Hi Timo,
The easy way to know if your symptoms of discomfort are caused by energetic overload or not, is that energetic overload symptoms are caused by having too much prana in your body. So, they will become less if you reduce your practices and increase grounding practices such as walking in nature, swimming etc. This means that you can experiment and find out for yourself.
And yes, generally, practicing with no symptoms of energetic overload leads to better long-term results than practicing with ongoing discomfort. This is partly because it is difficult for people to continue with something over the long-term if it is not comfortable. so, they can fall off the path all together. People can put up with some discomfort for a few months, or years, but will tend not to for a few decades.
Thank u Christi for clarification.
Do u think amaroli could be something which can help me to stabilise my daily life? I have tried it the last 3-4 days. The spirituel effect was too much, so I cut it away. But could it be a good idea for me to let away asanas and shortcut the time of spinal breathing to 2.5 min and DM to 7.5 min and trying a little of Amaroli. Or should I stay at this level of time and practises where I am stable?
With stable I mean I am able to live my life normally, even when I suffer of depression. Overload expresses for me that I am not able to live my life normally, and I suffer much more of my depression.
So with the short version of asana, 5 min Spinal breathing, 10 Min DM and 5 min Samyama we have the case that I was stable but suffer of depression(which hasn’t to do with overload). The question is can I reduce my suffering/depression through amaroli with a shorter version of my practise session(no asana, 2.5 SB, 7.5 Min DM and 5 Min Samyama)?
The thought behind this is that amaroli could have an effect like antidepressiva, because Yogani said that there is some urin in medical stuff, and he also says and some other people, that it will have a psychological (and physological) strenghtening effect. So, my hope is that it will lead to a normally life without my suffering of depression, at least a strong reduce of it.
For a personal report, in this yogi’s experience, amaroli is grounding, providing an immediate “sense of wellness”. I have been practicing since conductivity, and have no set ritual or amount, a sip or a cupful, that is decided in the moment my body suggests I sample my urine.
Hi there, amazing news: I have experienced at monday the witness (at least I am pretty sure it was). Not abiding (only for some moments). But it was like pure freedome.
It is such an wonderful feeling to notice progress on the path. At least what my mind thinks what progress is.
There is happening very much in my practises and sometimes in my life. My heart is more and more opening. The ecstatic cundacticity gets more and more. The connection with my environment gets more, but the feeling in my head, which I discribe as my depression, is predominant in my life. So, even my life gets on one hand better and better, on the other hand that feeling of tiredness of life and suicidality is stronger and more powerful. And self-pacing doesn?t have a big role on this feeling. This feeling is chronic and more or less independant of what I do (of course sport and diet helps, but it is not a complete healing). It steals the quality of my life.
Is this my karma? Or has anyone a idea how I can get rid of it? I do make sports, eat as healthy as it is possible for me and I am trying my best to live life fully. But this is harder than it seems. Living life fully. Espiacially when u have moderate depression.
And I think this is the point why I don?t experience more the wittness… I mean, in AYP the formular is doing twice a day your practise and then go and live life fully. I don?t live life fully and my fears contols a lot.
I play one time a week tennis, have a 9 to 5 Job, meet sometimes a friend, but most of the free time (weekend) I am on the couch. It is because of the lack of friend and girlfriend I think. I never had a girlfriend or sex or a relationship. But I crave it a lot but my fear of women is bigger. Maybe this is the reason for not experience the witness more.
What is the reason for not cultivating the witness with Deep Meditation? Is it a wrong doing of the procedure? Is it porn? Caffeine? Not good self pacing?
I experience some benefits of the meditation, espiacally during the practises itself…So I know, it is not about the experiences of the practises, but doesn?t it show that it somehow work? Why does not come more benefits in daily life?
Maybe it is really self pacing, at least I have added cosmic samyama for one week, and i have got an overload…now I let go of it and amaroli and watch what happens…
My current practise is 4 asanas postures with samyama, 5 Min spinal breathing, 10 min Deep Meditation (Shree Shree Ay?m Ay?m Namah Namah with solar centering) and 5 Min Samyama with 1 repetiotion per sutra…do you think it would make sense in my situation to let go of Asana and Samyama (and even maybe Spinal Breathing)?
Edit: I have a new plan. I will restart my journey, and will do 6 weeks only Deep Meditation, and then looking, is my state of mind because of overload or not…
The restart has failed, I am back to a more intense Session (6 Min Spinal breathing, 15 Min DM and 5 min Samyama with $ posture of asana and a sip of amaroli), but I am doing great with this one. I am very stable in daily life and can do with much more ease than ever my work and daily life. I even start a jogging programm three time a week. So, I am doing great!
But to be honest, the differences between my Sessions and my daily life are soooo big. In my Sessions there are fireworks, even some Stillness (Witness)…but it doesn?t translate into my daily life, and in my sex life. I am just doing solo tantra and that a view times a week, but there isn?t much cultivating of the sexual energies in higher centers of my body…it doesn?t matter how long I “practise”…
I think I am not ripe yet spiritually…not ripe for the witness in daily life, not ripe for relational self inquiry and not ripe for true tantra, which is very sad after 8 1/2 years of practise. But the fact that my daily life is stable brings me in a situation where I can bring a lot of patience with. My sessions are mostly great and daily life is stable. Thats a good formular for long term progress, even that my life don?t get better and better. It?s either stable or not. But I look with optimusm into the future.
That you are patient, stable, optimistic in life, and have a love for your daily practices shows you are developing witness and improving yourself (however subtly). Now it is simply a matter of time, discipline, and patience with your practices.