
Hi guys,
I’m planning to have some botox to fight a deep wrinkle between the eyebrows. Do you think that could have negative consequences for the third eye or the prana going there?

Hmm, nobody?
Would be nice if you had some information.

Subnaut, Botox is a nerve toxin. It paralizes the muscles that cause wrinkling and has no effect on the deeper structures. Yogani’s teachings do have the practitioner activate these muscles as part of the Shambhavi mudra. I suspect that is the only specific effect that might impact the practice, although the intentionality behind the crinkling of the brow is mostly in the realm of intention more than the actual action. Beyond that my take on the third eye is it is a point of attention one develops that has physiologic and spiritual significance. There are larger issues related to the decision to use botox that are worth consideration. Some studies suggest individuals who have this done appear less empathetic to others as they don’t demonstrate certain expected facial movements when the muscles of the area are paralized. This could have an effect on how we experience others. Ultimately the decision to undergo botox treatments is a personal one. Fortunately (or unfortunately), depending on how you see it, it is a temporary treatment that requires repeat.