I very likely awakened somehow the Kundalini 11/12 years ago. At least, based on the experiences and feelings i had, and what i found on Kundalini and what the people i asked (here as well), said. I basically had no transcendental experiences, but while i was practicing meditation during the most internally silent moments i perceived more than once a violent flow of energy from the base of the spine (or maybe from the genital area then through the base of the spine) up through the spine, then through the neck, and finally to the head. A warm energy which came with an almost orgasmic pleasure. It took a few years before i began to investigate and found out what kundalini was, because i knew nothing about these things before. The point is (to make a long story short) that the harm i had from that event was bigger than the benefit. I began practicing meditation because i felt terribly, physically and mentally, i was very depressed. Meditation (and what meditation aroused) annihilated my depression and sent me in a state of excitement (even excessive) which i welcomed with enthusiasm at first, but later i damned. I began to suffer from a terrible insomnia, my quality of sleep had been destroyed and the consequences on my health were serious. I stopped practicing meditation but the problem improved only slightly, basically my personality and with it my sleep quality looked permanently changed. I won’t go on on the details of the many health issues this caused to me in years, except the cronic prostate inflammations over years wich eventually led 2 years ago to sterility (i’m 45 years old), i will only tell that i already asked for help to Yogani about 6 years ago and he suggested i’d practice spinal breathing but i was not able to visualize and synchronize with the breath, so i give up. Recently it happened a very odd thing related to sex: during sex i had what it s called “prostate stimulation” in other words a finger in the ass hole, for the first time in my life. I had not an orgasm but i had a spontaneous eiaculation. That day i felt terrible because i had slept poorly (which is a condition i’ve become used to in years with all the symptoms it brings like headache, sore eyes, brain fog, psysical weakness, short or no memory, joints inflammation) but after no more than 20 minutes i began to feel a change, all my issues disappeared. It was something that never happened in 10 years before that, so i had no doubt something subtle happened. I felt restored. I looked for informations on internet and i found out something on anal stimolation as a way to unlock the root chakra. Then after a week from the first episode i tried to masturbate with a finger in the asshole. After a few hours i began to feel better, i felt quieter and my brain was more focused, even my personality and emotions seemed more clear and present. Even my sleep improved during the following days. So i began to think if the main reason of the problems i had after kundalini couldnt be due to some kind of blockage at the root chakra and i accidentally temporarily removed it with anal stimulation. The reason if i’m writing here is that i need to know if there are more practical and effective ways to unlock rootchakra blockages as sincerely anal masturbation looks not practical to me (i’m heterosexual male) and it also seems to have stopped working lately. I mean some kind of yoga exercise or meditation one, i don’t know.
Thank you for any response.
Awakening kundalini without first preparing your system to handle such force is most likely what got you into trouble, and most likely knocked you “offline”, much like electrical surges would a hard drive. You do not mention if you are following the AYP practice, and how you approach your meditation matters. AYP is designed to prepare the whole system, not individual chakras, in a methodical, safe manner, so that as you open and purify the nadis, you are better prepared to entice the movement of prana over time, rather than opening the floodgates. Start reading through the lessons (if you haven’t) to see what I’m talking about. https://www.aypsite.org/10.html
Most likely Yogani recommended spinal breathing to smoothen out your erratic inner winds. An easy trick to tracing the spine is to simply place your attention on the top of the inhale at the third eye, and then at the root at the bottom of your exhale. Doing this over time, tracing the shushumna becomes easier as the middle “fills in” in the back and forth.
A finger in the anus definitely opened a blockage there, and you were so lucky to find some longer term relief, but it is not the answer, especially for you as a heterosexual male, because of the shame/stigma/uncertainty you most likely have attracted to it. It is better you do not try to micromanage your chakras but adopt an approach to meditation and yoga that strives to gently awaken all chakras as a whole, so that you can enjoy inner pleasure at a sustainable level. This happens first by quieting the mind so that you can open and sense the silence within, as well as the witness state, which will build your spiritual confidence and Bhakti. If your temple is built on a poor foundation, it will crumble under the power of kundalini unleashed.
Hello. Thanks for the response. When i began practicing meditation i had no knwoledge of kundalini and what happenened was totally accidental. I used to do Transcendental meditation which consisted basically in repeating mentally a mantra. In years, i’ve been suggested to do many things to cure my issues, mainly i have been suggested to do Microcosmic orbit (from taoist nei kung) and spinal beathing (by Yogani). I practiced Qi Gong for a few years wich was easier for me and helped with my health issues and cold sensitivity. But i had to stop because of my backache and because of the inabilty to relax and concentrate wich is consequence of the insomnia and nervousness caused by kundalini. About meditating in other ways and relaxing the mind and feeling the inner silence i must say that i tried different forms of meditation, like concentrating on the Dantien during qigong, or dooing some pranayama exercises, chanting some mantras related to chakras… everytime i enter in a deep relaxation state, in a meditative state of mind the consequence is inevitably a rise in the mood and a consequent worsening of my insomnia which led me to more tiredness and mental focus impairment. I slowly developed over years a fear of the good mood, because every time i feel good and happy i will expiate with a terrible night of sleep. I also tried once a lesson of yoga but just the very first night i had a worsening of insomnia. The only kind of exercise i tried wich didn’t rouse me it’s an exercise i found in a QiGong book which consists on concentrating on the third eye, which had the effect of making me more chill and focused but it’s very difficult to do properly and i lack the general clarity of mind required.
About the anal sex, the problem is not the stygma about it, but the fact i fear any possible health effect of it on the rectum as i don’t really trust lubricants manufacturers and also because the benefits i had the first time seemed to disappear recently.
Hi Baizuo,
Yogani would have recommended spinal breathing to you as a technique to try, in order to help balance the energies out between the lower and higher centres. It can help in some cases, but does not help for everyone.
In my experience, using energetic practices to solve energetic problems usually does not work. With kundalini in general, I would not suggest trying to self-diagnose what is going on. The human subtle nervous system is complex, and the process of energetic awakening is complex, and it can take several decades of direct experience with kundalini, to understand how everything works together.
In your case, I would suggest two things.
- Self-pace your practice downwards to a level where you are comfortable, and are not experiencing any symptoms of excess purification. This would include insomnia.
- Do grounding practices every day. These are simple physical activities like walking, swimming, working in the garden etc. This will help to ground out the energies in your body and help bring balance and stability.
On top of these two basic recommendations, eating heavier foods, avoiding excessive sexual activity (more than once a week) and drinking plenty of water, can all help. Also, avoid smoking, drinking alcohol and coffee.
It could take a few months to come to a place where you feel stable and comfortable, so be patient.
Once you have found a comfortable and stable place with your practice and daily activities, it would be good to remain there for a while. Don’t stop the grounding activities at that point, because you could still experience a flare-up. Then, when you have been stable for some time, you can gradually begin to increase your spiritual practices again. I would say for a while, even after you become stable again, err on the side of cultivating stillness and silence, and favour that over any energy stimulating practices.
Hello Christi, thanks for your answer. I already have avoided coffee for years because if i drink a bit in the morning it worsen my insomnia the night. But what kind of problems can alcohol and smoke do? I’m generally a very moderate alcohol drinker and smoker, but should i stop TOTALLY ?
P.S. I have stopped any practice for years since i practiced qigong, that was the last thing i did in 2014.
Hi Baizuo,
During a kundalini awakening, there is an intensive process of inner purification that takes place. Generally I suggest to people that everything in moderation is O.K., but also to be aware of how things are affecting your body and mind.
So, alcohol in moderation is O.K. unless it is having a detrimental effect on you, in which case, cut it out completely. The same with smoking. I have never seen anything good come from smoking over the long term.
As you are still having issues 10 or 11 years after a kundalini awakening, I would suggest cutting alcohol and smoking out completely if you can. That way you can eliminate them as being contributing factors.
As you don’t currently have a spiritual practice, then focus on the grounding work and other measures. Do remember that sex is a stimulant of prana in the body, so that is something to be careful with. Again, everything is O.K. in moderation, unless it is not.
Hello Baizuo,
You are brave to be so open and ask for advice in a difficult situation. Unfortunately, I haven’t been around that long myself and therefore don’t have much experience of what you can do. But maybe one or more of the following suggestions can help you. From the beginner’s point of view, it looks like this to me:
Shakti wants to unfold in any case. If you don’t give her enough time to do that, she will do it at the best opportunity when the body is at rest - at night. So the first advice would be to always give yourself half an hour’s rest in dead posture at a certain time during the day and just rest a bit without doing any particular technique or exercise. In my experience, the energy increases quite a bit during this time, but afterwards everything feels so much calmer. You may sleep better if this has time to wear off a bit during the day. However, it is important not to try to manipulate the energy too much during this time in order not to stimulate it.
About the overall situation:
First of all, it seems to me, as others have already explained, that in coming to terms with the Kundalini it is crucial how much purification there is in relation to the unfolding energy. If you have more purity in the nervous system you can have more energy without losing sleep. So the most important thing would be to get more purity without increasing the amount of energy. Since you are still having problems after such a long time, I would say that either your energy has increased more and more or there has not been so much purification. Let me explain one by one what I mean:
The energy clears away some of the blockages in you every day. On the other hand, it is possible to get new blockages every day and if that is not in good proportion you can have symptoms of cleansing for a very long time without really getting anywhere. I would go along with Christi and say that habits like smoking are better to stop. But as I have experienced, blockages can also come from preoccupation with negative thoughts, situations or cultivating bad feelings (branch of the yamas). I would try to save as many symptoms of purification as possible by reducing re-pollution. This can also start with such small things as being aware of what films, books or news you watch or don’t watch, and paying attention to what thoughts you repeat, what environment (places, people, etc.) you spend a lot of time in, and so on. That joy amplifies your energies is of course a predicament but I would still try to avoid dwelling longer in negative moods if possible - it can also be a positive but calm mood. I think it is said in (tantra) yoga anyway that one should use one’s awareness to prefer neither a sad nor a hyper happy mood - but a relaxed happy calm mood.
Then of course you can do something on the physical level, I think that nutrition can have a big influence on how efficient our physical nervous system is. Smothies with wild herbs are very light foods but provide the nerves with raw materials for good function, as does liquid egg yolk (lecithin). The logic would be to do something to help your body cope with the energies available and also the cleansing process high dose B vitamins I would test cautiously if at all as this can also speed up the processes. In German, Dr.Mutter is the leader in this field with his “Grün essen” (“Eat green”), in English there is also Markus Rothkranz (“Heile dich selbst” (“Heal yourself”)) which is also not so bad if you avoid mistakes like lots of coconut fat and heaps of avocados. You don’t have to eat 100% raw and vegan (which is not so easy to do properly and in your case would probably not be wise at all) but there is certainly enough guidance in this direction in Italian. If you sleep in extreme e-smog, with a cordless phone on the bedside table and a mobile phone under your pillow, it might also be good - without making too much of a fuss - to temporarily move it away from your sleeping place, at least until your system has stabilised again. Overall, the limb of yoga that has to do with keeping the body clean has even more dimensions nowadays than it used to. I would also avoid, for example, choosing large predatory fish like tuna when you “eat heavier” - mercury and other substances certainly don’t make life in your own nervous system any easier.
On the other hand, I have noticed that feelings, even the fear of too much energy, can still drive the energy. Just like the preoccupation with inner issues that cause mental distress. Paramahansa Yogananda (and also Jesus Christ) say that from a certain perspective there is indeed a battle of good versus evil. For some people, Kundalini awakens as a counter-reaction to trauma. I myself have experienced things in the past that suggest that Shakti wants to protect and heal us in a certain way and can become “angry” when we feel emotionally attacked or physically burdened. If the circumstances are unfavourable, such a struggle can drag on for a long time. As I said, I would try to avoid bad topics in your thoughts as much as possible and build up an inner attitude of relaxation, even if you cannot meditate. And do everything possible to create a healthy body.
Some people also report that their energy is increased when the body is busy fighting off an infection, e.g. flu. It could be that a latent infection or chronic health problem can have a similar effect; and that the kundalini shifts down a gear if that can be overcome.
Also, a daily routine that is always similar is more likely to influence energy towards stability than an irregular one - even if you don’t exercise, it might be useful to schedule certain fixed times for certain activities.
Further: Although it is an exercise that can activate energy, you could also try simple alternate breathing. It is not as activating but it is balancing. When the energy is distributed more evenly over your body it is more pleasant. Maybe moderate Amaroli or Shatkarma Basti can help you, especially if you really have a problem with the 1st, 2nd or 3rd chakra. There are different versions of Basti that are more or less intensive (you can do a headstand with the water in you for 10 minutes, then the cleansing is more thorough, or add a few drops of dextrorotatory lactic acid or ClO², which I used to do for health reasons and can confirm as harmless - if used sensibly). This can also stimulate the energies in the first moment, but it also distributes everything well in the lower body area helps the physical body and calms the lower chakras afterwards, you can take olive oil as an aid for this.
Apart from that: The observation you made could more likely have to do with a discharge rather than an unlocking of the base chakra. Unless you feel blockages there directly, it might not be the best way to look for further techniques to unlock it besides what you already have. But you have to find out for yourself with your intuition what feels useful.
It is also possible that bad posture of the body has a bad effect on the energy distribution. That it has an influence on the psyche is even known in western science. See if you adopt a hunched posture due to any pain. Crossing your arms and legs for a long time (not so much sitting in meditation) is also said to have a bad effect on the energy flow. Have you already tried out whether different sleeping positions have an effect on the energy flow at night, or whether the energy in some positions prevents you from sleeping less than in others?
Then there is the possibility of trying to soften the energy with autogenic training at certain times. Autogenic training is not based on the willful influencing of the body as in the direct manipulation or directing of energy (as in spinal breathing) or the lifting of an arm, but indirectly by controlling the subconscious. This is often illustrated as follows: You take a pendulum on a thread between your fingers. You can now set the pendulum in motion by moving your fingers deliberately. Or you can do nothing directly, but only imagine that the pendulum is swinging back and forth. After some time this will actually happen - and with repetition even faster and stronger. The beauty of this is that you can also influence processes that are normally beyond your direct control, such as blood circulation, heartbeat, pain sensation, etc. The effect is based on passive influence. The effect is based on passive influence through premeditation and training - you get your subconscious used to reacting to a certain command. At the beginning the effect is hardly noticeable, but through practice over a longer period of time such a command can become very strong, the practice takes only a little time each time. The procedure is like this: You relax a little while sitting or lying down, then you use either an affirmation (i.e. a short positively formulated thought such as “the energy becomes softer”) and briefly imagine the desired result as a sensation (i.e. the feeling of the energy level dropping a little). Repeat this 3 to 6 times and then finish the exercise. Alternatively, you can imagine a model of the energy system outside of your own body in which there is activity, e.g. light circulating and roughly similarly distributed as you perceive it in your own body. Then think of an affirmation and imagine how the light becomes a little weaker / circulates more slowly. You can also use an imaginary scale instead on which the activity is displayed (or both). Then you lower the activity by a few strokes and think the affirmation. Doers also proceed in such a way that they first create a connection to the imagination and - even if this sounds contrary - first increase the activity / pain a little (without affirmation) and then - with affirmation - lower it. For pain, this procedure is recognised and effective. Some people can influence their body functions very strongly with such trained commands - it is quite conceivable that it can also work with Kundalini. Even if it is only a little, this together with the tactic of consciously allowing Kundalini to unfold during rest periods during the day could be enough to let you sleep again at night.
Of course, there are situations in life when you don’t have the strength or willpower to keep trying. It may sound old-fashioned but I think in such a situation it would make sense to pray or to ask for help from a higher power that suits you. Not so long ago I was in a very difficult situation myself and asking changed everything for me. In my case the problem was in the area of health and I was then led to a universal path of healing in a spiritual way and then also to AYP. Before that, I had done just about everything that western science had to offer in terms of health (and that also allowed me to survive), but I was only really helped by the spiritual path that I came to through asking. From my own experience, I can say that praying makes sense and that it can bring amazing help and individual solutions into our lives - even if we don’t come from a religious upbringing, as was the case with me. But you must never give up.
I hope some of this helps you.
Have a marry Christmas and a better next year
Passive Influence
Sorry, I use a translation tool for these texts. It may be that passive influence sounds strange, perhaps it should be indirect? But the example with the pendulum should clarify what it’s about: you don’t do it yourself like when you use a muscle, you wait until your subconscious does it. You can’t normally control the blood flow voluntarily, yet it is easy to achieve this with this procedure (“arm is heavy and warm”) - at a beginner level I practised this for relaxation before I came to AYP. My parents used this successfully for pain (even severe pain), the efficiency can be as high as strong painkillers in this area. Sorry these are only suggestions, if someone who has been doing it for a longer time has better ideas and more experience he can correct all this.
Sincerely i must say that everytime i go in deep relaxation states this excites somehow the energy. That’s why i can’t stand any meditative mental state. Even practicing QiGong as i used to concentrate on Dantien (navel) and relax had sometimes the same effect of meditation. So just laying as you suggest in the dead position would probably obtain 2 possible effect: making me fall asleep OR stimulating the energy. But i can give a try.
In these monthes i tried to have a walk every day. But there are days were i am too tired to walk or i can’t do it for external reasons. When i walk i usually walk for 1 hour approximately. I noticed this rised my mood somtimes but i cannot say i noticed clear improvements in sleep conditions. It happened sometimes the opposite because rising my mood made me more active and worsened my insomnia, expecially if i went out too late in the afternoon.
I tried Spinal Breathing like the other user suggested, just concentrating in the 2 points alternatively: third eye when inspiring and coccyx when exhaling. No epiglottis closing. After 2 or 3 weeks of irregular practice my energy rose up and i felt during the day very happy and positive, also quite relaxed. I thought i would have sleeped well but i was wrong, the night was a nightmare. Since that day i feel worst. Anyway it happened always that way: i feel happy and relaxed but my brain simply never turn off, it always happened everytime meditation had an effect.
So in 2 words SB was a disaster. I would like to know Yogani’s opinion at this point.
Maybe i didnt practiced it properly, or maybe it was the worst thing to do … Another bad thing that happened: 3 weeks ago i masturbated after 2 day from the previous eiaculation and after half an hour i had fever at almost 39°. I was literally freezing and shaking like a leaf and it took the whole night (i passed inside the bed) to feel better. It was not the first time i had prostatitis attack in the last 10 years but this didn’t look like prostatitis, there was no pain, only high fever. This is no joke, i’m dealing with a serious issue.
I waisted so many years in a condition wich basically it makes to me impossible to live a normal life, partly because i thought i had also medical issues and i waisted money and time on Drs, partly because i couldn’t find any valuable suggestion from people in the Yoga&similar world i contacted. In my city i found only people who knew nothing about that, despite claiming to be yoga teachers or qigong teachers. The people I contacted through internet showed almost no interest in helping me. I even contacted Mantak Chia (after reading one of his books where he wrote about kundalini side effects) which responded to my detailed mail with 3 WORDS: Spin The Energy (he meant “spin the energy around the navel”) but no instructions on HOW to do it. Others never responded. i even contacted the Gopi Krisna editor, Gene something (i don’t remember) which only said i should have practiced abstinence from eiaculation and wait that things got better by themselves. Now, I’ve been able to avoid eiaculating never more than 15/20 days, because after that time I get in extreme physical excitement and can not sleep unless I eiaculate. And my main need is SLEEP.
My body is collapsing, I’m sure, because of lack of sleep, i have articulations issues that impede me from doing physical activity. I’m sure i have a tendency to develop inflammation states because of lack of sleep.
I was also been suggested in a Kundalini support group in 2014 to practice the taoist microcosmic orbit meditation, which is an advanced taoist practice and i have not been able to learn until now. It looks similar to spinal breathing though, but it completes the movement through the frontal part of the body. I don’t know if this will be another disaster like the spinal breathing but maybe there is somebody in my city that could teach me it…
Hi Baizuo,
Before we offer any more advice, please could you complete the questionnaire here:
You can simply copy and paste the questions into a post in this topic and reply to them here.
Of course
What are your symptoms and how long have you had them? Are your symptoms primarily physical, psychological, or both?
Since 2009 i had different symptoms. At first i were over-excited and couldn’t stay still, but i was happy. I began to suffer of insomnia, my brain never switch off. I used to practice meditation for a few days,then, when my mood shot up, i couldn’t continue because i always felt asleep during meditation (because of lack of sleep) and i used to stop meditating for a few days… and so on. With time i began to suffer several disturbs because of the lack of sleep other than the simple tiredness, i had metabolism alterations (cold), chest pain (i had cardiac check up), ticks, immune system issues (frequent and persistent flues), problems with joints (i began with cervical, than back arthritis, tendency also to tendinitis, i now have a inflammation of the rotator cuff) that improve with sleep and worsen with lack of sleep. I began to suffer from prostate inflammation since 2010, sometimes i had a prostate inflammation attack immediately after a meditation session or while perceiving the energy rise from the back.
Of course i have heavy cognitive deficits, no memory, brain fog, nervousness, headache and sore eyes, tiredness, weakness. In 2009 i also began to suffer of musician’s dystonia at the left hand, i used to play guitar but i had to stop. It never recovered. I had as well transient periods of restless legs syndrome, mainly during the night, that was huge sometimes and affected not only legs but the whole body in a few episodes. -
Are your symptoms ongoing, or intermittent? If intermittent, when are they most likely to occur – during what kind of activity and/or time of the day? Is your sleep affected?
My sleep is the main thing which has been affected. Yes symptoms are ongoing, sometimes better but never fade off. In at least 10 years i couldn’t find any cause for these changes. Obviously many exciting substances are dangerous for me: coffee, chocolate, tea. But i’m also extremely sensitive to any substance i assume. I tried many supplments to aid sleep, from Ashwaganda to Melatonin, to Magnesium to Fish Oil. Everything that works at the beginning develop over time a strong addiction and tolerance so basically with time i develop paradoxical side effects and a subtance wich used to help my sleep began to worsen my sleep, even in tiny amount. At this point there is no substance i can assume to help my sleep. -
Do you consider your situation with kundalini to be the result of spiritual practices, or do you regard it to be spontaneous?
Caused by practice of Transcendental meditation. I’ve never been interested in spiritual achievements, i practiced meditation only because i suffered from depression and i’ve heard that meditation could have helped. Still now i only want to live my life and feel good -
What sort of spiritual practices have you been engaged in, if any? How long? How often?
I began joining the Soka Gakkai cult and practicing their mantra recitation in 2008, but i had no results and didn’t like their ideas, so i left the cult and began to practice TM. After i began having issues i stopped for a pair of years, then i tried with some pranayama exercises i found on the web because i needed to relieve my depression and tiredness, but they had the same effect of meditation, they rose my mood but caused insomnia. Then i asked advice in a Yahoo group called “Kundalini support group” and they suggested to me to practice QiGong and Microcosmic orbit because they said Taoist practices tend to rebalance energies. I was able only to practice QiGong which helped with my immune issues and metabolism issues (feeling cold expecially at extremities) but NOT with sleep. After that, in 2017 i practiced sometimes an exercise which i found in a QiGong book which consisted in concentrating the third eye, which had sometimes the effect to calm my mind and make it sharper but it was too hard to do
Are you aware that excessive spiritual practice can aggravate kundalini, often with a delayed reaction?
I never did excessive practice as i was not in the condition to do it, only at the beginning when i started practicing TM i used to meditate up to 2 hours a day. -
Do you consider yourself to be “sensitive” to spiritual practices? If so, with what practices, and what sort of measures have you taken to accommodate your sensitivity?
I think there are 2 possibilies: I am very sensitive to spiritual/energetic practices OR i had prexisting health issues which, combined with the use of drugs (antidepressants mainly) interacted with spiritual practice and kundalini creating a disaster. That is the reason i waisted so many years, I investigated different medical ways to understand my issues, but i obtained almost no results. I stppoed any drugs in 2012, but nothing changed neither for the better nor for the worse. -
Do you think drugs have contributed to your kundalini situation?
I initially used to think that, because i assumed an antidepressant when i had my first kundalini experience, i thought at some kind of interaction… Nowadays i’m sure Kundalini made me extremely sensitive to any substance i use so sometimes usual side effects of a drug can be amplified as well as stimulating effects. -
Have you experienced traumatic events in your life that may have a bearing on your current symptoms?
Well… when i began practicing meditation i was in a miserable condition, this could have influenced somehow the rise of kundalini beacuse i used meditation as a way to escape reality, it was basically the only moment i found some internal peace, so this could have lead me to exceed in practice or being overmotivated or develop a mindset more suited for that aim (which was not my aim anyway). -
Is your sexual lifestyle affecting your symptoms? Are you aware that obsessively limiting sexual release can increase kundalini energy and symptoms?
I don’t know. I ve been told by the editor of Gopi Krisna that i had to avoid eiaculation. Over time i discovered that i could develop prostate inflammation or even fever if i eiaculate too often, but i found out as well that i can’t stay in abstinence more than 15 days, because i began to be overexcited and cannot sleep anymore. -
What is your general diet? Are you aware that a lighter diet can stimulate kundalini?
I used to be vegetarian. After Kundalini i began to eat fish. I found out that a low carb diet reduce my tiredness during the day. I generally eat only at breakfast and lunch. Trying to do intermittent fasting, but i never noticed any effect on my sleep issues or energetic condition, unlike what Gopi Krisna wrote in his books, i don’t find any relief on eating ofetn during the day, it only makes me fatter. -
Do you engage in moderate exercise regularly, like walking, yard work, etc? Are you aware that regular exercise can help stabilize (“ground”) kundalini symptoms?
Despite my backpain I used to do fitness untill 3 years ago. This used to gave me some relief in general wellbeing, i dont if for physical reasons or psychological ones. I have been inactive for 3 years because of my shoulder issue, i only go to have a walk when i can. -
Are you a highly devotional person? Are you aware that excessive devotional activity, satsang or spiritual study can aggravate an active kundalini?
I don’t like religions and I’m quite a rational person, i have some limited amount of interest in spirituality though, as I’m not an atheist. Almost all my researches in these fields are due to my need for a solution to my suffering. -
Are you engaged in ordinary daily activities like a job, school, family, parenting, social activity, service to others? Are you aware that such activities, undertaken without spiritual intention or expectations, can help ground excessive kundalini energies?
I am unemployed actually. The issues Kundalini caused to me make extremely difficult for me engaging in any activity. -
Have you been examined and treated by a medical doctor or mental health professional for your symptoms in the past? If so, what was the result?
I suffer from depression and ocd since i was 16. I never suffered of insomnia before Kundalini and Kundalini overturned all my previous symptoms or disturbs. When i began to have issues because of Kundalini i knew nothing about these stuff, and i thought at first at some drugs side effects or an anxiety issue. First thing i did was to speak to my psychiatrist but he couldn’t figure out what was going on with me. In fact my reaction to drugs and my psychological symptoms were absurd, uncoherent with my previous symptoms. He understood nothing. It was not anxiety because the more happy I felt the worst the insomnia was. It was like a maniac episode but it was triggered by meditation. When i told him that he though i was mad. So i told him to go to hell. -
Are there other factors and/or measures you are taking in relation to your situation that are not covered above?
NO -
Optional: What is your approximate age (teen, 20s, 30s, 40s, etc.)? What is your gender? We ask because the manifestation of kundalini symptoms can be affected by these factors.
I am 45 years old now. When i had my first Kundalini onset i was 33 years old.
from Annademiel
Late response to this: nothing to be sorry for, I love the concept and didn’t have a name for it. “Passive influence” fits the bill beautifully [OM]
Hi Baizuo,
Thanks for completing the questionnaire. It does sound as if you have got into a bad situation from a combination of medical issues and overdoing spiritual practices. 2 hours a day of TM meditation is excessive.
Back in December I advised you to cut your spiritual practices down to a place where you feel comfortable and are no longer suffering from insomnia. I would now advise you to stop all spiritual practices for some time. This could be for a year or two. This would include not practicing meditation, spinal breathing pranayama, qui gong techniques, the micro cosmic orbit, or laying down as if dead. It would also include not focussing on the third eye, or reading any spiritual literature. Again, as I did in December, I would recommend stopping drugs such as alcohol, caffeine and tobacco. I would also recommend stopping any hallucinogens such as magic mushrooms, peyote, ayahuasca, and class A drugs if you take these.
Daily grounding practices will help, including cleaning the house, doing the gardening and remaining socially active. If you do not have your own garden, you could offer to help with other people’s.
We could see how you are getting on in a year or two. If you are stable and sleeping well by then, you could begin a spiritual practice again if you feel ready. I would suggest starting gently and building up slowly. And using a spiritual practice such as AYP which is balanced and has effective self-pacing built into it. But certainly do not attempt that now.
I basically stopped meditating in 2010. Since then I only attempted sporadical experiments as I wrote. Exept for Qigong (which I practiced from 2013 to 2015) I never praticed regularly any spiritual practice. I practiced the concentration on the third eyes a handful of times during 2017 or 2018. I ve already been long periods of years without any spiritual practice, stopping that has been one of the first thing I did, any time i attempted any other spiritual practice it was because inactivity didn’t bring any improvement. So I basically already tried what you suggested but it was ineffective. About grounding activities: it wold be extremely difficult doing gardening because i live in the city and i don’t know people who do it. Sincerely , i have not another 2 years to wait to see how it goes, i already did it for 13 years , i m getting old. This thing will go on untill i waiste the rest of my life like i did in the last 13 years or untill the health degeneration this situation is creating on my body kills me.
Hi Baizuo,
I would suggest leaving out the sporadic experiments. Once someone is out of balance, even a little can push them over the edge again. And don’t worry about your age. 45 is young.
No need to do gardening. House cleaning and regular long walks, work just as well for remaining grounded. You may need to eat heavier food for some time. And under the circumstances, I would suggest stopping alcohol and smoking completely. This will continue until you sort it out. At the end of the day, it is up to you.
Basically it seems you are suggesting to me to do what i did for years (nothing) and avoiding totally alcohol and smoking plus walking everyday. After 13 years of pain i should improve only with walking? Also taking into account i also have issues to my knees now (yes, this is new, the demolition process is proceeding). I think in 12 monthes i’ll be here again writing that nothing changed except 12 monthes wasted.
Dear Baizuo,
You have been in pain for 13 years and it is sh*tty. Nobody and nothing can help you. Accept it or not. Reality does not care. You have not accepted it for 13 years and has tried numerous things, it has not helped one bit. Try accepting your situation for a change. Accept it and surrender to it whole-heartedly. Stop trying to do something about it. The other way has not worked.
So are you suggesting to commit suicide or something equivalent?
Hi Baizuo,
No one has advised you to commit suicide. The advice you have been given is to refrain from all spiritual practices for a year or two, and see how things develop. In addition to this, the advice is to engage in daily grounding activities. This can include walking (especially in nature if possible), but can also include cleaning the house, working in the back yard, tending to the garden and so on. If you don’t have a garden of your own, you could see if your neighbours need help with theirs.
In addition to this, refrain from taking any drugs including alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, hallucinogens and class A drugs like cocaine and heroine. Also refrain from excessive sexual activity, exercise that increases the heart rate, and from reading spiritual literature, as all of these things can activate kundalini. Eating heavier foods can help, such as meat and potatoes. Make sure to drink plenty of water.
It is a lot to be getting on with, and certainly not a waste of time. It is the opposite of that. You will be doing exactly what you need to do to make the best progress on the spiritual path, and that will benefit you not only in this lifetime, but in all future lifetimes.
You may not feel any different after a year. No one said you would. Sometimes people get themselves in a situation that can take several years to recover from. That is just the way it is. If the pain in your body is being cause by kundalini, then it will gradually fade over time because of these adjustments to your lifestyle. If it has a physical cause, and is not related to your spiritual practices, then it could continue or even get worse. So, it is important that you keep seeing your physical health care provider.
In my own case, I experienced the awakening of kundalini when I was 21. I am now 52, so it has been 31 years. So, I have some experience with what happens, and how the energy responds to different things over time. I have also had to spend periods of time when I stopped all practices, and focussed only on grounding. We do not need to see it in a negative way, anymore than we would see going downhill for a while in a negative way, if we were climbing a mountain. Sometimes, there is a valley between us and the top of the mountain, and we have to go down for a while, to get where we are going. An experienced mountain climber would not be troubled by this at all and would just see it as part of the overall journey. We have to become like that, if we are to reach the goal on the spiritual path. Eventually, we have to become like that, all of the time. Fully equanimous, untouched by anything that arises.
As J. Jiddu Krishnamurti once said: “Do you want to know my secret? I don’t mind what happens.”