A prayer in oneness

I have a ritual each morning… I light a candle and burn incense and move around my workplace praying and blessing the store… I love practicing my catholic prayers especially the rosary which has been with me for years… These last couple of weeks my view to prayer has changed somewhat… When i light the incense… I imagine it as the ego burning in front of divinity… And the blessing is from the one to the one… This has been my practice for these last two weeks and i usually blow off the candle at the end and ask for smthg… But today while turning off the candle i felt like my ego was evaporating… And yes it did… And before or after i cannot remember… I saw myself sitting on a chair but similar to sitting on a throne and someone was bowing in front of me… And in this sufi rapture I didn’t feel no shame or shinness in it which is unusal in me… For i was the impersonal… Godhood… Saintliness pure and simple… Unbound and without any fault… I was whole… This was a sufi shatha/rapture I am sure… All has melted in the one… No one is worshiping anyone… Love is loving itself :pray: Love pure and simple only is. If one understands himself, he understands the world. There is nthg but God.


Beautiful, Thank you for sharing! :pray: :heart:


Lovely ritual and experience, my friend. Peace and blessings to you :pray:

I really enjoyed your explanation of your morning prayers Ananda. I too am a baptized Catholic, though not a devout Catholic by any means.

Witness and witnessed becoming one. Still an aim and the journey has been beautiful so far with everythjng included. Slowly but surely. As Yogani puts it so wisely. It’s a marathon and not a sprint.