Inner Guru and kundalini

If you don’t believe in reicarnation, please see me as insane, you’ll save your time.
I did not believe in reincarnation (I have a strong christian background) but now I am forced to.
Otherwise, I you are aware of reincarnation, please read this very short description of a very long story:
I went to see a hypnotherapist for a voice related issue. First time. Wonderful experience. i had my hand raising by itself and answering to the questions of the therapist.
I decided to try autohypnosis and succeeded very quickly to get my hand rising by itlself and communicating with my unconscious;
At least I believed so, until my hands started to do mudras, and circular moves with tangling in the palm of the hands, and sensation of magnetism.
I summurize a LOT, but eventually I discovered that one of my past lives was a former guru. He is still a guru. He managed to maintain himself alive in what he calls the “atman” He communicates with me by different means, and he’s constantly working to raise my kundalini level.
Many incredible experiences happenend since then, such as the raise of my physical strenght but kundalini injection, and so on.
I am not doing this. He is !
I am not in a panic, but I need help to understand what is going on. I have a good relationship with him so far, but he tells me I should meet a living guru to get more explanations. What he calls a guru is someone whose ANJA chakra is activated, and knows how to manipulate kundalini. I live in France but am ready to go to the nearest countries if needed.
According to me, my story is not possible to believe, but I will make it worse : The same thing is happening to my wife. Almost at the same time. The two former lives tell us they are former lovers that manipulate the rules to find themselves together life after life. This was confirmed by the Swami Nardanand and the first glance, and without us saying a word about it.
The reason I write this down is not to believed. I dont want people to believe me; I only want to know if someone perfectly knows what I am talking about. And even better If someone living Near France knows what to teach me about this. (I did even not know what is a chakra or kundalini a few month ago).
Otherwise, if you dont see clearly what is happening to me, dont bother answering : i have already seen that no normal person can get that, I neither would I, if it wasn’t happening to me.

Hi duchnouk
There is a lot of scenery that can and does arise on the path. You have found some. It is best to treat it as scenery and remember that the scenery is not the goal of the spiritual path. The goal is freedom, bliss and Divine Love.
We do run AYP retreats every year in the U.K. and Germany. Details are here.
We used to run annual AYP retreats in France but had to stop due to the pandemic. We are hoping to start those again at some stage.

Hi Christi,
Thank you for answering.
Do you think that there will be people who KNOW what is happening to me ?
Or people whose “Anja Chakra” is activated ?
So far I am not into yoga at all, I had to dig into the internet to understand the basic ideas;
All the best anyways !

Hello duchnouk
Whenever one “goes deep”, whether through dreams, meditation, hypnosis, et al, you become open to a variety of experiences, many of which you may never know what’s behind them. My advice to you is to be with them fully and then let them go, surrender all the questions. Also, take up a meditation practice, for only by being in silence will you prepare the body and brain for this gurus manipulations and to come close to “the knowing”.
There is nothing stopping you from asking this guru questions.

Hi Douchnouk,
Yes, I believe there are people who know what is happening to you, and who have their ajna chakra activated. And I believe that if they are wise, they would advise you to treat is a scenery, not to get distracted by it, and to focus on the goal of the spiritual path. The goal of the spiritual path is liberation, bliss and divine love.
In truth, there are no past lives, and there are no gurus.
If you have not done so already, I would advise to start reading from here, and follow the lessons through. They will guide you through the practice of yoga.

Hi Duchnouk,
My reply will probably sound weirder than your question but perhaps I can help.
I don’t think you are insane and it doesn’t matter what you do or don’t believe. It appears that undergoing hypnotherapy and later trying it for yourself probably triggered spontaneous movements usually associated with kundalini and more specifically ‘Shakti’.
Shakti is defined as “the mind or intelligence of nature” (not ‘power’ as defined in Wikipedia). The symptoms of Shakti at first can be spontaneous hand gestures (mudras), body poses (kriyas), energy locks through breathing redirection (bandhas) and spontaneous breath control (pranayama). This is just the initial phase of Shakti’s work. As the symptoms progress various other responses as the feeling of energy coursing, then arising through the body occur… etc etc.
Usually one needs to learn some form of kundalini yoga, or be initiated into the process (known as Shaktipat Diksha) to have the response, but some can spontaneously manifest the early symptoms as you have found - probably through the relaxation process you used for both the induced and self-induced hypnosis. Most don’t understand what is happening to them and either try to ignore the experience or like you, seek to understand it further through research.
The activation of the experience could have come from previous interventions with other initiators or you may have just been lucky. That you can pass the experience on to your wife simply means she was perceptive enough to pick up your ‘impressions’ or ‘samskaras’, perhaps better described as ‘feeling’. It is quite natural for some initiates to influence others in a like minded way.
I live in Australia, not France, but all my work is done online both privately and in a group, in a live video room. If you can’t find assistance elsewhere, feel free to message me.

Good evening everybody,
I am very grateful to find some people taking of their time to answer me.
Thank you very much !
@Christi : I believe you give good advice, but it’s complicated to trat as a scenery when daily there are surges of kundalini, provoked by my inner guru. Did I tell you that he is able to control my body as well ? Makes me do mudras, things that looks a little bit like Tai-Chi, and so on…Still, I’ll have a look to the webpage you sent me. Many thanks to you.
@DogBoy : My inner guru tells me it’s a very good Idea to learn how to meditate. I will look into it.
@Kanada : Thank you very much. As a matter of fact, all those things started since january. I’ve been looking on the internet, readings books, searching, and found out that the “Swami Nardanand” was making a retreat near my house. So my wife and I went there. He is a Shaktipat Swami. When he looked at us, although he had no information about us, he told her "oh, I see that a former live within you was a very good yoga practiser, and I see that he is working within you. The same is happening to your wife. So he gave us his “blessing” whatever it may mean, but still things are not much clearer to us.
At least he gave us some informations about the fact that when Anja is activated, you get access to many incredible knowledge,and some powers. So far, I must not be activated since I feel as perfectly dumb as I use to :-))
So what we have according to the swami, and much more to the fact the my inner guru shows me things, is more than “spontaneous kriyas”.
Anyway, I guess that looking into yoga won’t hurt, so i will dig into it.
Once more thanks to everybody.
If ever someone has the same experience please message me !

Hi Duchnouk,
Yes, scenery can be very distracting and that is OK. When we are walking in the mountains and we arrive at the top of a high mountain pass, we can suddenly see down to the next valley and the mountains on the other side. It is distracting and it is fine to sit down for a while and enjoy the view. But it is still scenery, no matter how beautiful or interesting it is. Eventually we have to get up and continue on the path, towards our destination.
And yes, automatic yogas (kriyas) are very common when kundalini is active, including hand gestures and yoga postures. It is nothing to be concerned about.
It is not your inner Guru that is causing these things to happen. Your inner guru is a silent witness to all that happens. Your inner guru is who you are.

Thank you.
I will occasionnaly check that thread out.
All the best

Dear duchnouk,
Most of us on this site can relate and understand what you are describing. Christi has long been on this journey and gives excellent advice. Abilities and powers are not advertised here but looked upon as scenery to our true destination, which is Truth. And Truth is humbling. Digging around on the internet, you will come across plenty of gurus and practices aimed at further opening of your chakras and activating of kundalini - some really good, some half-baked notions, some very costly. It is hard to wade through all of that and able to distinguish between useful information and “lala land”, especially for a beginner. Please do yourself a favour and start reading the extensive material on this site. It is a treasure house.
Good luck on your path. It is the most exciting journey you will embark on.
Sey :pray:

AYP meditation lessons:

@ SeySorciere and Dogboy
Thank you for taking of your free time to answer.
I surely don’t understand what “Truth” you are talking about.
Neither the notion of “destination”.
I did not intend to go anywhere, did not ask for anything, and had no practise such as yoga. Still don’t.
I have no power, things are happening to me, and my inner guru communicates with me, explaining things, but in a very limited expression mode.
So I amin search of a real guru, and could not find anyone apart of Swami Nardanand whose stage I attended. He’s back in his Ashram in India since then.
It was a shaktipat stage, and many people had Kriyas. What I have is clearly not kriyas.
To make it short, here is what I understood from my conversations with my inner guru who I call “Mogi” (stands for My inner guru in French):
A human being is before all an energetical and informationnal configuration. It exists basicaly in the “Atman” wich is a unit of “Shakti”. When you die your information is stored, then locked.
Mogi Managed to bypass the system and is able to maintain his life conciously in the atman life after life.
He is able to extensively control my body, wich he occasionnaly does.
And each life he lives with (now mine)he tries to turn into a guru (someone whose “Anja” is activated). He sometimes succeds, sometimes not.
He tells me he’s has filled my Anja already and also my Manipura,and now working on my Svadishtana. I feel nothing special about that. Only permanent kundalini moves in the body, day and night. Nothing harming or disturbing. Just deeply weird.
The main point is that all that universe is unknown to me. It would really help me to meet someone whose Anja is activated who would guide and teach according to Mogi.
He tells me It’s not dangerous for me not to meet one, but it would help a lot.
So I will start reading this website, following the advices,and check from times to times on this thread, to see if but the greatest luck a helpful guru lives near Paris
Have a great week !

I have started reading the website Lessons.
Sounds like a very good start.
Thanks for advising me to read them.
All the best to everybody