From Anandatandava

Hi All:
I have had a request from a lady whose brother, Roy, is in prison, has read some of the AYP books, and is looking for contact with other practitioners. He has no internet access, and I have been asked to post this for possible responses:
“Sorry for any redundancy, but I’m speaking blindly from prison through my sister. Is the experience of “flame-forms” from hand mudras, a common occurrence? Has anyone else explored the influence of the vagus and other cranial nerves on the autonomic nervous system as pertains to AYP yoga? I’m thinking specifically of the parasympathetic, the primary driver in experiences of profound love.
I sent the below reply back via email. Further thoughts on Roy’s inquiry will be appreciated. I will make sure his sister has the link for this topic, so she can print any further insights and send them to him.
The guru is in you.
My emailed reply (excerpt):
"…Energy experiences like you mentioned are common, and the suggestion is to easily favor the practice we are doing over any experiences that come up. If experiences come up during daily activity between our practice sessions, then we can enjoy them and carry on with our activity, whatever it is. Too much mental analysis can get in the way of practices and our spiritual growth. For those who are intellectual by nature, and want to pursue that line, then the AYP Self-Inquiry book is suggested.
There is no question that much more research on the neurobiology of human spiritual transformation is coming down the road, so your interest in that area will no doubt be addressed by modern science increasingly as time goes on. We are in the beginning stages of it now. I am very much in favor of this. See some of my thoughts on “applied spiritual science” here: (print and send posts of interest).
The guru is in you.

I have no idea, but I am glad AYP is able to get to someone in prison, and it makes me think about donating some AYP books to a local prison books project. Hope others have something to share.

Perhaps what i will say here is misplaced but i feel that the questions from Roy were not addressed.

Roy - Q:
Is the experience of “flame-forms” from hand mudras, a common occurrence?
Yogani - A:
"…Energy experiences like you mentioned are common, and the suggestion is to easily favor the practice we are doing over any experiences that come up.
Roy - Q:
Has anyone else explored the influence of the vagus and other cranial nerves on the autonomic nervous system as pertains to AYP yoga? I’m thinking specifically of the parasympathetic, the primary driver in experiences of profound love.
Yogani - A:
There is no question that much more research on the neurobiology of human spiritual transformation is coming down the road, so your interest in that area will no doubt be addressed by modern science increasingly as time goes on. We are in the beginning stages of it now. I am very much in favor of this. See some of my thoughts on “applied spiritual science” here:

of course gumpi, your still thinking instead of doing
How can I be sure of this, you remind me of me :wink:
love and laughter brother

message to divine anandatanbada:
yogani brought clarity to one part of the reason for asking. beautiful clarity as always! :slight_smile:
your journey within is blessed. blessed by yogani’s guidance and your ancient seeking that comes from knowing. the path of yoga is fulfilling and is freedom in itself. most people outside prison are in the grand prison of ignorance. you chose to be free, so you are lucky no matter where you are! :slight_smile:
not too familiar with in the intellectual end to your question but felt the need to provide insight from the inner journey perspective.
the ‘flame forms’ experienced are indications of advancement. soon the whole body will be the flame form. gently this flame form rises further above to be subdued at the third eye and stroked through each breath from the muladhara. it is the eternal fire awake in the mind’s maturity to the joys of stillness.
your question was similar to the question nandhi had asked several years back to a sage in the wilderness of south india. hence this reaching ‘back’.
all in the joys of the inner fire!
a picture of the ancient fire-

Hi A, flame forms have been experienced by people in this forum and can be very realistic (sometimes mistaken for real things present around you). If they occur during practice recommendation is to just minimise distraction and try and retain focus on the practice so our practice time is not wasted. If outside practices don’t get scared-just explore and observe what you see. On your nervous system question such research should be undertaken by qualified medical researchers/neural scientists - perhaps to come in future. Good luck with your AYP practice - might be worth complementing it with EFT if issues occur – free manual available here

Yogani, you and this community are magnificent! I am so grateful to be here. I confess to feeling unworthy of the privilege, and will respond with love and understanding to all perspectives, including those toward me. I was a software entrepreneur once, and know the rough-and-tumble of open forums. Here, however, we all value, pursue and taste love, thus reducing disagreement, it seems to me, to the play-nips of puppies in a box, (bad metaphor?). I have lived an outrageous life, of which I will tell another time, (if it serves AYP). But I am a peacemaker now, in a very cacophonous world, and always advise peers to not contribute to treachery what is better explained as simple misunderstanding. Emotion can easily spark online because print does not carry the inflection of a voice and body language by which we more fully gauge intent. Then you factor in the public and permanent nature of entries, and yikes! (LOL) Please know at the outset that I never intend to disquiet anyone with my silly notions and opinions. I invite you, implore you, to openly disagree with me, for I am filled with melting love for all - this is not just semantics! Further, whatever I may say about my idiosyncratic, (and perhaps idiotic), practice, I urge everyone to stay on the path presented by Yogani. The wonders he speaks of are very, very real, and beyond anything I, as a life long seeker, ever imagined possible. It is truly heaven on earth, a complete interpenetration by and into God.
I’m dicatating this over the phone, so I’ll close for now.

Hi All:
For those who are new to this discussion, the previous post is from Roy.
Welcome, Anandatandava! :slight_smile:
The guru is in you.

Welcome Anandatandava :slight_smile:
We are blessed by your presence. I find joy in your love sharing with us from your cacophonous world :sunglasses:
Thank you for joining this community and I look forward to your posts.
Your flame form mudras are a beautiful thing.

hi Anandatandava and welcome to the forums :slight_smile: , must say that i like your choosing of the name :wink: and the add on of the divine dance to itlord Shiva’s dance (tandava).
namaste brother, you are in our hearts.

Hi Roy,
Your presence is very humbling. :sunglasses:
I discovered ayp and the lovely pple here,only 2 weeks ago,and am stilll digesting…
The power and effectiveness of the practices are quuite extraordinary and i can see myself engaged with ayp for some time hence.The support forum here is like the recipe, th flour, al the other ingreduents and the icing on the cake, and more.
You sound pretty advanced. I am still with the baby steps here so it’s nice to have an experienced brother on board here with your wisdom and compassion.I think i’m lucky .
I think i had a kind of premature “awakening” that went kind of pear-shaped a few years ago but finding ayp after some prior searching is gratifying. The ayp system is like music to my ears in terms of efficacy and yogani’s beutiful explanations.It is free of much religious over-tone and dogma and completely abreast,or ahead even, of modern science- things i like about it. It’s effects- Again----extraoridinary.
Thanks for being here.
I am grateful.

Welcome on board Ananda. We look forward to your sharing your experience.

Wellcome anandatandava! :slight_smile:

Welcome to the forum. No need to feel unworthy. We don’t know the circumstances of you being where you are, so we won’t judge. This path is for anyone who chooses it.
What is important is the path you are on now, and lucky for you it can be fully experienced anywhere. Best of luck.

Hi anandatandava and nandhi
We are blessed to have both of you with us.
Heartly welcome anandatandava :grin: I can’t even imagine what you must have gone through in order to be where you are today…you must be very courageous…and have suffered much to reach this level of compassion…thank you for sharing with us :slight_smile:

I don’t know.
But over the past year…during healing sessions…where the hands flow app 20 cm or more over the body of the one on the bench…it feels as if the inside of the hands…that it is the same as the heart…they are completely empty…voidlike…and yet the streaming through “runs through” the inner hand space with love…that is what it feels like…like a velvety flame of love…
Also…during dialogues with clients or during satsang…the same emptiness is felt in the forehead…the Ajna here is not fully open…so don’t literally see yet what the heart knows…but the intelligence that is also in the light…it too streams through a void…
Now…coming back to that void…it feels like a father-like essence here…and it is possible to “single it out” from everything i look at now…all is this essence…it is both the background and the foreground of everything…
Earlier I saw only the shine from everything…that is always here…but the shine is coming from this essence…and when staying with it…it seems that the love that it is has only barely been sensed here…like only a microscopic “soundhue” of it has been touched upon…
And so I wondered…it feels as if it is the love and the shine that together is the lovejoy…and this lovejoy is in the light as an intelligence that knows itself into form…
Is it this you mean when you say “flame-forms”?
Also…there is always aching in the middle of the head here…like a “swelling” inside…every time there is a rise in the frequency of the light…there is a corresponding swelling…and I can literally feel how other parts of the brain become “activated”…like “rooms opening”…
During surges of ecstatic conductivity…it is very palpable how the whole brain is “wired”…how the light travels along the wires…and how it always comes down and lands in heart and is experienced as love there. Right before giving satsangs (don’t know why this is?) usually the night before…the light travels all the way down to a …portal…above and oustide…of the navle…this too is like a huge empty room that I sense only the microscopic beginning of (compared to what it is in essence)…when the light reaches there…the love melts itself into… immense power and indescribable peace at the same time…
a picture of the ancient fire-

I was very moved by the alive drawing…thank you nandhi for sharing the creativeness flowing from you…
Looking at the picture…it explained something that I have pondered…I see that there is no flame from the heart in that picture…but from the hands…and from the belly…it is like a message of compassion…compassionate hands that are willing to take action being moved by the flame…this allows much more flaming…(sorry for not finding the right words in English :slight_smile: )
Nandhi? Can I ask you…what is the connection between the belly and the heart and the Ajna? It seems here that Ajna is Vision…heart is Knowing (the substance in the cavity behind the breat bone feels…this is how it knows)…and belly is…Being…the power to create??
Before receiving and giving healings…the hands “turn themselves on” …this is how i know that a healing is called for…they just start buzzing…and they also “turn themselves off” spontaneously…
When the hands were activated 12 years ago…after the first 7 days where they were constantly buzzing…they would buzz whenever I felt joy or love…this is how it started…
So hands express heart…?
Hands IS heart
ok…enough rambling… :slight_smile:
Considering that all is One…it is amazing how many words can run out of this head trying to make sense of something that is forever non-graspable …lol
Will be quiet now…
Thank you both :grin:

Hearing your responses I wept. And wept. And wep[t. I had been chiding myself for sounding too pedagogic, but you all saw into my true self. I was not raised to know love, but once having discovered it, I value iot above all else. Finding AYP is a homecoming of the heart, the resolving chord of a long searching song, and no one could value the gift more.
After regaining my composure, I felt for a moment like a nude in church among all you fine people. Then I laughed, realizing as a love-addled child, clothing was optional. (kidding!)
Seriously, though, your welcome was ambrosia to a starving heart, for I have been alone in a packed crowd for a very long time. My social skills are a bit stunted, and I don’t yet know the full customs of AYP, this opulent new land and culture. Also, I am still a provincial bumpkin and homeless stray. My heart cries to be housebroken, and my fur smoothed in one direction. Please guide me to worthiness as you would a puppy or your own bliss consciousness.

anandatandava,wish you all the best in your path. :slight_smile:

Welcome and may you have a wonder-filled and wonderful path :slight_smile:
Love and Happiness,

Anandatandava, your presence here is both inspiring and humbling. You have a precious opportunity to find what many out here in the world have not… Freedom.
Wishing you the best on your journey.
With Love