AYP Plus Launched May 1, 2015

Hi All:
After two years in development, the time has finally come to launch AYP Plus. This is to let you know that the sign up page has been turned on and we are good to go. You can find it on the AYP Plus Preview Page here: http://www.aypsite.com/plus.html
(don’t miss the AYP Plus Preview Video there)
The main AYP Plus website link is: http://www.aypsite.com/plus
(defaults to preview page when not subscribed and signed in)
Some of the new features in AYP Plus include:

  1. Hundreds of additions to the AYP online lessons, and more being added every week.
  2. All of the AYP books (15) and audiobooks (11) in online streaming mode.
  3. Enhanced audio, video, images, charts and lists incorporated into the online lessons.
  4. A focused state-of-the-art support forum.
  5. Optional track-by-track cross-linking between the online books and audiobooks for simultaneous reading and listening.
  6. Customized “related lesson topic paths” for every lesson.
  7. Enhanced interviews, divided into topic tracks for easy navigation.
  8. Direct links from every lesson, book and interview to dedicated forum discussion/support topics.
  9. Google Translate installed for all lessons, books and the support forum. (covering 90 languages!)
  10. Advanced search features that can be selectively applied to the lessons, books, audiobooks, interviews and support forum.
    And much more…
    We are starting off low key with this launch announcement here in the public forum and simple word-of-mouth. The preview page is public, so feel free to share it with anyone you feel might be interested. As we ease into it, we will be adding additional notices on the AYP websites, the social networks and other channels we have.
    You will notice on the sign up page that there is an option suggested to use your existing forum name to sign up for AYP Plus. For Plus Forum access there are two sign in’s necessary: 1) The AYP Plus subscription sign in, and 2) The AYP Plus Support Forum sign in.
    Everyone who has been registered here in the public forum before April 5th is already preregistered at the Plus Forum. So once you are registered for the AYP Plus subscription, you can simply sign in at the Plus Forum with your existing forum name. You will likely be asked to refresh your password (select the “forgot your password?” link), and if your AYP forum email address is working, that will be easy. If you don’t see the email in your inbox, be sure to check your spam folder. If you run into any difficulties with it, let us know.
    AYP Plus subscribers who have not been a member of the public forum prior to April 5th can simply sign up at the Plus Forum as a new member. Signing up at the Plus Forum is not mandatory. It can also be viewed by AYP Plus subscribers in guest mode.
    From this point forward the public forum and the Plus Forum will operate separately, I am sure with many of us participating in both. We will keep the public forum going as always as a support service to all who come here who may not be ready to join AYP Plus. The greatly expanded resources and more focused support will be in Plus.
    The reason we are launching Plus is so I can continue to add online content to AYP (as long as the typing fingers are able) without undermining book sales (the primary financial support for AYP up until now), and to provide a much more robust array of AYP resources and support. Quite a lot of new content has been added to AYP Plus already, and there are many new custom features designed to enhance your practice and the process of awakening on your spiritual path.
    Expanding the content and making it more useful and relevant for individual practitioners is the part of doing AYP I enjoy most. That, and offering whatever assistance I can to self-directed practitioners as they travel their unique path. Looking forward to doing more of it in AYP Plus. Hoping those who sign up will enjoy it as much as I do. :slight_smile:
    Many thanks for considering AYP Plus, and wishing you all the best on your path!
    The guru is in you.
    Note: For sign up assistance, write here.

Just signed up, will have a look around tomorrow! :sunglasses:

Hi technoyogi:
Thank you! :slight_smile:
If you (or anyone) have any difficulty accessing anything in AYP Plus, you can post it here, or email me.
There have been a few who have had some difficulty signing into the Plus Forum. For anyone who has been a member of the public forum here before April 5th, it is a matter of clicking on the “forgot your password?” link at the logon page to get started in the Plus Forum with your existing forum name. That will send an email to your forum email, which is the same in the Plus Forum as here in the public forum, and from there the AYP Plus password can be refreshed or changed. Make sure to check your spam folder if you don’t see the email in your inbox.
If the Plus Forum logon does not work, we can log members in manually for a jump start.
For AYP Plus subscribers who have not been members of the public forum here, a new signup at the Plus Forum can be easily done.
Logging on to the Plus Forum is not mandatory to use AYP Plus. All of its content can be viewed in “guest” mode by anyone who is an AYP Plus subscriber. But to post in the Plus Forum, logon is necessary.
All the best, and see you in AYP Plus!
The guru is in you.

I did have to reset my password for some reason to login today, but otherwise all smooth, looking forward to gradually perusing the new content over time.
Love the multimedia added to the lessons, I see this will keep me busy learning for a very long time to come, especially now that I am busier. Thank you for this new resource Yogani! :grin:

Wow this’ll be awesome! :astonished:
Thanks Yogani for your ceaseless, loving efforts. :heart: :pray: :heart: :pray:
I had no luck getting my email, password or username recognized.
I’m just leaving though so won’t be able to follow up for a few hours.

Hi Technoyogi,
You should only need to reset your password for the AYP Plus forum the once, and after that everything should work fine.

Hi BillinLA:
Thanks for subscribing. If you can’t get in the forum, let us know and we’ll give you a jump start. :slight_smile:
The guru is in you.

Worth it for the media alone! Just started Adventures of Wilder :sunglasses: .

Very cool site! To log-in I reset the password, as advised, and there were no other issues.
Gratitude and warm wishes to Yogani and the AYP team. See you on plus. :heart: :slight_smile: :heart:


Working great for me now…not sure what I did right. :blush:
The AYP Plus blue is blue…tiful! :slight_smile:

Hi, I just signed up. Had to reset the password - not a big problem.
Had only 1 hour for surfing around on AYP Plus, but the new site looks great and improved - I can only imagine the work needed to “reshape” the huge amount of information in order to make it even more user friendly and at the same time to integrate new contents.
Thank you very, very much to all the people who worked on AYP Plus!! :heart:

Thank you.
The guru is in you. :pray:

Hi, some help needed please. I tried re-setting the password but it refused to accept my email address (seysorciere@gmail.com) saying it is not in the database.

I have the same problem as Sey…

Hi Sey and Charliedog,
I just PM’ed you both with a quick fix that should solve the problem. Let me know if it doesn’t work.

Hi Sey and Charliedog:
Are you both able to log into AYP Plus, which is the blue website? The forum would be the next step, which we can take care of from this end if there is difficulty activating your forum preregistration.

I changed my public forum account’s email address a few weeks back and after clicking on the “forgot your password?” on the Plus forum and using my new email it said “there are no usernames associated with that email”.
However, using my old email worked. So it seems that the database used for the Plus forum is a bit old.
Those of you who have changed their email recently(most likely after April 5th), simply use your old email and after that go to your account settings and change it to whatever you are currently using.
Btw, looks great! :slight_smile:

Hi uniath:
Welcome to Plus! :slight_smile:
Yes, that’s right. Only emails in the public forum before April 5th will work in the Plus Forum. That is when the migration occurred. You figured it out. :sunglasses:
Once signed into the Plus Forum, you can go and edit email and other things in your profile.
We can also go in and manually take care of any difficulties anyone might have signing into the Plus Forum.
On another subject, some have used e-checks to sign up for AYP Plus, and there has been a delay in access while these have been clearing. We have changed settings so AYP Plus access will not be delayed while e-checks are clearing. Anyone who experiences delayed access to AYP Plus when using e-checks can contact me by email, and we will correct the issue.
Many thanks!
The guru is in you.

Yes, thank you Yogani. I need some time to explore, first view shows enough material for years of reading. Thank you for all information you shared with us. Namasté :pray: :heart: