How Do Christians Deal With Kundalini Awakening?

Christianity is the world’s largest religion. Nearly 1/3 of the world is Christian. Is it possible almost one out of three people experiencing k awakening is Christian? How do Christians come to terms with their energetic awakening? Do they feel there is nowhere within the church to go for support? And if they have found support within their local churches - has the information provided been accurate and sufficient? Are they given what is needed for successful integration of the experience?
Godslave asked a very good question in the excellent thread topic Kundalini and Christ consciousness: “How are Christ consciousness and kundalini related?”
These questions, and others like them, beg to be answered. While I count myself Christian, it is due to my love for the Lord, and not any affection for the religion itself. So I’m wondering if anyone has answers to these questions. Has there been dialogue on this subject? Are the various denominations considering special kundalini classes and/or counseling for those in their congregations experiencing spontaneous k awakening? How is this need being met?
My own research has led me to believe that accurate k info is hard to come by. If that is true, then how are pastors and Christian spiritual leaders able to provide adequate support to those Christians experiencing spontaneous k awakening? It would be wonderful if Christian pastors are drawing from their own k experience in order to provide assistance to others with k awakening. In the near future, this may be the norm. But it isn’t the norm now. So what is being done at this time to help Christians in need of support during their k awakening? Your answers to these questions would be appreciated.

Hi Parvati,
I have asked about this as well… And received good answers directly from a monk and on the other hand from seeing how christian monks live.
The answer is simple… Working in the earth… Planting and gardening and using shuffles for digging… Hard work and a lot of karma yoga and service…
As for nuns… We have Saint Theresa of Avila as an example… Whom I’ve heard this story about her from a christian monk as well… He told me that she used to close the doors of the church in her monastery and dance the salsa in front of her lord (believe it or not :wink: )
Also, some ask God’s help in this I suppose… There is the prayer of the heart as well which was originally founded by Saint Anthony the great… Practicing a similar form of prayer myself… I find this practice to be very self pacing and relieves a lot of the energy from the head and pulls to the heart vacuum… But this practice shouldn’t be repeated like a parrot… It has to have presence and meaning… This way it is fruitful… Otherwise I’ve found it to be an element of imbalance.
Hope this helps :pray:

Hi Parvati,
The mystical part of Christianity is something that has always existed, but is rarely discussed openly in current times. I have found some very knowledgable Catholic priests. Rather than describing it as kundalini, it is often just called the power of the Holy Spirit.
There are also many very strong gnostic Christian traditions that deal with kundalini and the energy body in general. As an example, take a look at the link below.
Also, I highly recommend Tau Malachi’s book, “Gnosis of a Cosmic Christ”. I think you will like it very much if you can get past all of Jewish terms.
Best wishes,

Hi Ananda
Physical exertion (including dancing), working in the earth, and service are all excellent grounding activities. Do your Christian monk friends discuss their k awakening with each other, or is it something personal they keep to themselves? And do you know if they have any relevant books that may cover kundalini in the monastery library? Also, I’ll try to learn more about St. Anthony the great’s prayer of the heart. Thanks for the post.

Hi Jeff
Your comment helped to sort my concerns. It would be really nice to think I’ve gone beyond fear, but apparently not. Here are some of my concerns…
If a young Christian person, say in their late teens or early twenties, is experiencing a k awakening, how will it be dealt with by their families, their local church, and the community in which they live? Of course it is the power of the Holy Spirit, but it’s a very specific aspect of that power. Will it be treated as a hush-hush subject like out-of-wedlock pregnancy? Will it tend to dishonor the young person’s family?
So these things are rarely discussed openly in current times - why - because they are embarrassing? Is it because kundalini is a taboo subject for mainstream Christians? These are troubling questions for me. What is especially bothering is the fact that these beautiful souls may be dismissed for being too radical and nonconformist, or treated as heretics and outcasts. They may be disowned by their families and communities, or worse, persuaded to undergo invasive therapies and procedures (possibly exorcism) to correct the problem. And that would be a tragedy due to the unnecessary pain it would cause.
The Sophian website, for some reason, crashes my browser so I’ll try to access it on another computer. Thanks for your post.

Hi Ananda
Physical exertion (including dancing), working in the earth, and service are all excellent grounding activities. Do your Christian monk friends discuss their k awakening with each other, or is it something personal they keep to themselves? And do you know if they have any relevant books that may cover kundalini in the monastery library? Also, I’ll try to learn more about St. Anthony the great’s prayer of the heart. Thanks for the post.

I really don't know if they discuss it or not among each other... As well sorry but I don't know of any books. Saint Theresa talks about the mystical states in her autobiography but no detailed kundalini talk as far as I know. Love, Ananda

I think that depends in the christian tradition (catholic, orthodox…)
Around minute 4:27-5:00 Elder Cleopa says about spinal cord being on fire! Perhaps if you are finally going to say it in your community you can show the video first and then say your case. That only if you think that it will be a good idea and will help you.
But there are many here in the forums that dealt with it successfully, so it’s your decision to tell your community or not.

Thanks for the reply Ananda.

Hi Will Power
Thanks for the comment and link. Showing an appropriate video is a good idea. Also referencing Gopi Krishna’s book(s) would probably be helpful.

Hi Parvati,
I think bad advice on Kundalini is common in all tradions (not just Christianity). And while I would agree that mainstream Christianity tends to avoid and maybe fear mystical aspects, I think that unlike in the past there is now easy access through the Internet to the information. Sites like AYP (and others), offer resources for someone with kundalini that did not exist in the past.
In my own case, my esoteric path started when my head started vibrating in my early forties. I would have probably thought it was a brain tumor, but the vibrations came with a power sense of peace. Being a Midwestern Christian, I immediately started searching the web.I quickly found some good and helpful sites. Only much later did I think to possibly discuss it with my pastor.
Also, i think that the mystical aspects of the Christian tradion can be found in the church itself (but I agree that you have to look pretty hard). Below is a post in another forum by someone who has discussed this broader topic with a Christian monk. The monk directly compares their experience with their Buddhist monk “brothers”.
Best wishes,

Some Christians will find their way to AYP especially if they like yoga. And once they do, many of them will be fine. But what of the others? All replies received thus far are much appreciated. Until yesterday when the topic was initiated, it hadn’t been given much thought i.e., how mainstream Christianity was dealing with k awakening.
My own path veers considerably away from the mainstream. In my opinion, Eastern religions generally have more to offer than conventional Christianity. For example, the bible was an unfathomable enigma until, as a young adult, I began exploring Eastern religions. The same themes reoccur in different ways in the various religions. These more or less universal themes are ancient and over time have often become skewed or corrupted. It was found helpful to approach the basic themes from a variety of viewpoints and perspectives, thereby getting in touch with the core principles upon which they are based. To me, this is a sensible open-minded approach.
There has been strong resistance to the label of New Age as applied to me by fundamentalist Christians. New Age usually doesn’t resonate any better than the conventional approach. For me, New Age woo is often not much of an improvement over the conventional ideology and dogma, although I will concede that it does have something valuable to offer.
It is being assumed until ascertained otherwise, that kundalini awakening is primarily classified in two ways by the conventional church authorities: Either 1)it is considered in the realm of Christian mysticism or 2)it is dealt with under the term New Age. From my point of view, it is a mistake either way.
For the challenges of k awakening to be successfully overcome, the whole situation needs to be handled with sensitivity, clarity, intelligence, compassion…and above all…needs be brought out into the light of day. As opposed to possibly being shrouded in shame, kept hidden and undiscussed, or only rarely discussed and in secret. If Christian leaders are to exercise wisdom in their confrontation of the issue, they will need to develop some expertise on the matter. And that will not be easy, even if their hearts are willing, due to the prevalence of misinformation on the subject.
Because I dislike dwelling on the negative and thinking about what I don’t want… my perspective has shifted toward the positive and thinking about what I do want. In this case, it requires vast prayer and the request of siddhis from the absolute. As well as being my new research project, it is estimated that one of the most effective ways of bringing about a constructive solution to this issue, is prayer.
Last night I was engaged in prayer with the absolute for about an hour. In the beginning necessary siddhis or miracles were requested to bring about what is a beneficial result. All kinds of seminars, workshops, training sessions for k counselors, guest lectures, topical sermons, encouragement of those with k experience to come forward and speak about it, dissemination of flyers and pamphlets and wise pastors empowered to take action as needed for a proper resolution of the issue… were visualized during the prayer.
For the remainder of the period, my sincere gratitude was offered for the grace of god working through wise and compassionate Christians living their lives in service to the divine. It was realized to be only a matter of time before the good example of a few will be emulated by the majority. So my prayer request is that it should happen sooner rather than later, and thanks are given for the divine arranging these elements, bringing them together, and putting it all into place in terms of 3D physical reality.

Thanks for the valuable and thoughtful post. The provided link looks excellent, will give it more attention later, only had time to skim through it. Also will try to obtain the Tau Malachi book you suggested earlier. For some time now there has been concern about the bad k advice so often given to clueless people who desperately need accurate information in order to successfully integrate their k awakening. But it is what it is. Half of me is idealist and the other half realist. It is only since k started awakening that these two halves are working together harmoniously and efficiently. For which I am very grateful to Shakti and her incredible, if difficult, training. Remember your computer analogy in the other thread? This etheric networking between people serving on behalf of the divine - it is delicate and subtle but also powerful and effective :wink:

The following excerpt is from an informative and lengthy interview by Jim Arraj with Philip St. Romain, a Christian who has experienced k awakening and also written a book about his experience.
“If I had introduced panic thoughts into the process, I could have really been in very bad shape. If I would have gotten stuck in some judgment about what was happening, it could have been a mess. My saving grace through the whole thing was to just step out of the way and let it happen without saying this is good or bad … So by the spring of '88 I was into the literature on kundalini, and trying at the same time to just honor the process, letting it happen, without being negative or judgmental about it. Just letting it do whatever it is going to do… It is a whole transformation process, organic and otherwise, that kicks in, and it is good to be able to know about it (laughs) if it is going on in your body, in your life.”

The following is basically a summary of the discussion points so far plus some common sense reasoning. It is advised, whatever route(s) are chosen, that discretion and discernment be employed accordingly. Perhaps later more options will be added to the list and/or those on the list will be explored in more detail. At the moment these appear to be the options available to Christians experiencing k awakening:

  1. Consider talking to (or becoming) Christian monk, as well as their sister counterpart, about k awakening. See if the autobiography of St. Theresa of Avila is helpful.
  2. Read the available literature on gnostic and Christian mysticism.
  3. Read from New Age sources (which is somewhat dicey b/c one may encounter hear-say and inaccuracy).
  4. Research YouTube, other online videos, and online info on k.
  5. Ask friends for advice (in my case friends weren’t helpful and they admitted to being clueless)
  6. Pray for help
  7. Rely on intuition (this needs be done in any event)
  8. Read the bible for references about living water, baptism of the Holy Spirit, the very high esteem in which Jesus regarded the Holy Spirit, and other applicable bible passages. Determine for yourself if k awakening is the Holy Spirit moving in your body and in your life.

This is Philip St. Romain’s forum. There is a section for Kundalini Issues and Spiritual Emergencies. In that subforum, the discussion seems to focus primarily upon Christian oriented k awakening, however the participants come from a diverse range of spiritual backgrounds.

Christians undergoing k awakening may be wise to familiarize themselves with all relevant scriptural passages. The following is one of the most important in this regard:
John 14:25-26 (KJV)
“These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you. But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.”
whom the Father will send in my name
During my online research, I’ve come across the term ‘Christ Energy’ being used in place of ‘Kundalini’ or ‘Holy Spirit’ regarding the energetic awakening. As concerns Christians experiencing k awakening, I heartily endorse this trend simply because it is biblical and has its origin in the above quoted scripture.
When Christians employ a scriptural foundation in the justification of their stance, they are standing on firm ground…and are using the armor of God, so to speak, on their behalf.
A scriptural stance will protect them, to a certain extent, from ridicule and opposition. At least they have a clear and definite position from which to argue their point. Technically the Word of God is actually the one means of authentic spiritual aggression, and can be employed in spiritual warfare, as it represents the Sword of the Holy Spirit used on one’s behalf. The Word can be used, quite effectively, for either offense or defense.
According to the bible, Jesus proclaimed that God the Father would send the Holy Spirit in His name…so therefore calling kundalini by the name Christ Energy is (arguably) supported by scripture.
Using the term Christ Energy would perhaps be more politically correct (religiously correct) than using the term kundalini which might have a tainted connotation. The term Christ Energy has a more pure connotation, perhaps, from the conventional Christian standpoint.
However, there is still the significant issue of conventional, orthodox, fundamental Christianity adamantly dismissing the possibility that k awakening has anything to do with the Holy Spirit. Nevertheless, it IS a controversial topic, with adherants on both sides able to support their position on the matter. Those who have personal experience with k awakening, however, are at an advantage precisely because they can give testimony as to their experience. Personal testimony has a precedent in many orthodox Christian denominations as being VALID and (usually) acceptable. It is sometimes called witnessing, and often regarded similarly to witness testimony in a court of law.
Christians undergoing k awakening, therefore, have two valuable tools to use on their behalf: 1)Scriptural support and 2)their personal testimony.
A third asset is to reference the personal testimony of others. Philip St. Romain is probably the best among these. However Dr. Larry Jensen, who appears to be nominally Christian (perhaps more in the mystic tradition) has also written an article titled Kundalini Passion of the Holy Spirit - which I found very articulate and persuasive. Albeit it appeals more to the eclectic and spiritually inclined rather than the orthodox and religiously inclined. The following is quoted from Dr. Jenson’s article:
“It [k] is a gift of Divine Essence caressing and awakening the great love and inner power in which we were created. We discover it through acceptance of the greater spiritual power within ourselves as we reach for RADICAL HONESTY - emotionally, socially and spiritually.” (caps mine, parvati)
Perhaps we will return later to this wonderful concept of radical honesty, referenced by Dr. Jensen.
bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you
In my opinion, Jesus is here stating that during k awakening, a Christian will have direct proof of that which Jesus has proclaimed in his incarnation. The Holy Spirit will confirm, and cause those who believe in Jesus, to remember his statements as the truth. This confirmation will be from within their own being, in the form of kundalini awakening or Christ Energy.

~ my opinion ~
K Awakening, Christ Energy and Christ Consciousness
Imo these three terms are approximately the same, with minor distinctions. In the above post it was shown how the energy of a k awakening may be referred to as Christ Energy. Christ Consciousness has also been used online interchangeably with k awakening, but this is probably slightly incorrect. As far as I’m concerned, it amounts to splitting hairs but may be helpful to look more closely at what is involved.
Most discussions on k awakening as a divine experience, which also address spiritual enlightenment - will state that they are not the same. According to my experience, I agree with this. But it is a technicality, a minor distinction. One-on-one tutoring by the Holy Spirit or, if one prefers, experiencing the ‘Christ Energy’ - has to be very close to spiritual enlightenment. In fact, it is the energetic component of enlightenment.
To make an analogy: As k awakening is the energetic component of enlightenment… Christ Energy is the energetic component of Christ Consciousness. That is to say, Christ Consciousness equates with enlightenment rather than with k awakening.
he will teach you all things
The Divine Tutor/ Christ Energy. All things? Everything we may desire to know? All mysteries clarified and explained? Yes, yes, and YES. According to the bible, Jesus said the Holy Spirit will teach us all things. Some passages in the bible cannot be taken literally. However, from my experience, this can be taken literally. When Jesus says all things, he means virtually everything that was previously a mystery will be explained. How? Through Christ Energy/ the energetic awakening.
Of course, there will be many who disagree, and probably the vast majority of these will be people who have no idea what k awakening is, because they haven’t experienced it - yet. According to my own experience, and personal testimony, these words attributed to Jesus are true and they apply to k awakening/ Christ Energy. The Holy Spirit breaks down all barriers in our consciousness and bodies, barriers which serve to obstruct and obscure the truth. The Holy Spirit not only removes the obstructions, but additionally shines a light on the truth. Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth, and reveals the truth regarding all things.
The masculine form of Holy Spirit abides in the Higher Self consciousness. For eastern traditions this correlates with the crown chakra. But chakras needn’t be brought into the discussion. Sufficient to refer to what Paul recommends: Have this mind in you which is in Christ Jesus (see next post). The mind which is in Christ Jesus is Christ Consciousness. So this Christ Consciousness is facilitated by Christ Energy i.e., Christ Energy is the energetic component of Christ Consciousness.
Personal Testimony
Christians who are experiencing k awakening may be comforted in the knowledge that the internet has brought about a kind of global consciousness or awareness. And k awakening is being experienced by every faith on the planet and also by atheists, agnostics and mystics. The Abrahamic religions - Judaism, Islam and Christianity - are being confronted with multiple testimonies regarding k awakening both within their respective churches as well as from non-Abrahamic faiths. With more and more k awakenings and inter-faith dialogue, it will eventually become apparent that human beings are rapidly evolving in terms of their consciousness. And that the primary means of evolution is a movement of energy, explicitly a movement of divine energy or Christ Energy.
Imo it has never been more important to exercise patience, perseverance and forgiveness. Those Christians presently experiencing, and who will soon be experiencing, k awakening/ Christ Energy… will need to be very discreet in how they share their experience. They will need to be familiar with relevant scriptures (adroitly bringing them into the discussion), patiently explain and re-explain as necessary - their conviction in honoring their personal experience, and to reinforce it all with fervent prayer. When Jesus went to the cross, he made a promise to never leave or forsake us. That includes k awakening/ Christ Energy. Also, in dealings with the adversary, for those who abide with Jesus - the adversary must go through Him first, before encountering you. It is wise to remember at all times that the adversary fears the name of Jesus and would rather not bother with you when you remain close to Him.
My advice, in the presentation of a (more or less public) testimony regarding k awakening/ Christ Energy is to use the name of Jesus as much as you can in relating your experience. You may indicate how you’ve prayed to the Lord for guidance and to relieve you of deception. Avoid using the k word. When referencing your energetic awakening, use the term Christ Energy. Talk about how, in your walk with Jesus, you have asked Him to show you the way forward. Explain how you would like to overcome your human selfishness and in doing so, you have gone directly to Jesus for advice. Keep your testimony centered in the Lord, rather than endeavoring to be understood. You may not be understood at all. But the point is that others learn of your experience, as you choose to share it, not that they understand or agree with you. If others don’t support you in your experience, you will of necessity draw closer to the Word and the Lord. While it may be harder in some ways, it will most likely be easier in other ways. Fellowship with Christians who haven’t experienced k awakening will stabilize/ ground your energy and tend to smooth out the spiritual transformation you are going through. If you face opposition, place your trust in the Lord to deliver you and for the truth to prevail.
May we all be enfolded in love :heart:
(edit/ typo, clarification, continuity)

This bible passage has been of great comfort and encouragement and is herein included for those who may need to take refuge in it:
Philippians 2:5-11 (KJV)
2:5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:
2:6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:
2:7 But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:
2:8 And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.
2:9 Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:
2:10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth:
2:11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
~ my opinion ~
In this letter, Paul exhorts the Philippians to stand firm in the faith. He had the gift of exhortation refined to state of the art. Paul was always giving encouragement, cheerfulness and illustrating a positive attutide. He seems to be implying, that as Jesus exemplifies God the Father (he thought it not robbery to be equal with God)… so we ought to strive to exemplify Jesus the Son (let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus).
The transmission of divine frequency/ energy goes from Father -> Eldest (Jesus) -> Younger siblings (us). This could be interpreted as the transmission of Christ Consciousness from the Divine to ‘The Emissary and Intermediary of the Divine’ through to us.
Jesus holds us in his embrace, just as an older brother might hold his younger siblings and thus protect them from all harm. Jesus also trains and strengthens us by showing us how to find our way in an often hostile world. If we wish to reach out to God, (for Christians) Christ is the way we get there. This is true from the standpoint of god in manifestation as human (The Incarnation) as well as from the standpoint of a generalized principle: Christ Consciousness is the Way to the Divine.
(edit/error hitting submit button)

~ my opinion ~
Why is spontaneous k awakening so difficult?
The answer to this question is extremely complex and imo requires something akin to lengthy indepth analysis, yet not essentially the mental kind. Frankly just pondering it, is overwhelming… mind boggling. My brain briefly short-circuits considering the ramifications involved in a properly thought out reply. It’s like a zen koan. In pondering a reply… the mind goes blank and there is nothing. Just emptiness. Emptiness is undoubtedly the best answer, but hardly satisfying. This question can’t really be addressed mentally. Because the answer involves spirit and will, as opposed to mental manipulation or intellectualization.
Volumes could be written on the subject and still barely scratch the surface. Nevertheless, courage must be summoned to attempt a reply, no matter how inadequate it might be. Most of those having experienced spontaneous k awakening, will admit that it was very hard, that they had to come to terms with something previously mysterious and incomprehensible. And that this mysterious enigmatic power was, in the beginning, sometimes perceived as a threat to their well being. That it sometimes disrupted their normal life and day-to-day functioning.
No wonder those who haven’t yet experienced k awakening can become frightened at the prospect of their own energetic awakening. They might even view it as something to be avoided at all cost. Or that it is in no way compatible with being disciplined, trained or educated by the Divine. And even less likely that it constitutes a divine gift.
While repeatedly emphasized that this is only my opinion based on my experience, still it must be reiterated: This is only my opinion, so please use discernment when reading and evaluating what is said here. Examine the content to see if it resonates in your heart. And try to cut me some slack because we are attempting to analyze something which powerfully resists mental dissection.
I do not believe k awakening can be avoided by anyone for any reason. It may be postponed or put off for a given period of time, and its intensity can be reduced, but it cannot be avoided. If one is ripe for the experience, if one has merited the experience, then it will certainly inevitably have to be confronted. And the sooner the better in my estimation.
The only way not to experience k awakening is not to merit it. And in that case, there is nothing you can do to experience it, short of earning merit. In other words, those who merit it can do nothing to escape it, and those who don’t merit it, won’t be experiencing it. Your higher self, in conjunction with the divine, determines merit or lack thereof. If you’ve earned the right to experience k awakening, then your own Higher Self has ascertained that you can handle it. And so you will. To the best of your ability.
In k awakening, the Holy Spirit is MOVING in us. Energy which was previously dormant and inactive is no longer passive. It becomes vital, dynamic, active, forceful and healing. It fixes everything that was wrong with us. Everything that was broken, it recreates and restores. And it takes time. But the Holy Spirit begins its movement with great intensity and force. Every obstacle is broken down, dismantled, disintegrated.
It does no good whatsoever to fight the process. Once begun, it will commence on its own - with or without our permission. I strongly advocate giving permission to the process. The reason for this is because when one is inclined to fight it - the process only intensifies and becomes more difficult. Going along with it and working with the energy will provide more options and flexibility. Having a positive attitude will also make it easier. But in no way will it be an overall cakewalk. It will be a challenge. Perhaps the most challenging experience one will ever have to deal with.
The Holy Spirit is like a mirror, once we accept the process. Our divine teacher will not allow us to remain ignorant of our errors, excesses and neglect. We won’t be allowed to remain in denial with excuses and rationalizations regarding misbehavior and willful foolishness. We are being trained in divine wisdom. And we will be held to account for every nuance of our spiritual intent. We are being purified and cleansed of obstructions to holiness or wholeness. We are being outfitted with a pure vessel so that the Divine may flow in us without obstruction. That last sentence can be a mantra, however as many times as we say it, we still won’t be able to fully comprehend it. It has to be LIVED. We have to BE it. It is beyond mental understanding. And moving beyond mental comprehension is prerequisite to accepting the process. That’s why it’s so hard.
What is it exactly - that regards k awakening as difficult? K awakening is not something that will adapt to a status quo. Nor is it something that will adapt to every whim of our ego desires. ‘My Way or the Highway’ was invented by the Holy Spirit, meaning that Divinity is disinclined to make accommodation for ignorance and willful foolishness and/or stubborness. Once the Christ Energy begins to move in us, we are held to a higher standard. Our egos and the social status quo are not going to meet that standard in every way. So we will be raised up. Partly by our own bootstraps and partly by the divine energy awakening in us. Being raised up is a divine process but it is often experienced initially as a difficult one. Until we begin to relax into it and then it becomes effortless, exhilarating and sublime.
May we all be enfolded in love :heart:
(Edit/ minor changes)

Hi Parvati!
Is this true? Does kundalini experience somehow indicate greater worth in the eyes of the divine?
Also, you seem to be putting together kind of a reference (self-defense?) manual for those who experience kundalini awakening in a Christian context. If you don’t mind my asking… are you currently being attacked by your pastor or by those in your church for your own awakening?
All the best!