Meditation on japanese hara or tan tien (seems to be fairly the same thing) seems to bring some “stability”, every life is sometimes hard for some people. Do you think that this practice could help them quickly additionaly to ayp practice?
Bonjour Jeanjean82.
In AYP Yogani evokes in lessons 368 and 370 an evolution of the localization of the mantra in the solar plexus, halfway between the navel and the sternum, as a possible evolution.
In the consequences of this centering, Yogani mentions in particular
“So this practice may be experienced in both ways radiating and centering. The place we will notice the practical results of this will be in daily activity, which is the true measure of any practice we are doing. If we find more inner stability and outpouring divine love in daily activity, we will know our practice is good”
This consequence joins the notion of inner stability to which you refer.
But the solar plexus is not the Tan Tien, located between an inch and a half and 3 inches below the navel and the physiological, energetic and spiritual implications of a meditation on this area are different although coherent.
On the psychosomatic level, as you point out, such meditation, in its seated or even standing form, whether static or dynamic, corresponds to a refocusing and somatic and psychic stability.
On the physical level, by lowering the body’s center of gravity, we are more resilient to external influences, which is a basic practice of many martial arts (rider posture).
On the psychic level, by “decerebralizing” our contents of consciousness, we refocus on what some texts call “the second brain”, global intelligence of our body.
Finally, in chinese spiritual alchemy, this zone, as the “lower cauldron”, is the basis of the gestation of the alchemical embryo, conjunction of essence and spirit.
As far as I am concerned, by practicing a Sadhana consistent with the teachings of the AYP centered on the absorption of forms of consciousness into the inner silence very well described by Yogani, I have been living for a long time the Tan Tien as a psychosomatic residence of inner silence. In meditation as in everyday life, it is in the Tan Tien that the contents of consciousness are absorbed and that their dissolution energizes and coagulates what the Yoga Sutras call “nature (or abode) of the Drastr, pure consciousness” (YS 1.3). This descent in my case is well felt physically. It does not proceed from a voluntary effort, but as a consequence of a spiritual practice. In case of difficulty or potential stress, it is like immersing oneself in the depth of the ocean, which is not affected by storms and typhoons. This movement of descent, abandonment, resorption is always followed by an emergence of inner silence in which the Drastr, pure consciousness becomes active and effective contemplation of external phenomena. The Tan tien is the door to this space outside of space and this time outside of time which, if it is not objectively apprehensible, constitutes in a lived way a spiritual evidence.
Je te souhaite une bonne continuation dans ta Sadhana.
Hello Mithuna,
Thanks for these precision and for sharing your experience!