Dear alwayson, please forgive my ignorance, but what is the “rainbow body” and the displaying of it? I have seen you mention it in other posts. Wishing you the very best, divinefurball
when someone wields the Sambhogakâya on earth
Then the wielder very shortly moves on and sets up his or her own Pure Land.
So it is a precious thing when someone wields Sambhogakâya for a couple of days here on planet earth.
Thank you alwayson, that was very helpfull. Can, or has, this ever been obtained by someone who is not - or was not - a practicing Buddhist? All the best, divinefurball
You must be Buddhist because of how the rainbow body process works.
The rainbow body process is based in dependent origination and dedication of merit, proper view etc.
Many of the elements necessary for rainbow body are combined into one little paragraph such as:
I take refuge in the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.
By the merit I accumulate by practising generosity and the other perfections, I attain perfect awakening for the benefit of all sentient beings.
In this one paragraph, you have dedicated merit for the purpose of obtainining Buddhahood for all sentient beings. Now pay attention. Since there is an infinite number of sentient beings, your aspiration becomes infinite, thus allows you to obtain perfect Buddhahood.
Well, I might as well just give up meditation etc since I’m not a Buddhist and will never acheive enlightenment! What a let down . Yikes!
meditation is just a tool, so who knows what you will obtain. Meditation is like a car. You can drive in wrong and right directions.
You don’t think the Dharma is just a tool as well? It is.
No, Dharma is a view:
All phenomenon lack inherent essence, including thoughts and emotions.
Therefore simply let emotions and thoughts self-liberate, like thieves in an empty house. Or like a snake untying its own knots.
Furthermore thoughts and emotions are merely energy currents in the body.
(You can actually feel emotions in the physical chakras…)
View is synonomous with perspective. There is no one “right” perspective for everyone. The Dharma is NOT the one and only path to enlightenment. To state this is ridiculous IMO. Sorry if that seems harsh to you. No offence meant.
truth is truth, no matter what you call it.
you don’t even need to take refuge in the buddha, dharma and sangha. You can also take refuge in the dharmakaya, which is nothing but the view.
Yeah agreed. Whether you call it Dharma or I call it Yoga, Truth is Truth.
Until you throw away all your ideas of what Truth is, you will never truly know The Truth.
So do you think there are good and bad thoughts and emotions? Do you think these things have their own dualistic essence?
NO. There is no good and bad. There only is what Is.
right I agree, thats why buddhists only negate the false claims of others, and do not assert anything. What I wrote before was a clear negation against those who think that thoughts and emotions have inherent essence.
You have the thought/idea that enlightenment can only be achieved through Buddhist methods. This is NOT Truth. And until you drop this idea you will never know The Truth.
I actually said the rainbow body can only be obtained by buddhist methods. This is true, and stand by it.
But, I have no personal experience to back up the fact that the rainbow body exists! Just historical reports.
P.S. The view is definitely correct from personal experience. This is Truth.
Truth for you. NOT The Truth. Buddhism is but one path to the end. Not THE path to the end.
I am just saying the view is correct. You even agreed that thoughts and emotions lack a dualistic essence
I never said that the rainbow body can’t be acheived via Buddhist methods. I just said that enlightenment (what you call the rainbow body) is acheivable through other methods as well, and not JUST through Buddhist methods.
you gotta be kidding right? Do you know what the rainbow body is?
You are saying you can achieve the rainbow body by non-buddhist methods?