I learned in the forum that asthanga is regarded as a routine that is quite energetic and can easily lead to overload combined with AYP. It is my experience also. I like the physical part of ashtanga very much. Is there another form of yoga that is similarly physical but less prone to leading to overload? Ideally it should be both physical and grounding (I guess yin yoga for example does not match the physical part).
As I described in other threads, since my (I call it) K-awakening, I’m able to lay down and voluntarily start some automatic asana sequence. (like some kind of spontaneous unfolding yoga asanas or an intuitive flow that can be started and stopped). Is that form of asanas more likely to be energetic as well or can it be grounding?
Hi Cato,
The basics of it is that if we are doing asana practice before pranayama and meditation, then the asana practice needs to bring the heart rate down and the metabolic rate down. An asana sequence which increases heart rate and metabolic rate, would not prepare the body well for either pranayama or meditation.
The AYP asana routines are suitable for practice before sitting practices. They are designed to activate the energy channels in the body (nadis), and therefore activate the corresponding chakras, whilst not increasing the heart rate or metabolic rate. So, the body becomes both energised at the subtle level and calmer at the physical level, at the same time. This is the ideal state for transitioning into sitting practices.
The AYP starter asana routine with videos is in AYP Plus here:
Addition 71.1 - Asana Starter Kit, with Instructions, Illustrations and Video
The AYP enhanced asana routine with videos is here:
Addition 383.1 - Enhanced AYP Asana Routine (Illustrated and Video)
A description of the enhanced AYP asana routine is in the Advanced Yoga Practices: Easy Lessons for Ecstatic Living volume 2 book on page 325.
Thanks a lot, Christi! I was only aware of the asana starter kit.
Hi Cato,
On the retreat in Germany, a lot of the asanas we were doing came from the AYP enhanced asana sequence.