AYP Shanghai Retreat Aug.24-26th

Namaste friends,
The first AYP retreat in China is now scheduled: it will run from 4pm Aug. 24th to 2pm Aug.26th.This weekend retreat will take place in the Qianwei ecovillage in Chongming island 2hrs away from the center of Shanghai city. The venue is a small house surrounded by organic farms in the island.Capacity is 15 people.
There are single and double room occupancies to choose from. Food is provided by the owner of a farmer’s inn, 16 dishes for each meal. And the total cost for this retreat is $55 for double room occupancy and $70 for single room occupancy.
Besides the practice sessions and sharing, we have kirtan, eurythmy dance, and ayurveda and yogic diet sharing.
If you’d like to register for the retreat, or would like to know more about it, please write philipqzhang@gmail.com
Thank you everyone for your samyama support!

Hi everyone,
The retreat in Shanghai had concluded yesterday. Thinking about this retreat, the only feeling I have is being grateful.
Long before I came back to China, I envisioned a retreat in China for Chinese speaking people who were still very unfamiliar with ayp. Shortly before I left the US for shanghai, I mentioned to Yogani abt a retreat in Shanghai. He put it on the forum and it confirmed my feeling that the retreat will happen. How? I don’t know. There were no constant, “core” aypers in China at that time. And I never led a retreat before, nor did I know China well, having been in the US for 7 years. I just kept samayamaing it, and surrender to That, and let it.
Then, when I was in Shanghai, I was surprised (not unexpected) by the gentle supports from all sides. I knew Ma(That) was working through me. I was connected influential yoga figures in Shanghai and was invited to give a couple of open workshops. And the workshops were very well received and many of the folks decided immediately to join the retreat. I was also guided to a nearly perfect place for retreat, with really low price. All the other things, like the transportation problem, the need of a sound system for kirtan were all taken care of by That.
This is one of the first bi-lingual ayp retreats, I think. Among the 12 people in the retreat, 2 are American. I did a large part the interpretation, and some of the English-speaking members also helped here and there. The interpretation just flows effortlessly. Nobody fell in a crack:) Yep, everything just happened so beautifully, and I knew it’s not me, it’s Ma, it’s the stillness in action. And I cannot saw how grateful I felt to be used as a channel for this retreat.
Even though most of the attendees are beginners, and I didn’t teach them SBP (just nostril breathing). the silence and energy was palpable. Like other weekend retreats, people had some “peak experience” on Saturday morning. Quite a few attendees said they got a glimpse of the blissful feeling from meditation. And I was filled with joy. I was also amazed by their strong desire to find their true Self, and to embrace the freedom. Inner silence has merged our vibes and lives together. And when we left, I felt they are my family members, bros and sisters, just like all the family members I met in the retreats in the US. It was beautiful.
Besides the practice sessions, walks, and sharings, we had small sessions for members to try Taiji, Eurythmy (a spiritual dance), ayurveda and yogic diet sessions, and the kirtan sessions just rocks! (They seemed to receive Deva Premal and Singe much better than K.D.)
I’d like to thank Ellen and Rose for their strong desire and courage to join the retreat among a bunch of people who spoke a language they didn’t understand, for trusting me to arrange their transportation and lodging, for their patience during the sharing sessions, and for making it an “international retreat”:slight_smile: You guys’ unique contribution to the retreat is indispensable and touching.
I’d especially thank Shweta, Doug, Rohini and Chas for samyamaing for the retreat, for joining the retreat on skype, or remotely. Your presence and energy and love made the two days a great experience for us.
Finally, I’d like to thank Ma, and thank every members for giving me this precious chance to open,expand and grow inside by sharing and serving. Nothing is more beautiful than this in life…