Auto email on forum reply post

Is there a way for the forum software to notify when there has been a reply to one of my posts?
I don’t see where there is a profile setting for this.

This topic should answer that question:
You can also click on your username to find the ‘Recent Topics’ under which you posted to verify them manually, and for a longer history, you can use the ‘Find all non-archived posts by [user]’ under the ‘basic’ section of the user profile. Hope that helps.

Ok, I guess it doesn’t work here the way some other forums do…those I get just one email telling me that someone responded to my post…not all the posts everyone has done on the whole forum.
Other forums allow a once a day email…where all the new posts are combined into one email…for example Yahoo Groups does this.

I have not tried it, but the Forum Faq covers this point. You may check this out: