Much of this post arises from some confusion regarding the Mudra/Bandha chart in lesson 385
From what I understand, the primary mudras/bandhas utilized in the AYP system are:
Sambhavi Mudra
Kechari Mudra
jalandhara bandha
My understanding is that, over the course of many years, we aim to engage all 6 of these mudras/bandhas simultaneously during spinal breathing pranayama. However, I am unclear on weather or not to engage some or all of these mudras/bandhas during the other AYP energy practices of chin pump, spinal bastrika, yoni mudra and targeted/crown bastrika.
- During the energy practices of spinal bastrika, yoni mudra, chin pump, and targeted/crown bastrika, is our ultimate goal to eventually be performing all 6 of these mudras/bandhas simultaneously during these individual energy practices? If not, which mudras/bandhas should be performed and which should be left out during spinal bastrika, yoni mudra and chin pump?
- The chart in AYP lesson 385 doesn’t seem to mention jalandhara bandha which is mentioned in the asanas, mudras and bandhas book of the enlightenment series. Is this an intentional omission? Or am I correct in that we should ideally be aiming to perform jalandhara bandha during SBP (and other energy cultivation practices)?
- Apart from maha mudra called out in the asanas book of the enlightenment series, which engages siddhasana and kumbhaka during a forward fold, should any other mudras or bandhas be used during asana practices?
- In the case of meditation, core samyama and cosmic samyama, it is my understanding that you should never intentionally perform mudras/bandhas while performing these 3 techniques. Mudras/bandhas may arise as a product of automatic yoga, but one should not set out to do them. One should just focus on the meditation/samyama at hand. Is this understanding correct?