Hello everyone,
I’ve noticed the following: when I have a lot of mental activity (especially on computers), I can feel some air stucked in the solar plexus region. It happens very quickly after 30 min work. After that happened, I litteraly totally lost the inner consciousness and even my concentration is very weak. I also act more compulsive and and in a more “brutal” manner.
I use to do bastrika/ targeted bastrika which seem to helps, but don’t clear it 100%. Does anyone know what I could do ?
Many thanks,
Love, Niels
Bastrika is a powerful practice; Doing it briefly to center yourself in the moment and to wake you up is fine, but I caution you at overdoing it, or relying on it. That you may be acting in a “compulsive or brutal manner” is something to inquire about, is it possible to witness when it arises and examine it, instead of acting?
If you are lost in inner thoughts at an inconvenient or incorrect time, do like you do the mantra, acknowledge you are somewhere else and favor the present moment. A quick bastrika just might help, it doesn’t have to be 100%.
Niels, Developing bloating sensations in the gut can certainly develop for many reasons and can be distracting. Given the rapidity of onset after intense computer work, and assuming this isn’t associated with the timing of food intake or specifics in the diet (such as lactose intolerance, gluten sensitivity, etc.) you may have irritable bowel syndrome(IBS). As I mentioned in your last post, this isn’t a site for getting medical advice. Spinal bastrika, as Dogboy alludes, is a powerful advanced practice that isn’t typically designed to address these types of symptoms to my knowledge and I could imagine it resulting in further intensification of emotional states. When you describe compulsive and brutal actions this does sound more suggestive of an emotional/reactive state. The gut has many hormones that are also found in the brain and they communicate directly. I’ve experience IBS in the past and have found regular yoga practices help calm this process. If you haven’t already done so I’d check with your primary care doc to make sure you aren’t attributing a genuine bowel condition to something associated with stress. As an additional anecdote I suffered from similar symptoms a few years ago. They distracted me quite a bit from meditating (before I took on AYP). I had done a backpacking trip a few weeks before the symptoms arose. My primary care doc did a test and determined I’d acquired a giardia infection due to water purification equipment failure months before.
Hi Niels,
A build up of prana in the solar plexus region can be related to the nectar cycle beginning. This can also be tied in with increased concentration, which is often associated with working at a computer. Increased concentration can cause prana to rise, which in turn can cause automatic vajroli to happen and the build-up of prana at the manipura chakra. Loss of concentration and emotional issues can be associated with the nectar cycle, as a lot of prana begins moving upwards in the body affecting the higher energetic centres.
If it is uncomfortable for you, or unsettling, then the advice would be to self-pace your practices downwards and increase your grounding practices. Bhastrika/ targeted bhastrika would work in the opposite direction, ramping purification upwards, and increasing the tendency for this to happen more often.
There is more on the nectar cycle in these links:
Lesson 133 - Nectar
Lesson T62 - Orgasm, Vajroli and the Nectar Cycle
Lesson 379 - Swallowing Air
Lesson 304 - Diet, Kundalini, and the Nectar Cycle
“What is Amrita?” Podcast on YouTube
And self-pacing downwards is discussed in these links:
Lesson 69 - Kundalini Symptoms, Imbalances and Remedies
“Managing a Painful Kundalini Awakening” - Podcast on youTube.
Thank you for you answers ! I don’t think it’s related to the nectar cycle at all, because it’s stress caused. I’m convinced that witnessing what’s happening could be of great help definetely. Love Niels,