I’m currently reading a book by the Dalai Lama and was curious;
He talks of the pure mind revealing the “clear light”, and of how Buddhism holds no God.
Could it b said that the “clear light” IS the God of other religions?
Not an urgent matter, just a curiosity!
Perhaps Christi or someone else familiar with Buddhism might clear this up
Hi BeezBuzz,
The “clear light” or luminosity, is simply seeing things as they really are, rather than seeing things in a way that is coloured, or clouded, by the mind.
Usually our view of the world is clouded by thoughts, preconceptions, memories, ideas, likes, dislikes, attachments, processes of identification and so on. As these begin to fall away through spiritual practices and the cultivation of inner silence, we see things increasingly simply as they are in their pure form.
This process of letting go of identifications within the mind is discussed in lesson 350.
Lesson 350 - Practices for Moving Beyond the Witness Stage
Thanks Christi,
I guess Buddhism and it’s terminology confuses me. I mean, if there’s no soul or whatever, what is witnessing, what’s beyond the mind?
Thanks for pointing out lesson 350 too. It’s very good
Hi BeezBuzz,
The Buddha encouraged people to practice and to find out for themselves. And of course whatever is beyond the mind, cannot be described using words, because words exist only within the realm of the mind.
All of the practices of yoga are designed to bring us to that point.