Do let me know if this is not the write platform to post this. I do have a blog where I post whatever I write.
I, me, mine.
Just me, only I.
I fell, I cried.
I fell on you, and you dried
your tears. I only saw mine.
Always me, I,
That’s it. Only my
anger, fear, dried tears. I said
I understand your pain.
I tried to see the glass I broke
but felt only the shards. I lied.
You? What about mine?
Only me. Am I
Ouroboros actualized? It?s funny
that I glorify. I am spineless.
I raze myself, self-sabotage. Snake personified.
I am the snake who
convinced them of the apple. I
want to blame someone else
but it?s only me. I am
snake, Adam, and Eve, all tied.
I am the snake that
is under no control. Shiva
had the snake wrapped
around his neck but mine
strangles me, spitting venom. I am
the snake which bites itself, I cry.
I, me, mine.
A venomous snake that injects
me with my venom. My
tail in my mouth. Needless Ouroboros,
I don’t want to bite.
Poetry and ouroboros welcome here .