AYP Kundalini Assistance and Questionnaire

Welcome to the Advanced Yoga Practices (AYP) Support Forums. The forums were started in 2005 to facilitate an interactive online community and support for those interested in the practical application of the open-source AYP instructional writings on full-scope yoga practices. If you are not familiar with the AYP lessons, it is suggested to survey them on the main website at www.aypsite.org/maindirectory.html
While kundalini is an important part of what we are doing in the AYP system, it is not the only thing. In fact, the cultivation of abiding inner silence with an effective method of daily meditation is considered to be more fundamental, because it enables the practitioner to increasingly weather the ups and downs of daily life, including the energetic (kundalini) aspect of spiritual awakening.
The approach we take to awakening and managing kundalini in the AYP system includes measures for dealing with excesses that may occur along the way. These measures can be applied in many ways, and do work. Key among them are “self-pacing” of practices that may be contributing to an imbalance, and “grounding” excessive energies in the nervous system in daily activity. These and other measures are summarized in Lesson 69.
Many who have come from outside the AYP system seeking kundalini assistance have found help from these measures, and from direct support in the AYP forums. We are happy that this has been the case, but should point out that AYP was not designed primarily to be a kundalini support service. The AYP system is very flexible and can do that, but it will be from the point of view of the larger picture of the process of human spiritual transformation.
Questionnaire - Please Read Below Before You Post
If you would like to post in the forum about your situation with a request for kundalini assistance, then we’d like to ask you a few questions beforehand. Answering any of these that are applicable to your situation can be helpful to you and to those who offer support:

  1. What are your symptoms and how long have you had them? Are your symptoms primarily physical, psychological, or both?
  2. Are your symptoms ongoing, or intermittent? If intermittent, when are they most likely to occur – during what kind of activity and/or time of the day? Is your sleep affected?
  3. Do you consider your situation with kundalini to be the result of spiritual practices, or do you regard it to be spontaneous?
  4. What sort of spiritual practices have you been engaged in, if any? How long? How often? Are you aware that excessive spiritual practice can aggravate kundalini, often with a delayed reaction?
  5. Do you consider yourself to be “sensitive” to spiritual practices? If so, with what practices, and what sort of measures have you taken to accommodate your sensitivity?
  6. Do you think drugs have contributed to your kundalini situation?
  7. Have you experienced traumatic events in your life that may have a bearing on your current symptoms?
  8. Is your sexual lifestyle affecting your symptoms? Are you aware that obsessively limiting sexual release can increase kundalini energy and symptoms?
  9. What is your general diet? Are you aware that a lighter diet can stimulate kundalini?
  10. Do you engage in moderate exercise regularly, like walking, yard work, etc? Are you aware that regular exercise can help stabilize (“ground”) kundalini symptoms?
  11. Are you a highly devotional person? Are you aware that excessive devotional activity, satsang or spiritual study can aggravate an active kundalini?
  12. Are you engaged in ordinary daily activities like a job, school, family, parenting, social activity, service to others? Are you aware that such activities, undertaken without spiritual intention or expectations, can help ground excessive kundalini energies?
  13. Have you been examined and treated by a medical doctor or mental health professional for your symptoms in the past? If so, what was the result?
  14. Are there other factors and/or measures you are taking in relation to your situation that are not covered above?
  15. Optional: What is your approximate age (teen, 20s, 30s, 40s, etc.)? What is your gender? We ask because the manifestation of kundalini symptoms can be affected by these factors.
    To post your information, click the pink “New Topic” icon near the top of this page. If desired, you can copy any or all of the above questions into your post. You can also reply in any existing topic in the forum.
    Thank you for your input, and wishing you balance and good progress on your path!
    The guru is in you.
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