Healing overreactive bladder

For years I have been suffering from an overactive bladder - I feel like urinating every few hours, and do so about 13 or 14 times a day. I have got checked and everything is good - blood, hormones, prostate, urinary tract. I don’t drink or smoke, and can’t say I have any bad habits health wise. I eat moderately and this problem has also affected my confidence in speaking to women finding a partner and such because it affects erections also in some ways. I did some belly breathing from Mantak China’s exercises and it doesn’t have an effect. I don’t feel an urgency to urinate, but an irrigation to and when I do it’s not much. This has reduced because over the years I have done a bunch of practices but it still comes back at times. Maybe it has reduced a bit dunno.
I am looking for some practices that dont involve stretching so much but more like sounds, mudras and breathing while sitting. I did aumkar chanting which I did from Isha foundation and it helped a bit, but again it’s not much. This is a neurological thing certainly because when I pee I have muscle control, I can start and stop any number of times. But energy related there is something wrong there. I could do reiki or something but more importantly I am looking for a practice I can do to help with this and more involved with sounds, mudras and breathing rather than asanas that requires standing or stretching - though a bit of that is also fine. This is not so much about muscle but surely neurological. Please advise :slight_smile:

Please advise. I’m looking for certain practices that help. :-1: :skull:

Dear SeanRas,
I cannot speak to any technique specific to the approaches you have suggested as I am very new to yoga. However, like you, I have suffered from a hyperactive bladder.
Have you tried pumpkin seed oil? I take 4, 1000 mg soft gel capsules in the morning, and 4, 1000 mg soft gel capsules in the evening for a total of 8000 mg a day. You may also be able to purchase pumpkin seed oil in liquid form. You may need to take a significant quantity for a couple of weeks before you sense any improvement. If you have access to an online store such as Amazon, you may be able to read reviews. I have found that the darker the oil in color, the better it seems to work.
I am not a doctor and have no healthcare training, but pumpkin seed oil has significantly reduced the frequency of my bathroom trips. Good luck.

Hi Barefoot Burton,
I am not particularly interested in pills and stuff like that. I can always take them but I want something that will PERMANENTLY relieve me from the problem and not just the symptom.

Dear SeanRas,
I would suggest that you start Deep Meditation found here:
Deep Meditation may not be a quick fix if your overactive bladder is a physical problem (does not appear that it is from checks you have already done) but it will help change your perspective on this issue and bring peace and calmness to the issue.
Good luck.
Sey :pray:

Hi SeySorciere,
I am at peace daily. I want something to solve the issue at hand. A practice.

Hi guys,
I am still looking for a practice for this. Please help because years are rolling away and due to this problem I am not confident to find a wife. It affects my sexual ability also a bit when I feel like I have to constantly pee. Please advise.

Not a practice but i have similar problem, drink plenty of water (2 liter even more) and after 1 or 2 week maybe you ll see improvement. I know sound not Logic but i have no need to get UP during night with this method. Maybe there IS some physiological and psychological trick here.
Good luck