"Day of Doom" Group Meditation

Hi all,
Wondering if people are interested in joining in a group meditation on Friday, December 21st since this is the day that great things are supposed to occur/come to fruition :grin:
Realizing it is a week day, I think it may be possible to pull off if we pick a time that is convenient for many and keep it short.
Anytime between 5 AM (or earlier) to noon (EST) would work for me and a few other friends.

Iā€™m in. I have the day off until later in the evening when I have a work Christmas party. Iā€™ll be going out in a blaze of glory. :sunglasses:
Carson :+1:

Itā€™s not a day of doomā€¦ itā€™s a day of endings and new beginnings! :8ball:
I will be there, whatever time you all decide on!

Iā€™m in for whatever time works best for everyone.

Day of Doom. Iā€™m laughing. :grin: Awesome idea! I canā€™t do between 6 and 7 AM Central because Iā€™ll be getting the kids off to school. Other than that, I can probably do it.

I would like to join in :slight_smile:
It would be my evening, so the later the better for me, but would do any time anyway.
This would me my first group meditation :slight_smile: Iā€™m excited!!

Maybe we could make this a ā€œSkype meditation?ā€

Hi all,
Skype meditation would be fabulous!! Carson, how to? :slight_smile:
Does 9 AM EST work for everyone?

PS: Carson, I can think of no better way to go to a party than in a blaze of glory :grin:
Love you dearly :heart:

9.00 am ET works for me.
No Skype for me thoughā€¦ but will be there. :slight_smile:

I can do 9 AM Eastern. Maybe skype.

I should be able to make 7am MST, and I should be able to do Skype. Iā€™m actually really excited to try a Skype meditation out. :grin:
P.S> As far as logistics are concerned, I have no idea how to do thisā€¦ but Iā€™ll look into it and post the details here once I figure it out.

Great idea, kami :grin:
My wife and I are interested. Iā€™m taking the 21st off and weā€™re doing a home retreat starting that day anyways. Would love to join in by Skype or through the ether :wink:

I will be listening in with Cosmic :slight_smile:

omgā€¦the Om symbol icon! Nice!!! :rage:

oh the Om symbol is soooooo beautiful :slight_smile:
thank you :heart: :heart:
:rage: :rage:

Hi Kami and all,
Wonderful initiative.
ā€œ5 AM (or earlier) to noon (EST)ā€ works well here (Europe) too.
:rage: :slight_smile:

Iā€™m interested. Iā€™m supposed to be moving to a new office either on that day, or the day before.
Hopefully, if itā€™s the day before, Iā€™ll be down for this.

Iā€™m in. :sunglasses:

Just realizedā€¦ The ā€œday of doomā€ is a palindrome: 1221
a man a plan a canal panama