details Mahasamadhi

Hello, what are the techniques of Mahasamadhi ? on the internet there are main descriptions without details, do any of you have more knowledge ?

Hi Nostalgico,
To attain Mahasamadhi it is important to master a number of techniques. These would include:

  1. Repeatedly bringing the mind to complete silence through meditation (nirvikalpa samadhi).
  2. Awakening kundalini and fully purifying the subtle body. The body will come to a state of radiant ecstasy 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  3. Repeatedly entering states of sublime bliss whilst ecstasy is present in the body.
  4. Mastering viveka, the ability to discriminate between what is useful and what is not useful on the path of liberation, and letting go of everything that is not useful. This will gradually deepen into developing the ability to discriminate between what is real and what is not real, and letting the unreal fall away.
  5. Mastering vairagya, the ability to reside in a state of complete renunciation, having fully renounced all attachments to the objects of the mind and objects of the senses.
  6. Mastering complete surrender to the Divine (Ishvara Pranidhana).
  7. Coming to know the nature of the Higher Self and abiding fully as that.
  8. Experiencing the true nature of the world as one of Unity (kaivalya).
  9. Coming to abide in, and as, Divine love, and coming to love everything and everyone in the world as your true Self.
    These are the main techniques for mahasamadhi. It is a long process that usually takes many decades to prepare for. Once someone reaches the stage where they are ready for Mahasamadhi, the actual dropping of the physical body is almost a non-event. Before Mahasamadhi they are in a state of unity bathed in Divine love. After mahasamadhi they are in a state of unity, bathed in Divine love. Nothing actually changes.