Emergency Samyama Healing for Friend

Hi friends!
This evening i heard from a friend of another friend named Larry.
His doctors have told him he will soon have a leg amputated from below the knee. he has diabetes and fragmented bones in his foot, also drug complications (prescription) This has freaked me out completely, so i am calling to those who might help. If so, what info is needed to help it happen, or anything else?
With much Love (and squeaky tears)

Hi Rael,
It’s OK. When you put the request here, you are making a request for healing from everyone. Many don’t want healing from the group or don’t want to wait till the weekend.
If you’d like to add him to the list, you can make a request here (this is just for future requests… I can add his name to the list if that is what you’d like me to do).
Sorry I did not realize you wanted him on the list else I would have added him to the list.
I can add him in as an emergency healing on Jan 17th.
PS: You can read up more about the group samyama healing here.

hello rael, you can always light a candle and offer it to the virgin mary :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Thank you Omarkaya…that’s a great idea, i like to think of Her as the Divine Mother.

Hi Shanti! I had a rough weekend and wasn't able to figure out how to approach the list when i had bits of time, here and there. Time got away from me, but i was glad to hear that maybe it did do some good to post my request (for Larry) at the Cafe' here. The decision on his condition may happen this week, but it wouldn't hurt to have him on the list for next weekend maybe? Would you add him Shanti, if you have a moment? I will look into the method when i have had more rest. Thank you Dear As always Rael.....i will try to find out how he is doing.

Moderator note: Topic moved for better placement

Hi Rael,
Yogani posted your request to the [url=“http://www.aypsite.org/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=1337&whichpage=17#62704”]healing request and I have already added him to the list for emergency healing. :slight_smile:

Thank you my friends!
Bless you!