Hi everybody,
to my understanding yoga asanas, qigong and taichi and the like are different approaches with the same goal. All of them also have health promoting and spiritual aspects.
With these spritual and health promoting aspects in mind, does it make sense to practise for example both yoga asanas and qigong? Isn’t it like digging two wells where one should focus on one?
Hello Cato
When Yogani writes about sticking to one well, he is referring to the task of cultivating inner silence through (mantra) meditation. With our outer expressions of yoga, asana, qigong, Thai chi, tantra, and even pranayama (although one could argue breath work is both inner and outer yoga) we can sample the platter of practices that build upon the cultivated foundation of inner silence. For me asanas become sensual expressions of my ecstatic being, and often my “outer” expressions are a variety of yoga techniques blended together; these outer practices are there to spur our Bhakti and are in support of our main practice of DM. Our inner focus is micro, our outer focus is macro.
Thanks, Dogboy. I never read it put it that way with inner and outer expression, it was helpful.