Endoscopic view of a hypermobile tongue in the nas

see: http://www.ispub.com/ostia/index.php?xmlFilePath=journals/ijorl/vol3n2/snoring.xml
and especially “Endoscopic view of a hypermobile tongue in the nasopharynx”. This has better, more comprehensive, internal pictures as well as reference to some interesting case studies. It can be linked to from http://www.entjournal.com/ME2/dirmod.asp?sid=9B6FFC446FF7486981EA3C0C3CCE4943&nm=Articles%2FNews&type=Abstract&mod=Publications%3A%3AArticle&mid=8F3A7027421841978F18BE895F87F791&tier=1&id=4166AE80B0D1450BA5EA7E5EDEB3BE4A&Author=&ReturnUrl=dirmod.asp%3Fsid%3D9B6FFC446FF7486981EA3C0C3CCE4943%26nm%3DArticles%252FNews%26type%3DPublishing%26mod%3DPublications%253A%253AArticle%26mid%3D8F3A7027421841978F18BE895F87F791%26tier%3D4%26id%3D4166AE80B0D1450BA5EA7E5EDEB3BE4A . However one must register (free) to view the article on ENT (ear nose and throat) Journal. Well worth it.

I am just at kechari stage “1” in my daily practices so cannot respond to this interesting link and article. It describes a young man who snored very loudly, had done automatic advanced kechari for years, and had a big uvula and floppy soft palate. They solved his problems by resecting the uvula and soft palate. The person who wrote the medical article on him was of the opinion that the patient had stretched out his soft palate by years of daily habitual kechari practice.
Could anyone in the vast AYP readership possibly comment on whether snoring becomes very common as a result of advanced kechari practice?
There’s lots of you out there who could comment on this. It would be interesting to hear whether you all snore. There are those of us who might be reluctant to get into advanced stage 2 kechari if it causes snoring.

Hi John, there is a long thread on this titled “khechari snip creates snoring?” Use forum search with snoring to find it. I do Kechari stage 2-3, and I don’t think I snore - but I may be wrong, I live alone. Also, in the article, I think they consider the possibility that the patients uvula was naturally that size.
Thou Art Cat, divinefurball

i think it’s a different situation to each individual, and speaking for myself i’ve reached full kechari without snipping in 2 months or so and until now there’s no snoring.
and most of the people who reached kechari have experienced nothing but good out of the practice and i advise this practice more then any other it does wonders to one’s spiritual evolution and practice.

the thing i dont understand is how can full kechari produce snoring? I can reach level 3 and 4 of kechari and if your tongue is in the nasopharynx no air can pass through the mouth, so how does the snoring occur?

Hi Thokar! No one snores while doing kechari. - Jhon C. is concerned that stage 2 and beyond will streach out the soft pallate thereby causing snoring when they sleep. I don’t think it does.
Thou Art Cat