I have question about Nadi Sodhana Pranayama

Im in asia, and I’m interested in third eye chakra, kundalini yoga and such, but here, there are no serioous spiritual yoga classes, so I’m stuck with practicing alone until I can travel abroad sometime later to get proper classes.
I have some questions.

  1. In my research, I found that for safe kundaini awakening, all the nadis have to be purified by hatha yoga asanas.
    After doing a year of hatha yoga poses and asanas and nadi sodhana pranayama, can this akwaken sushumna ?
    2.Does Nadi Sodhana on its own, if done consistently, awaken sushumna nadi?

Hi Jolly and welcome to the AYP forum,
It is not necessary to travel abroad to follow spiritual yoga classes, just follow the AYP teaching starting here:
The practice begins with deep meditation:
After a few months you can, if you want, add spinal breathing pranayama:
The combination of deep meditation and spinal breathing pranayama will safely awaken kundalini, nadi sushumna and third eye chakra. Spinal breathing pranayama acts directly on the sushumna nadi, while nadi shodana acts on the ida and pingala nadis.
If you want, you can do some asanas before the meditation.
The next online retreat will deal with kundalini awakening:

Hi Jolly,
Welcome to the forums. :slight_smile:
You have received good advice from Jac already.
To answer your questions specifically, both yoga asanas and nadi shodhana are very gentle practices, when it comes to purifying energetic channels and activating kundalini. This means that they could both be practiced for many years, without having much effect on the subtle nervous system. And we see this being played out in yoga classes around the world. There are many yoga classes where all people do is asana practice, with a short period of nadi shaddhana at the beginning of the class. And the people who attend the classes, do not, in general, experience the awakening of kundalini. In a few rare cases, it can happen. And when it does, it is often because the person was already very sensitive to spiritual practices.
That does not mean that we should not engage in these practices. They are both very useful in yoga, and will have some effect. But, their effect is mostly to prepare the body and mind for more serious practices, such as Spinal Breathing Pranayama and mantra meditation. It is these latter two practice, that are much more effective at purifying the body and mind, and preparing the student for the awakening of kundalini.
I recorded a short podcast last year for YouTube, on the subject of asana practice, and its role in relation to yoga here. I don’t mention nadi shodhana in the podcast, but that can be regarded as similar to yoga asana practice, in its effects.