For the past several years I’ve been using Samsara as a regular meditation timer. I like that it has nice chimes, and I can set up pretty dependable routines for 5/20, 4/16, 3/10, 10/20, and 20 minute DM-only sittings. Sometimes it’s all I can do to just get SOMETHING in. I like the timer versus no timer because my doc is married to a yoga teacher, and is interested in meditation as an influence on health. AND she knows the difference between medittions like DM and the goal-directed “mindfulness” techniques.
But now Samsara is getting updated and going into an annual subscription. Not too dear, but now some others now have similar features, in terms of segmented practice (Pranayama plus DM). In the past I’ve been attracted by Simetim, Enso, and Insight Timer. Plus some pure 20 min timers written for TM users - simple and functional!
Love to read your thoughts!
What are AYP DM/Pranayamists using?
I recently started using this app: i-qi-clock
There is a single time 2$ payment necessary and it’s only for apple it seems.
You can create sessions with different chimes (bowl sounds) that sound at specified times.
What I don’t like or miss regarding functionality is that you can’t skip ahead in a running session. For instance, sometimes I’m done with my pranayama a minute earlier and so I would like to skip to the DM segment in the session. But you can only pause your session but not skip ahead.
Hi Kensbikes and Tensor,
I have been using Insight Timer for a long time and it works very well. It does everything I need it to do and the besic bell chimes are good. It is free, or almost free (maybe a couple of dollars download in some countries?). It works on iphones and androids.
We have an AYP Insight timer group which anyone can join. It has around 100 members at the moment. When you finish meditating, you can see which other group members were meditating at the same time.
That group is here:
I have occasionally had problems with Insight Timer. My meditation seems to be taking a longer time than usual. When I open my eyes, I discover the app has crashed! It’s happened a couple of times. Now I use Serenity. It may be iOS only. It doesn’t have any complex features, but it’s all I need.
I didn’t realise that Insight Timer was free. When I first tried it out I got the impression that one has to pay. But it works indeed without paying for it.
Serenity doesn’t seem to be free for iphone.
Regarding i-qi-clock for the iphone, I noticed that it drains my battery unless I fully close the app after each use.
I switched to Insight Timer. So far, it hasn’t crashed on me, but it also uses an unreasonably large amount of battery given its 8 bings a day.
With simetim I can’t figure out how to have interval sounds at specific times, and it seems Enso only allows for two intervals.
I use the free version of Insight Timer when I practice with someone else or a group to keep everybody on the same page. I saved a number of presets with different combinations of practices and time lengths for different groups and settings. Generally, there is no need for an app when I practice by myself. Over the years I joined different AYP groups on Insight Times, but somehow these settings were not saved - I got tired of signing up again and again for another group - and the app works great as it is.
My iPhone also acts out from time to time by stopping the Insight Times, turning on and off the music during yoga classes, changing the music, etc. This has happened with multiple iPhones, and it happened when I used another student’s phone with Insight Times during classes. The turning on and off of my iphone was common in my old car, and I always assumed that the cause was some loose wire. Now it happens in our new car - and it makes me laugh.
I’ve been using Insight Timer every day since 2017, and in the past there were times when it didn’t work properly, but now it works fine on my phone. It is a completely free application with the option of purchasing a subscription, but for measuring AYP practice time, the free version is completely sufficient.
Meditation Time 2.0 is free and really nice with some lovely sounds and options