Head bending backwards

First of all I would like to say that I am happy that I found AYP a few months ago. Very inspiring teachings! I went to a 10 day vipassana course during the summer and experienced tremendous purifications going on. Afterwards I expereienced an incredible stillness and clearity - which turned on my bhakti.
I have been practicing Asanas, SPB, DM and Samayama for about 2-3 months now. I really enjoy it. A few weeks ago I introduced chin pump. I don’t know if it’s related to the chin pump, but lately I have been experiencing a strong desire from my internal energy bend the head and neck backwards during SPB, DM and samyama. Before this bending backwards tendency I experenced more of random head movements / swaying / rotations during DM and samyama.
I wonder if anoyne else have experienced the same backward bending tendency of the neck and could shed some light on this? What is going on? I have found out that there is a mudra called akashi mudra, in which the neck and head is bent backwards. The mudra is supposed to open up the throat / vishuddi chakra. Could it be that I have some blockages in the throat chakra, and that the practices I’m doing induces an energy flow that’s currently working on obstacles in the throat area?
I’m grateful to hear thoughts from people who have ha similiar experiences, or other wise words on this :slight_smile:

Bsv, Welcome to the forum. Glad to hear you are enjoying the practices. It sounds like you are experiencing automatic yoga. These are normal but may be due to a lot of purification going on. You’ve taken on quite a large number of practices in such a short time. If you review Yogani’s teachings you will see his recommendation to proceed slowly. Often he recommends doing DM only for the first few months before adding on any other practices. I would suggest backing off on adding more practices and consider dropping the chin pumps till things stabilize. If you push, you may experience more irritability or kundalini overload symptoms. As Yogani often says, Rome isn’t built in a day so take your time and enjoy the journey.

Yeah I’ve had similar. First it was the head turning side to side, then all the way back (almost as if someone was lifting my chin) then I’ve also had my head being forced slowly into my lap. The way I think about it is the body has some kind of startup programme for this kind of higher spiritual function, much like turning on a new iPhone! Seems like stretching out the spinal nerve is high on the agenda!

The head tilting backwards is common. Some have said it?s you becoming receptive to grace . Idk. There is also a neck lock that is the exact opposite

My head falls back in DM often, it feels expansive, opening the throat chakra wide, and sometimes, on its own, my tongue pokes out.

My head pulls back too sometimes after intense practices and it feels like such a release!