If there is enough interest, then we can plan on having an AYP Retreat in the West in the Los Angeles, California area.
- Near
If there is enough interest, then we can plan on having an AYP Retreat in the West in the Los Angeles, California area.
I definitely know a couple people (including myself) who would be interested
Hi Near, I too am interested. I’ve sent you a private message
Hi All:
This is great, and it is time. California has the highest number of AYP readers in the USA, and at the moment we do not have a planning contact listed for LA, or anywhere in California. Would anyone here like to be listed on the contacts page to help get people together for retreats and other events? That is where it begins.
When a retreat is in planning, even without a final location or date, a discussion topic (like this one) should be started, and a tentative listing can be added to the retreats page (when region and tentative time frame are determined), with a link back to the specific retreat discussion topic. Once a tentative retreat gets listed, more expressions of interest will be likely, because the retreats page (and contacts page) are both linked in the top left border of every page of the AYP website and forums and are visible to the many who visit (about 12,000 people per month).
Many thanks for bringing this up, Near. It will lead to something.
The guru is in you.
This is great Near!!!
Keep us updated on what the plans are. I am sure we can make it happen.
Hi Yogani,
Yes, You can add my contact for the Los Angeles area. I have not done the organizing thing before but I think it will all come together once we start doing it
Sure Shanti, I will keep you all updated
Cosmic & faileforever, thanks for the interest. We can decide on the timing and plan and other details once we have more people come in.
Hi Near,
I have added you to the contact list. Please send me the email address you want me to add as your contact email.
I am in the San Francisco Bay Area. LA is a bit of a trip for me but you never know. Please list me for northern CA
Hi Victor,
I have added you to the contact page.
I will need a contact email address from you. You can email it to me.
Thank you.
I’ve updated the retreats page to add the retreat there
Scheduled Tentatively
Nov 4-6, 2011
Around Los Angeles area
Will update the location details here once available
Hi Near
A retreat in LA - that’s great
I am interested and I believe I know at least one or two other people who may want to come as well.
That makes it about 8-9 people (including the retreat leaders) already. Keep them coming guys
You can list me as a contact. I am interested in helping to organize something.
We have finalized the Serra Retreat Center as the Venue for our AYP retreat in the Los Angeles area. The dates will be Nov 18-20 weekend. Check out the link below for the place. It is located in a beautiful hilly area in Malibu within an hour drive from the LAX (Los Angeles) international airport
I’ll finalize the details and post them in a week or so.
That’s wonderful news Near
I am looking forward to meeting you all!
Yes, Finally we are having our first retreat in the West!