I hope someone can guide me with this query and I thank you in advance.
At the age of 12 I unknowingly started practicing vajroli mudra, pulling a strong contraction
In the genital region. Over the years it became increasingly strong to the point where I can infinitely delay ejaculation. However, I believe this has resulted in some tension in the area. Whenever I try to practice mulabhanda, vajroli engages due to its strength. It is hard not to contract all these muscles in unison.
So my question is if there are any energy disturbances I could have created through haphazardly practicing this over the years and also how I should proceed with applying mulabhanda to the spinal breathing pranayama. Any recommendations fo balance out any disturbances I may have created through masturbation with holding back by contraction of vajroli?
Best regards
Hi Mapachochacho,
Welcome to the forum!
The golden rule is to self-pace downwards if you are experiencing anything uncomfortable or painful that you believe may be caused by your spiritual practices. In this case, if you are experiencing tension in the region of the genitals and this is uncomfortable, then reduce any practices that could be causing this. In your case it could mean reducing tantric sexual practices and reducing mulabandha and vajroli mudra. If the tension continues you may need to cut these things out all together for a while.
Once you find a stable level of practice where there is no discomfort, then remain there for a while. It can take some time for a new habit to become established. Then, if you are still stable after a few days or weeks, you could gradually try re-introducing these practices again.
Welcome Mapachochacho
There comes a point when vajroli becomes automatic in a yogi, and prana is stirred up the shushumna naturally. This is what Yogani refers to as “the flywheel effect”, where the chakras are easily experienced with little or no attention/intension. If you choose to continue using mulabandha, perhaps dial way back on engaging it. Tension in and of itself isn’t “bad”, it could just be a sign of the body purifying; the indicator that you are overdoing it will manifest in your everyday off your meditation seat. Any moodiness, discomfort, or unusual/unsettled feelings that persists means you should self pace. Stability is the fastest way to realize the Divine.