I was looking at the Chin pump lesson and I have a question. Within the directions here - https://www.aypsite.org/139.html - it is said to do uddiyana as one of the bandhas. Only problem is that the directions list the breath as in and held in, and thus one cannot do uddiyana bandha. Is this a mistake in having that listed as one of the locks?
What I did to include it was reverse the breath to awareness on spinal breathing, having the awareness at my agni, third eye (daat), and my breath out, then did the rotations. I am sure the directions are to be different (although this is obviously an effective set as it works) however I wanted to hear from someone else how they practice this and if they include uddiyana bandha in it.
Hi jzatopa,
The instructions in the lessons for Chin Pump are correct. Inhale coming up the spine to the point between the eyebrows, then hold the breath and begin the head rotations. At the same time you can be lightly drawing up through the root, gently contracting the anal sphincter muscle and the muscles above that going up towards the belly (mulabandha), and gently contracting the lower abdominal muscles (uddiyana bandha). These two lower bandhas can be held throughout the practice. The contractions of the muscles can be so light and gentle, that they would barely be noticed by someone watching.
From Lesson 139
As Christi explained, Uddiyana bandha can be practiced both with the breath out (the end of exhalation) and on the breath in (the end of inhalation). Often Uddiyana bandha is taught after exhalation as most people find it easier to isolate the diaphragm muscles and contract them with the lungs empty (ok, almost empty).
So you could hold the breath in and apply uddiyana bandha and practice the chin pump. If it seems like too much, add them one at a time to the practice, until they become quite natural.
Thank you, I have only used uddiyana bandha with my breath out.
I will add this into my practice as Mulhabanda is easy but uddiyana and breath in is not in my muscle memory just yet