energy rushes in head

hi all.a bit of history,i started to get spiritual after christmas after severe emotional stress.I went to a shaman/healer 4 times over the last few months and iv done a lot of holtropic breathwork and 1 sweatlodge.iv released lot of hidden anger and feelings by roaring and screaming(probably 50 hours or more of intense emotional releases).iv had experiences of body shakes(epilectic type movements) moving from my legs up through my body in waves and sometimes moving sideways when it got to my hips.these shakes happened during holotropic breathwork and meditation(which i wasnt good at because i had too many thoughts).
I realise now that i was using some kind of energy to release all the feelings but now i think iv released most of the feelings but this energy now is in my head and i dont know how to release it.i dont need or feel like screaming anymore.i feel spaced out.My meditations(1 hour a day) have got a bit deeper and i say prayers to the scource every day.
iv read that kundalini is like electricity and that it moves from the spine up but i havent felt anything strong like that.i can feel my chakras at times during meditation.what is this head energy/rushes?
is it something to do with kundalini energy or is it energy from the scource coming into my crown…its gone now because iv been typing and my brain is occupied but it will be back.i think im grounded because my feet feel stuck to the ground at times and my toes curl up.
i also spend a lot of time in nature near trees.i think thats everything so id love to hear someones view because i know im not going mad.i think im getting more intelligent.

Short answer: Who knows?
In the end it’s all the same energy, we just call it different things.
Generally, when people talk about having k, it means an ongoing experience of a transformational energy that seems to have its own intelligence.
My advice would be to chill out on the breathwork (what’s holotropic?) and sweat lodge type of stuff, at least until this strange feeling dissipates. It sounds like you needed to get some stuff out, but now maybe it’s time to back off until you feel a little more stable. I wouldn’t worry unnecessarily because it doesn’t seem like you have any severe symptoms. Just chill on this stuff and do things that make you feel grounded.

i havent done any of the breathwork or sweatlodge stuff in 6 weeks,i go for long walks and try to relax.I have released a huge amount of stuff that i never even realised i had.Maybe its just my mind and body feeling clean so it will probably ease off.It may be just my own natural healing energy,i just got a bit freaked yesterday because it got very strong.I will chill out a bit and stop thinking about it now .

Hi Gillad,
can you tell a bit more about the spiritual practices you are doing at the moment? You mention you meditate. What kind of mediation are you doing? Are there other things like mudra’s, asana’s or pranayama you do besides that?
tonightsthenight already gave you some good advice, so take it to heart. After all this emotional upheaval thing probably need to settle down a bit :slight_smile:

when i posted last night i was confused and couldnt concentrate and i didnt realise that this was a yoga site,i thought it was a kundalini help site…My spiritual practices prayers to the scource/god,i dont follow any religion(i was an athiest most of my life)…for meditation iv used binaural beats and a guided kundalini medition(both from youtube).Iv stopped using them a few days ago because i found a technique that is supposed to come from a yogi named Babaji.I sit in silence and imagine my chakras from bottom to top as earth/creations on earth/solarsystem/galaxy/universe/multiuniverse/self observing everything…i can go a bit deeper with this method but only 20 minutes or so.
I dont think its k but my feet always seem to be pulling up or putting down energy and thats what confuses feels like my feet are like magnets to the ground…is it possible im pulling energy out of the ground and its accumulating in my head or i could be putting down energy/emotions and it stops and builds up…The shaman/healer told me that i had a lot of talent and when i asked him what he meant he just said “you`ll see”
Im pretty sure that 90percent of my emotional baggage is gone now but i could be wrong.

Hi Gillad
This is a yoga site and we also help as much as we can with kundalini symptoms caused by other practices.
I think it would be wise to review this lesson Kundalini Assistance.
Spinal Breathing and Deep Meditation should bring some balance to all of the work that you have done so far!

Thanks woosa,that was interesting going to start doing a little spinal breathing now.

WOW BLISS…iv done some spinal breathing and it has really balanced me …I knew after 10 seconds of spinal breathing that everything is ok :slight_smile: