Bhakti Meditation Retreats?

I’ve been practising devotional mantra meditation on my own for some time now, but I’ve not found a teacher or retreat centre in my area (Toronto) that offers meditation retreats with a focus on devotional practice.
Does anybody here know of any teachers and/or retreat centres in North America that offer a contemplative retreat environment for bhakti infused meditation?
Specifically, it would be great to find an organization or teacher who has the true spirit of love for you God as well as deep meditative experience, but who also offers the flexibility to each student to select a mantra and deity appropriate to their own Ishta Devata. What I don’t want is a group or guru who dictate what form of God should be worshiped (e.g., ISKCON).
Any ideas would be very welcome.

Hello Avi
Have you checked the Local Contacts, Meditation Groups, Training & Retreats page?
How far are you prepared to go? I know Blanche is a qualified teacher who is active at the moment. She’s in the Connecticut area. Is that too far for you?
By the way, Blanche, if you happen to see this, would you like to add your details to the Training and Retreats page?

Thanks for the link.
However, I could not find Blanche on the page you linked to. Connecticut would not be too far for the right retreat. I’m in Toronto.
Also, I saw that there was a contact listed for a Toronto group, but the website was down and the email addressed bounced. Does anybody know if the Toronto group is still active?

Hi Avi
You’re right, Blanche has not added her details to the “Local contacts” page yet. She does post news of her retreats in the “Member Announcements” section. I see she has posted a link to her website there:
If you get to the Contact page of her website:
and send her a message from there, she might pick that up before she gets round to checking into the AYP forum (she can be very busy at times).
I just emailed her to let her know about your enquiry.

Hello AviC,
Thank you for your interest. I will teach again an AYP introductory course this fall, and another one intermediary here in Connecticut, but it is a bit far for you. It will be a one day retreat locally later this fall, and one at the end of May 2018 - I will list them as the dates are finalize on the AYP retreat list. Also, Christi and I will offer a one-week retreat in June 2018 in upstate New York. We will post it as soon as the details are finalized. You might like to come to it.
There is a very good AYP teacher in Toronto. I emailed her, and hopefully she can make other suggestions.
Until then, pray sing meditate!
The guru is in you.

Thanks for the info. I’ve contact Blanche through her site :slight_smile:

Have you checked retreats booking portals? You may get what you are looking for!