spots are related to your saliva glands, but if concerned, have your dentist/ doctor check it out.
  2. I would forgo snipping; you are so close to achieving it at will. You can also milk your tongue (like a cow udder) or practice touching your nose and chin with the tip of your tongue, before your attempt. The sensations in your mouth are heightened at this early stage, and will tone down once Ketchari 2 is second nature. Good luck! :slight_smile:

Congrats, Somnaea!
I’ve been at the cusp of stage 2 for about a year, with the tip of my tongue able to get just behind the left side of the back of the soft palate. I know it will happen at the right time. I’ll be curious to hear how this unfolds for you.