Hi guys, practicing my meditation my posture naturally curves to the front, and then im superly relaxed and my breathing is really deep, problem is when I straighten my spine and i try to breathe that way, I feel anxiety in my chest due to the difficulty breathing when im straight. And when I straighten my spine I mostly breathe through my chest which doesnt feel nice , rather through my diaphragm. Main problem is my spine needs to be curved in order to breathe in stillness and if I straighten it, then I cannot meditate because my breath is completely out of tune
The first instruction in the Deep meditation technique (not sure if this is the technique you are using but I guess it is a good tip nevertheless) is - Sit comfortably. If comfortably, for you, means curving to the front, then that’s ok. In any case, after you move to Spinal Breathing Pranayama, you will most likely straighten out naturally. So I would say don’t worry about it.
Good luck with your practices.
My pranayama is shakti chalana kriya done in vajrasana and there I have no problem with my breath it seems, but if I sit cross legged or any of the asanas such as siddhasana i just cant breathe properly without slouching
Moderator note: Topic moved for better placement
Hi Kechari,
There is nothing wrong with slouching when you meditate, if that is comfortable for you. As Sey says, your spine will naturally straighten out over time, because of the upward-rising prana and then that will also feel comfortable. So, nothing to worry about.
If you need back support, then you can sit on a bed with cushions behind you, or sit with your back to a wall with a cushion behind you.
You may find this lesson useful:
Lesson 33 - A New Way to Sit in Meditation