Anthony William calls himself the Medical Medium and claims to have his knowledge from a spirit. He has written several books that have been quite successful and popular.
Is anyone familiar with his works?
this is an older post, but I would appreciate if anyone could shed some light here. There are plety of books out there written by the medical medium. He says he is in continous contact to a spirit, an entity (the “Spirit of Compassion”). The spirit gives him detailed information about a persons health state. Furhtermore, it tells him how to cure disease by referring to specific foods to eat.
The main part of the extensive books are about nutrtition and food, the books are based on his communications with the spirit. It confuses me. People seem to make pretty good health progresses with his advice. My question is: From your background, knwoledge and experience: Do you deem it possible that someone receives detailed nutrition/health knowledge from a spirit?
How does one prove such a thing? It all comes down to belief: he believes he can and his “followers” would have to believe he can. His actual advice can be scientifically proven good or bad, I would vet his advice rather than entertain if his spiritual guidance is genuine.
Or maybe it is the equivalent of the folktale The Stone Soup